PMC 51km Desert

PMC 51km Desert v1.9.2 for ArmA 2 Combined Operations.

This is 51km x 51km desert terrain for ArmA 2 (no, doesn't work with ArmA 1), includes three airbases, 46 cities with mostly war torn ruined buildings, 53 villages, 3 airbases, dirt road network, two lane highway, 6 harbors and 6 oilfields.

Mapview and Mapview with features.

Screenshots: image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5, image 6, image 7, image 8, image 9, image 10, image 11, image 12, image 13, image 14, image 15 and image 16.

PMC Apache Realwar on PMC 51km Desert v1.6 video and Multiplayer video with v1.7

Its size is 51.2km x 51.2km. This terrain is absolutely huge. This is four times the size of Everon and Nogova terrain sizes...

In the current build there is 291,358 objects (125,000 houses, 88,000 pieces of roads, 16,000 rocks, 19,000 bushes and 36,000 trees, etc). So clearly it is not an "empty desert map" at all.


--- fixes v1.9.2
- south harbor only crane in blok100 floats, fixed.
- airbase (south west) taxiway objects are wrptool placeholders, removed.
- west central (musheer) signal is bottom of the ocean, fixed.
- west central (musheer) harbor crane in blok100 floats, fixed.
- two trees on road, north-east just above shinnar city, fixed.
- tree on road, just below *rmel, north of nayyir, fixed.
- rock on road city34m bayyan, fixed.
- uwais (third city from south west towards east), tree in road, fixed.
- top left corners mainland terrain intersects map edge so it will become infinite shit, fixed.
- south of nayyir/village 36 some odd not road but some circle painted into satellite!? (photoshop pixel resedue?), fixed.
- samir/city 28 m, (north of capitol; 22k,33k) old buildings inside other buildings, fixed.
- top left corners terrain intersects map edge so it will become infinite shit, almost all of the small isle, fixed.
- halil/city 35, building in road, center street north, fixed.
- harbor south the pier starting block has hole in it, fixed.
- harbors check that the water line is not creeping beyond the pier object, done.
- harbor south several objects aligned wrong way, like their backside is towards the ocean, fixed.
- harbor north east few objects aligned wrong way, like their backside is towards the ocean, fixed.
- jaaved oilfield has a huge ditch on east side, smoothed out.
- east big harbor ground its just tiny bit too high, overlaps with ags bloks, the containers on the far edge, fixed.
- south harbor add few more cranes, done.
- north west harbor large gap between southern end-block piece and the main harbor blocks, fixed.
- north west harbor end pieces (blok100_e) were uhm broken, fixed.
- north west harbor ground level is too high, fixed.
- north west harbor add signal, done.
- west central (musheer) ground level is bad, you can see water between blok100 and ground, fixed.

--- fixes v1.9.1 un-released
- satellite texture ugly city backgrounds removed
- some objects sunken into ground, fixed.
- white / gray texture issue when using large viewdistance, fixed.
- cannot zoom into 4 digit map grids, fixed.

