Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

PMC Tactical forum discussion

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Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake_Man »

This topic name was "Forum closed for new users" but I changed it now to show we are OPEN for new users.

We have gotten few spam posts on some "bots" or "robots" recently and clearly there has been some such users registering here in past few weeks/days.

So from now on, PMC Tactical forum is closed for new users registering by themselves, only admins can add new users to the forum. Edit: But we are open now again :)

If you are reading this without account to this forum and you truly want to be a user here posting messages, then feel free to contact me on IRC at #WrpTool channel, or email me into flashpoint at nekromantix and of course the dot com to finish the address (write some clear PMC Tactical Forum into the subject line so I dont delete your email along with the daily spam).

I'm very sorry for this, but the lame spam just got too much for me, this is where it all ends.
Last edited by Snake Man on 2009-06-05 04:40:55, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: edited forum topic so it wont mislead people looking at it quickly.

Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake_Man »

Now I want to try if the PRE-Registration really works. Its used all around I think, you register as new user with valid password, you get email from PMC Tactical and activate your account from there. I have no clue if these spam-bots can click the link automatically, lets hope not :)

So, all new users are welcome to join again. There is going to be much more PMC OFP stuff in the near future so its nice new users can join.
Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man »

The new phpbb forum is now set to have new users validated by Admin.

Actually I'm not sure what it means, but I hope it now stops the spam bots and fucking spammers. We'll see how it turns out. The first post of this topic still has valid contact information, so if you cannot register, use that info to contact us.
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Post by Raptorman »

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Post by Snake Man »

Thanks Raptorman, I'll keep those in mind. But I think the board is apparently in the mode that admin (me) can only activate new accounts, so no matter what the spammers cant get to post to annoy you real users. However many times the spammers actually didn't post here, they just registered with their WWW page being the the spam, which was weird. How many users here check the profile of new users? Eh.

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Post by Snake Man »

The spammers kept coming... and I had it. Forum is now officially closed for new users.

If anyone wants to register, admins have to do it manually. So ask in email, other forum or IRC if you want to have account in PMC Tactical forums.
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Post by Snake Man »

As the forum is closed for new users, anyone who wants to have an account here needs to email me or private message me on some other forum. Send me your login name, preferred password and email address.

My email is tactical at our-domain-name and you can reach me on IRC at #WrpTool channel, or from few forums; BIS forums, Frugals world, FreeFalcon forums or in CoC forums.

With that amount of contact info, I dont think anyone can have any problems contacting me and getting account arranged here. PMC is very happy to welcome any and all OFP, ArmA and Falcon 4 community users.
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Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake Man »

When the new forum software phpbb3 olympys was installed I left the registrations open to a new users as there is quite nice graphical questions and stuff to remove any bots/robots trying to spam. However real persons of course still get in and real persons can post spam which happened twice now.

So again, the forum is open for new users which have to go through all the graphical questions etc... but ultimately the account activation has to be done by me. I will not activate anyone's account who don't post a Private Message to me telling me a good reason why should I activate them.

So if you want to get account for PMC Tactical, go ahead and register, then PM me with few words about yourself why you should get account here.

Any new users just registering and not posting a PM to me withing few hours, will be deleted.
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Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake Man »

I just discovered that if a new user registers to our forum, they cannot access even a private message (PM) inbox (user control panel) as they are not let in before admin has activated their account. I don't like this as the original plan was to have users register normally, then send PM to me explaining who they are and after that I'd be activating their account so they can start to post messages normally.

I apologize to everyone who's registered but could not do anything including posting a PM, while not getting any emails from me. I didn't know how the forum registration process really worked before I tried it myself, now I know. :oops:

So nothing's changed on the new user perspective, except that now I'll be monitoring all new registrations closely and anyone not totally looking like a spam bot, will get email directly from me asking why they want to register into our forums. So when you register and get the email, please answer it for prompt forum account activation.

Hopefully this method is now the final one and which we will be using for months (if not years) to come.

Thanks :)
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Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake Man »

Well it wasn't... :(

I've had it once again... we kept getting like 20+ spam bots registering daily, they could not cause any damage to the forum with their spam as admin has to validate them and no regular users can see them, but monitoring the new users registrations became just impossible task with this amount of spammers, try to pick up a genuine user from that amount of trash, impossible.

