Its that time of the decade, another forum new user registration settings update
In early 2024 PMC Tactical forum seems to be under slow but steady spam bot attack, not talking about any DDOS type hammering but every day we get 5+ new spam bots registering user accounts here,
every single day. This is fine for you legit users as you never get to see any damage from these spammers before I weed them out, so that is a good thing. However its a daily chore to delete those spambot accounts and gets pretty tiresome after a few weeks.
Forum new user registration includes questions about our editing and game playing activities, this is slightly a problem because now besides Falcon 4.0 and ofp/arma series, PMC Tactical forum also covers the farming simulator game series. So ofp/arma guy might have never even heard of this "stupid farming game!?" (like me with FS17 heh) and farmsim guy never once played some shooter game or flown single hour in combat flight simulator for that matter.
But technically any new user registering can find the answers in PMC websites, yes it is very annoying to go dig through google to find something just to register into the forum, but I just have no other technical solution right now to prevent mass of spam bots getting into the forum areas.
Just now I added three additional even more tough questions into the new user questionnaire, they are kind of tough ones but on the other hand, if a human being has brains and its not a busy spam bot nigerian price money scamming scumbag, they will definitely find the answers.
I am really sorry for all of you legitimate users who want to register here to put you through these tough questions, I really wish there was some other way to prevent bad people to do bad things (spammers, bots etc), but this is the world we're living. I'll keep working on the problem to find more easier new user registration solution.
If you are a legit ofp/arma/farmsim person who desperately wants to register into our forum but just simply cant get past those tough questions, you could try to find my email and contact me directly, I don't use discord or twitch anymore, sometimes I do login to twitch so I can watch and chat with my favorite streamers, buddies actually, but its so random it probably wont help, I do login to ofp/arma bis forums though so if you're from that community just send me a private message there, unfortunately I do not have giants farmsim forum account. I welcome each and everyone to our forums I'd love to have good game editing / playing discussions with you and help all the new people wanting to get into editing, so don't lose hope if you cant get through forum new user questions, keep at it, google, search, educate yourself. Also I'm on the community every single day, so ask around you might meet someone who knows how to contact me.
Once again, I'm so sorry for these tough security measures, but I have to prevent spam bots ruining fun for all of us. I hope to see you all on the forum asking questions or posting answers, sharing new knowledge with like minded folks
For contacting me use;
PMC Tactical contact page (just check it out),
bis forum account,
github page.