Some problems im having with a new DEM

WrpTool island creator utility

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Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by smiley »

Dear WRP editors and makers.

I am having some problems with a DEM, and i wanted to post my problems here to see if anyone had any ideas whats going wrong.

Basically i have a 1024x1024 sized DEM of Afghan. Ordered it off mapmart. As we all know getting a DEM into wrp isnt the easiest of tasks. This is not the first time i have imported a dem into wrp, but on this case its really racking my brain.

The ordered dem is infact 1024x1026, so in wilbur i had to resize it, which i did, with no problems.

I then saved it as a "lon/lat" and ported it over to wrp. Now im not sure if i have lost my data along the stages, but the result in wrp is very different from the images diplayed on the wilbur screen. The wrp elevations are non existence, yet you can still see the colour difference on the elevations to where they are meant to be. Im trying to figure out how to save my 1024x1024 dem from wilbur, and then save it as a lon/lat keeping all original data elevations.

I read the wrp manual and in wilbur changed the Z axis from its original 16157.8 to 1450, but still nothing. Does anyone know the correct height caculations? Because i did leave it at 16157.8 to see what would happen and wrp managed to load some of the elevation areas.

If anyone could supply any information or suggestions that would be great, thanks

Nick Gregory

Screenshots below


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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by MI_Fred »

It does seem to me that your lowest height is not so far from the highest. Dunno if you can't input both in wilbur for the z axis cause I have never used it. I simply take Visitor into the process where I can input those values and texture the island too.
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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by smiley »

thanks for the reply, do you think you would be able to have a look at the dem? and see if it will port into visitor ok?
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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by MI_Fred »

The dem would have to be converted to ASE, the only format Visitor seems to use. If ofpec editors depot would be up I'd know if such a conversion program existed but now I doubt it. I've always used TGA2ASE. So if you can get a TGA out of Wilbur then you might be in luck. But man, it shouldn't be this hard  :D
Last edited by MI_Fred on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by klavan »

The dem would have to be converted to ASE, the only format Visitor seems to use. If ofpec editors depot would be up I'd know if such a conversion program existed but now I doubt it.
Is the program named txt2ase?

From the readme
txt2ase 0.9 by 667

program to convert text-heightfield exported from wrpedit by ofpinternals
into an ascii-heightfield-mesh suitable for import in visitor2light by bistudio

absolutely no warranty, use at your own risk and only if you know what you're doing!

for help hit the help-button of the program

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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by MI_Fred »

That sounds just about the right tool.

The catch with Visitor is iirc that you must have the lower value under 0.

What you need is an area of water which you seem to have at the borders of your map. You might want to smoothen the borders anyway since they seem to continue to the 1st cell, which is... terminal? :D

Also, there's really no need to have the lowest land height at the RL value. Just scale it down so the borders of the map will come down to a more natural level too. Tho it's afghan I'd imagine there would be rivers, those would be accessible with the compromise aswell. Unless ofcourse the mountains reach the critical height of 1500 or what was the ofp limit. Then things get complicated and I wont make any sense anymore.
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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by smiley »

Thanks for all your replys

After a 5 hour session with "trial and error" i was just editing the Z heights until the correct look was required, i ended up having to use

Min - Z= -4050
Max - Z+ 1475

That seemed to do the trick and now shes in game and looking splendid, once again thanks for your help chaps :)

Small screenshot to show you all :)

(ps ignor the fps counter, it always goes to 6 when i take screenshots with dxdll)
Last edited by smiley on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some problems im having with a new DEM

Post by Gnat »


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