So now, once again (how many times has this happen by now?) PMC Tactical is completely closed for new users, if you want access, please email me and ask!

My email is the same old, pmc at pmctactical dot org, should be no problem for anyone to get in touch with me.

Please don't get confused, we welcome new users, we want new users... its just that we have to do the registration manually as the spam bots ruin it for everyone. So please join up by requesting account using email.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience, once again.
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Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake Man »

I just purged about 5 PAGES of new users from the queue, there was only 2 real users and 1 that is still pending on evaluation (email sent to him).

See, that's the reality of new user registration queue in phpbb3 forums nowadays, spam bots & robots are massing their attacks.

Anyways main thing is that the forum is open for new user registrations, its just my pain to sort through the mass of spam bot accounts and delete them.
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Snake Man
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Re: Forum closed for new users

Post by Snake Man »

Another 6 (six) pages of new users purged from the queue, they were all spam bots / robots. What a fun! :x
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

I was bit busy the last few days because of ArmA 2 release, so the registration queue got long again, I think it was 8 pages now and on those pages we got only four (4) real new users registered. Spam bots galore!

Who said its painless to run a forum :)
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

I am very happy to announce that the spam bot problem has been solved!

Thanks goes to Lone Wolf, our beloved linux guru who always gets the tough configurations done, thanks man, your work has been appreciated through out the years.

We upgraded to new phpbb version and installed anti spam bot mod which seems to work perfectly. Before the install we got like 30 spam bots per day, since the install we have gotten only valid users. This makes me very very happy.

Now, everyone register! :)
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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

To follow this topic over the years; new user registrations to PMC Tactical forum are now, again, closed ;)

After installing v3.1.3 forum software, it dropped the mod's that had new user registration spam bot detection systems. Over the last few years we ran the forum with those and during that time very few, very few new users registered who actually posted...

So now with the forum upgrade those mods are not in use and I closed new user registrations due spam bots... (it was actually funny, after upgrading and doing some finishing touches forum already got like 5 spam bots registering hehe) and because no new users post anything, I see no reason to work on the new user registration setup.

If there are some new user who genuinely wants to come here to post, I've explained it hundreds of times how to contact me and ask for an account.
Important PMC Tactical Forum New User Registration please read new info here.

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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

As the story continues, new phpbb installation and new spam bot new user registration settings in place so registrations are open once again.

Ping pong around we go in endless circle ;)

There is now question displayed to registering user, its specific PMC or ArmA/Falcon 4 question which no low life spammer would know. Although I'm not sure if the questions are too harsh for newbies as how would they know all such specific questions, hmm dunno... maybe I need to tweak the questions to be bit more easier. Anyways hopefully this time the new spam bot prevention setup will be effective.

Oh well at least it should prevent spam bots entering and allowing genuine new users register.

Since we moved domains our new email is pmc at pmctactical dot org and PMC Tactical contact page has been updated today.
Important PMC Tactical Forum New User Registration please read new info here.

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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

It was over a decade ago when this useless new user registration loop begun, today I have again closed the forum for new user registrations and deleted all new users who have not been posting anything. Since couple of days ago some spam bot site or something discovered how to get through our new user questions and we got like 10+ new users.
Important PMC Tactical Forum New User Registration please read new info here.

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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

Its that time of the decade, another forum new user registration settings update ;)

In early 2024 PMC Tactical forum seems to be under slow but steady spam bot attack, not talking about any DDOS type hammering but every day we get 5+ new spam bots registering user accounts here, every single day. This is fine for you legit users as you never get to see any damage from these spammers before I weed them out, so that is a good thing. However its a daily chore to delete those spambot accounts and gets pretty tiresome after a few weeks.

Forum new user registration includes questions about our editing and game playing activities, this is slightly a problem because now besides Falcon 4.0 and ofp/arma series, PMC Tactical forum also covers the farming simulator game series. So ofp/arma guy might have never even heard of this "stupid farming game!?" (like me with FS17 heh) and farmsim guy never once played some shooter game or flown single hour in combat flight simulator for that matter.

