Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Berdyansk ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-04-05 One Day Out

2022-04-05T16:29:00Z New editing day has started. Its been almost a month of since I created PMC Ukraine Berdyansk terrain and if we are to believe this dev diary I haven't even seen it in arma3 yet. Todays goal is to finish editing and release this terrain... if there are no issues or sudden lack of motivation to do so. I just released PMC Taiwan Kaohsiung terrain and feeling great at the moment, lets do this.

Looking at my 00.txt real world data terrain tool pipeline text file, there are new object generation task and ocean coastline fixing still to do, uh oh, those are no small things to get done, especially the ocean one.

As usual return to previously made terrain always begins with arma3 in-game orientation check, just to get my bearings.

2022-04-05T16:36:00Z However with convenient timing its now my lunch break Smiley :)

2022-04-05T17:02:00Z Feeding time is over, lets go to Ukraine Berdyansk.

In-game check shows that roads.shp indeed is broken, airfield is missing class names{} pmc_names.hpp entry but has been heightmap smoothed so that looks good. Coastline in 2D mapview at least looks more or less OK, in 3D of course coastline looks like shit, water creeping to land and too much elevations above water level in the actual ocean (which is caused by GEBCO data).

Before starting to edit had to subst p:\pmc\ namespace from taiwan to ukraine root directory.

Terrain builder loaded the project up, checked that keypoints is done for the airfield (it was, apparently I just didn't copy-paste config.cpp class into pmc_names.hpp yet), then imported roads.shp shape file in.

PMC Ukraine Berdyansk ArmA 3 Screenshot

Then exported WRP, saved project (just in case, I didn't actually edit anything) and closed the project. Next copy-pasted class names{} entry from the .HPP next to WRP file into actual config.cpp pmc_names.hpp file. Now after the next binarization our airfield has a name.

Copied over latest Terrain Processor TPP Templates file with good object generation asks, plus the roads.* file copying and *.LBT file deleting bat files, edited and ran the roads bat to get roads shape files here, then started terrain processor to generate these new objects. I'm hoping it wont create more than few million so I don't need to split the shape file up to 2 x 2 grid tile setup, this is small 61.4km terrain so I don't think there are any need for that. Edit: "small" heh, well that was my thought at the time of writing it, I wouldn't really call sixty one point four kilometer terrain a "small", but heh yeah anyways Smiley ;)

Hah wrote that above paragraph and when checked out terrain processor it was already finished, oh my she was fast! Smiley :)

Objects count 1,336,296 total. Pfft, peanuts...

2022-04-05T18:00:00Z Terrain builder started to import objects, ETA only like 10-13min or so.

PMC Ukraine Berdyansk ArmA 3 Screenshot

Hmm take a look at that odd ocean coastline satellite texture bug on the background, how did that happen? Smiley :o

Hmm and I didn't even see it in-game when inspecting the coast, am I blind as a fucking bat? Was it not visible from underwater? Hmm?

Oh well it is there now and v0.1 release comes out with it, will be fixed on the first upgrade, wrote a bug/issue report about it.

While terrain builder was importing objects I switched to edit the dreaded ocean coastline water creeping into terrain issue, not my favorite thing to do especially after PMC Taiwan Kaohsiung terrain where this task had just failed, global mapper crashed.

Started to follow my tool pipeline to fix water creeping to land issue. Did the few steps and then started global mapper and created map catalog of Sat_Mask_??.png images, however at this point remembered that I need to first save them in GIMP so that global mapper exported satellite mask tiles are merged with my ocean coastline painted masks. Got that all? You follow? Good, just checking Smiley :D

Yeah I know this part of the dev diary is a bit hand wavey "get it done" style heh, but yeah.

Doing the editing in GIMP. If you can call copy-pasting editing Smiley ;)

PMC Ukraine Berdyansk ArmA 3 Screenshot

Got all the Sat_Mask_??.png images properly colored for ocean areas, then continued in global mapper to create whatever that thing was I was creating there heh.

sat_C3.png was the culprit for that one single missed satellite texture tile ocean coast, I fixed it in GIMP and saved to Satellite.Texture/ as XCF file. However... hmm do I really want to re-generate layers just for this tiny fix, its hmm dunno how many hours extra time for literally nothing, 99% of the players wont even notice it in the underwater.

Did some exprimenting and seems like global mapper crashes because the created ocean coastline shape is too detailed. When I reduced the details a great deal it works, I can generate the final ocean depth "heightmap" from the shape. Hmm interesting.