--- fixes v1.9
- satellite texture/mask adjusted for new port 6.
- port 4 terrain elevations and object alignments fixed, no more water creeping through piers.
- port 6 created to the south east coast (still bit wip, roads missing, finer tweaks etc).
- pmc\pmc_51km_desert\data\layers split up to pmc\pmc_51km_desert_data_layers_02
- pmc\pmc_51km_desert\data\layers split up to pmc\pmc_51km_desert_data_layers_01
- pmc\pmc_51km_desert\data\layers split up to pmc\pmc_51km_desert_data_layers_00
- pmc\pmc_51km_desert\data split up to pmc\pmc_51km_desert_data
- port 3 employee housing added.
- water towers added to modern cities.
- gas stations added 7 of them, mostly intersections, but also close to cities.
- airbase 2 added guard tower / gate for the road.
- airbase 1 added guard tower / gate for the road.
- elevations in north-west corner have ridiculous values, fixed.
- elevations in north-east corner have ridiculous values, fixed.
- city 19, tree on a road, fixed.
- airbase 2 modern green and tan hangars, why two different colors, fixed.
- airbase 2 modern hangars, they are back to back, aircraft cant enter the second one, fixed.
- city 05 added western exit from the highway.
- light poles added to port 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- light poles added to oilfield 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- light poles added to modern cities; 25m, 28m, 30m and 39m.
- city 29 missing a road piece on north east corner, added.
- rock on a street in city 09, fixed.
- bush on a street in city 09, fixed.
- next to northern airbase there is leftover copy paste buildings, fixed.
- city 39m, has leftover copy paste buildings, fixed.
- road at village 38 had misplaced piece, fixed.
- city 46, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 46, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 45, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 45, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 42, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 37, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 36, house on a road, fixed.
- city 36, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 35, houses on a road, fixed.
- reverted back to 2009 wrptool object placement (city 34m repeated house placement gone).
- city 32, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 28m, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 25m, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 25m, rock on a road, fixed.
- city 25m, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 23, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 23, rock on a road, fixed.
- city 23, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 22, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 22, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 22, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 21, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 21, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 20, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 20, trees on a road, fixed.
- city 20, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 18, separated road konec piece, fixed.
- city 18, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 18, bushes on a road, fixed.
- city 17, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 16, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 16, bushes on a road, fixed.
- city 15, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 14, house on a road, fixed.
- city 14, rock on a road, fixed.
- city 14, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 13, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 12, bush on a road, fixed.
- city 11, trees on a road, fixed.
- city 07, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 07, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 05, houses on a road, fixed.
- city 05, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 04, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 03, house on a road, fixed.
- city 02, tree on a road, fixed.
- city 02, house on a road, fixed.

--- fixes v1.8.1
- pmc_terrain_obj migration to the new chopped up version.

--- fixes v1.8
- class names (map location names), villages changed to namelocal, that brown name tag.
- grid config, map zoom levels improved.
- satellite texture resolution increased from 12800 to 20480 pixels.
- satellite mask resolution increased from 12800 to 20480 pixels.
- pmc_skybox_remove addon requirement added (pmc rattler, pmc rugen and this will now require it).
- location names changed to middle eastern sounding ones instead of city01 and village01 types.
- added three new desert grass types in the clutter.
- reduced number of grass clutter probability.
- reduced number of rocks clutter probability.
- reduced sand cfgsurfaces roughness (cars should drive faster, again)

--- fixes v1.7
- satellite texture cleaned up a bit.
- surface types (sand/asfalt etc) are disabled as cars drive full speed on rough terrain, fixed.

--- fixes v1.6
- roads missing from satellite texture and mask, fixed.
- no clutter of any kind, fixed.
- class names LocationLogic CityCenter missing, fixed.
- xyz heightmap tweak in l3dt to make ocean more deeper, fixed.
- ambient wildlife missing, fixed.

--- fixes v1.1
- pmc_terrain_obj is now separate addon/download.
- pmc_51km_desert_obj renamed into pmc_terrain_obj.
- pmc_51km_desert_obj_cfg renamed into pmc_terrain_obj_cfg.

--- fixes v1.0
- pmc_51km_desert_obj config separated.
- terrain selector picture improved.
- mod / expansion picture added for main menu.
- map grid upgraded to 8 digit system.
- ils (automatic landing system) was not working, fixed.
- config class missing errors fixed.
- satellite texture upgraded from 8192x8192 up to 12800x12800 resolution.
- pmc_rattler_obj merged into pmc_51km_desert_obj.
- signatures with v2 keys.
- textures missing from pmc_51km_desert_obj, fixed.

--- fixes v0.4
- first ArmA 2 release! August 10th, 2010.
- ported terrain to work with ArmA 2 visitor 3.
- ported ArmA objects used in the map (no ArmA 2 buildings used).
- corrected proper AGS addon requirement config.

Work In Progress

Please note that this terrain is work in progress. Many of the cities are uncompleted and still with random object placement (looks bad), harbors and airbases aren't tweaked.

What is complete?

What this means is for example city locations on the terrain are set, we do NOT delete/move cities therefore if you make missions with the current release, next release has the same cities there without fear of them being moved/deleted. Individual building placement might change, but for example roads inside cities will not change.