But technically any new user registering can find the answers in PMC websites, yes it is very annoying to go dig through google to find something just to register into the forum, but I just have no other technical solution right now to prevent mass of spam bots getting into the forum areas.

Just now I added three additional even more tough questions into the new user questionnaire, they are kind of tough ones but on the other hand, if a human being has brains and its not a busy spam bot nigerian price money scamming scumbag, they will definitely find the answers.

I am really sorry for all of you legitimate users who want to register here to put you through these tough questions, I really wish there was some other way to prevent bad people to do bad things (spammers, bots etc), but this is the world we're living. I'll keep working on the problem to find more easier new user registration solution.

If you are a legit ofp/arma/farmsim person who desperately wants to register into our forum but just simply cant get past those tough questions, you could try to find my email and contact me directly, I don't use discord or twitch anymore, sometimes I do login to twitch so I can watch and chat with my favorite streamers, buddies actually, but its so random it probably wont help, I do login to ofp/arma bis forums though so if you're from that community just send me a private message there, unfortunately I do not have giants farmsim forum account. I welcome each and everyone to our forums I'd love to have good game editing / playing discussions with you and help all the new people wanting to get into editing, so don't lose hope if you cant get through forum new user questions, keep at it, google, search, educate yourself. Also I'm on the community every single day, so ask around you might meet someone who knows how to contact me.

Once again, I'm so sorry for these tough security measures, but I have to prevent spam bots ruining fun for all of us. I hope to see you all on the forum asking questions or posting answers, sharing new knowledge with like minded folks :)

For contacting me use; PMC Tactical contact page (just check it out), bis forum account, github page.
Important PMC Tactical Forum New User Registration please read new info here.

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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

Updated new user registration questions, it now only lists the question what group runs this web site, this question have been cracked by spam bots so I'm assuming the flood gates are again open, but dunno what else to do as since my previous post in february 2024 there has been two (2) users who got through previous question, maybe the question was just way too specific that even people in that specific gaming community don't necessarily know the answer.

I'll try to do some research to find a better spam bot prevention technique or simply better question to use during registration.

No need to worry, no malicious intent new user gets through to the forum as there are three preventive measures: 1) new user question, 2) admin activation, 3) first three posts need to be admin/moderator approved.
Important PMC Tactical Forum New User Registration please read new info here.

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Snake Man
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Re: Forum OPEN for new users (was closed before)

Post by Snake Man »

PMC Tactical Forum for the past week has been under attack of mostly russian spam bot farms, every day there is countless number of new user registrations that are clearly spam bots or fake accounts of some sorts, you know, commie scum stuff on the internet.

I have now enabled phpBB forum software "simple image" spambot prevention, I assume this doesn't work very good but at least its somewhat uniform in the general internet online community. If the spam bots keep getting through then I have to revert back to the PMC custom question which I used since february 2024 where only two (2) people got through it during the half a year it was up, which clearly means it was too difficult question to legitimate users.

Main thing is that users, YOU guys, are protected, no spam bot ever will get through to PMC Tactical Forum or at least cant cause any public topic/reply damage. However this is very stressful for me to deal with those commie scum dirtbags, it just wears on your over the weeks and months of time, its so lame, its just disgusting.

If you are a legitimate user who wants an account here but cant get through new user question, if you have no idea what the question is even about, simplest hint I can give you is that the answer is found (in my opinion) easily from a PMC website, the question I was referring to above was found from website. You could send me an email, you can find that from PMC Tactical Contact page. As a backup you can send me a private message in bis forum and giants forum as well, I'm not in discord anymore so don't bother messaging me there.

Edit 2024-12-27T12:33:00Z, hah already three spam bots registered accounts, well its clear that default simple image quiz is not working. OK will put in the difficult custom PMC question in next, what can ya do, right.

Edit 2024-12-27T16:32:00Z, oh okay so the difficult question was already cracked by spam bots, got it, now I have to come up with something new. This is what I'm talking about being stressful, why do I have to deal with scumbags like this, sigh.

Edit 2024-12-27T17:34:00Z, question changed to brand new what I don't recall using before, should be easy to find although it is unfortunately specific gaming community related, but if a person has a brain, he can find the answer.
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