The only problem is, if I reduce details on that shape... is it going to be accurate coastline anymore or just some blocky whacky THE THiNG. No idea.

Got the "heightmap-final.asc" done, imported it to terrain builder and did the usual shuffle to get WRP exported, then started pboProject binarization, lets go see in-game how the new ocean coastline looks.

2022-04-05T20:06:00Z In-game arma3 check complete, coastline heightmap looks... surprisingly good considering its kind of fake with -3m flat elevation. It is much better option than the water creeping to land setup.

Now I saw the one missed satellite texture tile which was not painted as ocean bottom pattern.

2022-04-05T20:17:00Z Okay so cant think of anything else to fix, time to start the release procedure. I'm going to take this one step at the time, not calling out release for today or whatever, I'll edit and what happens... happens Smiley ;)

Added pmc_ukraine_berdyansk to PMC "worldSize" mission pack terrains list, with this we get bunch of missions for berdyansk.

Updated mod.cpp for new google/maps link and more accurate terrain specs data.

2022-04-05T20:31:00Z Addon pbo's bisign files generates and 7-zip release packet created.

2022-04-05T20:42:00Z Uh oh! went to take screenshots and by the airfield... saw that runway is not leveled, ok my bad I forgot to level it out after doing the water creeping to land fix, also now I realize that roads are not smoothed either.

Okay so going to delete the 7-zip release packet, and going back to terrain builder for some more work, oh well no big deal, glad I saw this now instead after the release.

L3DT imported the water creep fixed heightmap-final.asc, then smoothed out the airfield runways and exported into heightmap.asc file. Then ran terrain processor road smoothing.

Decided after all that because this release would be tomorrows task anyways, I am going to re-generate layers to fix that one annoying missed spot in satellite texture. In fact when doing that will also import the new better satellite mask too.

If you have to binarize... why not fix this missed spot issue as well.

Used graphicsmagick to convert satellite mask images first, then satellite texture images. Deleted old layers PAA files, RVMATs etc, then started terrain builder again. Updated picturemap_ca.tga image too. Then imported new satellite mask into terrain builder after first deleting all the old ones (would be crazy amount of clicks to reload from source).

2022-04-05T21:13:00Z Terrain builder started generate layers. This will take a while.

Managed to cut my hair and shave while terrain builder is generating satellite texture layers, gotta optimize time use Smiley :)

And left me still with a lot of waiting time, when got back to computer it was still running 5min on texture and who knows how long it will slice and dice the satellite mask next.

Okay starting to put those web page php files together now then. Got main homepage and changelog done, now just need screenshots and to move this dev diary into that actual web page.

2022-04-05T22:25:00Z Terrain builder finished generating layers.

Then started convert layers PNG to PAA fast bat file, this time rock'n'roll with 26 CPU threads Smiley :D


PMC Ukraine Berdyansk ArmA 3 Screenshot

Then ran separate WRP and Data bat file, all the moveObject re-pathing RVMATs/WRP stuff and then we were ready to binarize.

Started pboProject binarization.

2022-04-05T23:06:00Z Binarization done, ready for arma3 in-game check.

Everything looked fine in arma3, so took a screenshots while I was at there and settings were on ULTRA. Then begins the real web page work with screenshots, proof reading and link adding, uuh...

2022-04-06T00:05:00Z Screenshots done and added to main/screenshots page.

2022-04-06T00:09:00Z Moved localhost dev diary page content into this actual web page. Now begins the painstaking proof reading and link adding. I'm just going to chill, if this doesn't finish tonight then no worries will continue it tomorrow morning.

2022-04-06T00:54:00Z This dev diary page proof read, images verified and links added. It was okay job, not too bad, but my pinky copy-paste finger still is in agony heh.

Decided to leave release for tomorrow even though I'm still not tired or anything, but why push it, its great to start tomorrow by releasing a terrain.

Generated new bising keys, again (heh) and then just time stamped readme to new date (its past midnight UTC now) and then ran release packing bat file.

2022-04-06 First Release Day

2022-04-06T13:20:00Z New editing day has started. After waking up did usual computer chores, then had to cook food which I hate to do right in the morning heh, ate and now ready to continue editing. Nothing to edit, last night I compiled the release packet and web pages are pretty much good to go as well. Only thing to do is the release news/forum post text.

While release packet was uploading, did the news/forum post texts, got ready to commit them. Did one more typo fixes to this dev diary web page and then we were ready to go.

2022-04-06T13:45:00Z PMC Ukraine Berdyansk v0.1 has been released! Smiley :cool:

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PMC Ukraine Berdyansk: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.