What is NOT complete?

Two big cities are 50% done meaning they are clearly and visually partial. These are "city 34 M" and "city 39 M". However city 39m is now populated with buildings, decoration is still missing. Its completely usable for missions now.

The capitol city of the terrain is completely undone at the moment. It consists of two cities in fact, "city 26" and "city 24 M" which are planned to be merged and most likely the whole area you see now used by them, will be the outline of the capitol city. Yes its going to be mind bogglingly large.


We are planning that perhaps couple of more harbors would suit the terrain fine as there is so much of that coast line unused now.

Fourth airbase... not sure, dunno if there is really need for one, perhaps a airstrip for small planes. Any suggestions would be welcome, please post them to our forums.

Change city location names to something more real world than just numbers. Any naming suggestions are welcome.

Required Addons

ArmA 2 Combined Operations (ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead).

AGS Industrial Pack, AGS Port / Harbor Pack, PMC Terrain Clutter, PMC Terrain Objects and PMC Skybox Remove addons. Take a note that these are ArmA 2 versions!


Just copy the addon pbo's into directory of your choice and use -mod parameter to launch ArmA 2. For more details read HOWTO Install ArmA 2 Addons.


This terrain is work in progress (WIP), we have been working on this since OFP times back in year 2003 when we first experimented with 51km terrain (results were really stutter and long loading times). It has been under development in a project name called PMC Desert Hardcore and has been seen on few screen shots in PMC Tactical forum posts.

It was not earlier than 2006 when this terrain started to shape up and we first time believed that this might actually start to become something playable in game. In 2007 we had real first playable missions with this on ArmA and ever since we had strong believe that this terrain will change the course how missions are fought in ArmA 1. No more those 1km sandbox children games... this is the big time here.

Unfortunately ArmA 2 sneaked upon us before we get around to the first release of this terrain for ArmA 1. We could have jumped right into ArmA 2 but decided we need to do things with the original plan and that calls for ArmA 1 release.

Almost to the day one year later, the first ArmA 2 release was done. Now the development of this terrain continues on ArmA 2 / Operation Arrowhead.

Is this PMC WRP Demo?

Is this PMC WRP Demo?

No, it is not.

There are two releases from PMC which might be bit confusing, they are ArmA PMC WRP Demo ArmA 1 and PMC ArmA 2 WRP Demo terrains. These include "PMC Desert 51km" terrain, which is not, I repeat NOT the same as the terrain of which manual you are now reading. Yes the terrain is pretty much the same, except some harbor and airbase parts. They do use the same design doc and backbone, but PMC 51km Desert is now the real "finished" terrain with months and months (if not years) of work put into it while the PMC WRP Demo's are just ugly skeletons thrown together with our fabulous tools.

We apologize about the similar nature of these three (rather two actually) releases, however we tried to come up with catchy and suitable name for this real "PMC 51km Desert" terrain but could not find one. Sorry but we just have to focus a bit when designating which terrain are we referring to now :)


Please send bug reports or other feedback so I can try to improve this port. To make sure feedback reaches me, register to PMC Tactical Forum and post there.

Notes to Mission Makers

Notes to mission makers. We are well aware that working on missions for a addon/terrain that is WIP is quite scary, as the next version might completely ruin your cool mission. Well unlike in the OFP history we will not simply delete whole cities or do drastic changes that might completely make your missions unusable.

However it might be good to keep note that all object ID's will definitely change on the next version. Building placement will change on those unfinished cities. More fences and decorations will appear on the unfinished cities.

Only place we can see direct frustrations would be a finely tuned cutscene inside a city streets, there in the next version there might be a fence, plants, rubbish container or similar object to block the camera view. So we urge a caution when doing editing as the example here in the unfinished cities.

If you just place markers and triggers on city centers and place troops, those should cause no problems on the next version, even if some troops are inside a moved/newly placed house, its very easy to move them slightly in mission editor when tweaking the mission.

In a nutshell; don't be scared of doing missions for this terrain, we are mission makers too and know how things work.


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