a couple questions

WrpTool island creator utility

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a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

sorry if these aren't 100% wrptool related, but i can't find anyone else who can answer these questions...

- what determines the maximum possible size of a map in ofp? why 51.2km and not 102.4km?

- how can i change the size of the terraingrid, like in the typedemo island?
"When in doubt, empty the magazine." -Murphy's Laws of Combat

Re: a couple questions

Post by Snake_Man »

what determines the maximum possible size of a map in ofp?
Memory stuff. OFP "engine" runs out of memory even if your computer would have lots of mem, then it crashes with error message.
why 51.2km and not 102.4km?
Not sure I understand the question, can you be more specific?
how can i change the size of the terraingrid, like in the typedemo island?
WrpTool does not support other terrain grids than 50meters. I think the change comes from config.cpp with the terraingrid setting. Lets hope MidShip steps in and explains this for you in more detail.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

Not sure I understand the question, can you be more specific?
i was wondering why the maximum size was 51.2 and not 102.4, but you answered it nicely; thanks!
WrpTool does not support other terrain grids than 50meters. I think the change comes from config.cpp with the terraingrid setting. Lets hope MidShip steps in and explains this for you in more detail.
why does it have that faded out box for terraingrid size when creating a new island? does midship use these forums?

thank you for your help!
"When in doubt, empty the magazine." -Murphy's Laws of Combat

Re: a couple questions

Post by Snake_Man »

i was wondering why the maximum size was 51.2 and not 102.4
Largest island you can get into OFP is the 102km one, but it requires you to drop the terrain detail to very low and use -nomap parameter. Then I dont believe you can put really any objects there as it will crash with out of memory error.
why does it have that faded out box for terraingrid size when creating a new island?
Dont know, maybe Dschulle just added it there for future compatibility. Though that future  is here, not yet anyways.
does midship use these forums?
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

ok i pm'ed midship, so hopefully he will reply soon; until then, i have more questions!

- could someone explain this "wobbling" bug that i've been told happens on the larger (51.2, 102.4) islands? are there any example islands i could try to see what it is?
- i'm pretty sure the answer to this is yes, but i'm just gonna make sure: would the memory problems for larger islands (51.2, 102.4) still exist if the majority of the area was water?
- what is a low/medium/high count for the number of objects on an island?
- i want to make all of the cells below a certain elevation use a desert texture; i was able to select all of the cells i wanted using the "View->Cell Selector" tool, but i don't know how to now change the textures for just the cells selected...any ideas?
- these are the official forums for WRPTool, right? so any requests for future versions would go in here?

if so:
- make it so a person can place things in the region tool using cells selected with the cell selector

thanks for all your help!
Last edited by .pablo. on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
"When in doubt, empty the magazine." -Murphy's Laws of Combat

Re: a couple questions

Post by Snake_Man »

- could someone explain this "wobbling" bug that i've been told happens on the larger (51.2, 102.4) islands?
Its explained in the WrpTool manual. And its not only 51km and up, its already on 25km one too.
would the memory problems for larger islands (51.2, 102.4) still exist if the majority of the area was water?
There is no memory problems in 51km island.
- what is a low/medium/high count for the number of objects on an island?
Depends what you consider high. But lets state the facts, OFP only handles about 925,000 BIS objects, above that you get the out of memory error.
but i don't know how to now change the textures for just the cells selected...any ideas?
Read the WrpTool manual.
- these are the official forums for WRPTool, right?
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

Its explained in the WrpTool manual. And its not only 51km and up, its already on 25km one too.
yeah i read what the manual had to say about it, but i've never experienced it myself; does it happen on PMC Rugen/Rattler?
There is no memory problems in 51km island.
then what is causing the wobbling error?
Read the WrpTool manual.
whoops, i accidentally skipped over that part when i was reading the part on adding textures; thanks for the heads up!

for future versions of WrpTool, it would be really cool if a person could add a picture overlay to their map, so that i could add roads/buildings exactly where my satellite imagery shows them to be, rather than having to switch back and forth between WrpTool and the pictures.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by Gnat »

for future versions of WrpTool, it would be really cool if a person could add a picture overlay to their map, so that i could add roads/buildings exactly where my satellite imagery shows them to be, rather than having to switch back and forth between WrpTool and the pictures.
Maybe try something like this till that feature is added :)
http://www.download.com/DiagTransfer/30 ... ag=tab_pub
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

ah, that's a great idea! i tried that program but it didn't have the features i needed, but i was able to find one that would make any window transparent here. so now all i should have to do is line up the satellite image under WrpTool, make WrpTool transparent, and place things where they appear! thanks for the idea!
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

ok, i've gotten to work quite nicely with wrptool, but i still have two requests for future versions of wrptool:
- add an option to not have the screen re-center whenever a new road piece is placed with the road tool, as i was forced to recenter each time i placed a piece of road
- add an option to set the exact zoom level in the 2d map; i placed several objects and then was unable to recenter them all on their respective satellite counterparts, as i couldn't make minute changes in the zoom level, or record what zoom level in wrptool corresponds to a given zoom level with my satellite images.

this is so much fun, i'm going to be addicted to this for a while...

- also, it would be cool if there was an option to select the length of the road in the road tool, so it is faster to just rotate the whole thing than having to select each piece individually
- and it would be _really_ cool if a person could just trace out the path of the roads, and then have the computer place roads along the length of it, with some option to set the degree to which the computer would stick to the line drawn out (so if a person wanted perfect accuracy and was willing to have some disjoints, they could choose to have the computer do it that way).
Last edited by .pablo. on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by rvirding »

for future versions of WrpTool, it would be really cool if a person could add a picture overlay to their map, so that i could add roads/buildings exactly where my satellite imagery shows them to be, rather than having to switch back and forth between WrpTool and the pictures.
There is a workaround for this that you can use now.

WrpTool has no problems working with many ground textures. Take your picture and convert it into textures, lay them out in Wrptool, position your roads/buildings/trees/whatever and then replace the pictures textures with the ones you tend to use. This works. It also gives you the option of using your picture as a ground texture which is really a Big Win:

http://www.defencegaming.org/downloads/ ... _HKP15.jpg
http://www.defencegaming.org/downloads/ ... FP_UAV.jpg

The only problem is that OFP only supports 512 textures, if you try and have more in the wrp file things get screwed up.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by klavan »

WrpTool has no problems working with many ground textures. Take your picture and convert it into textures, lay them out in Wrptool, position your roads/buildings/trees/whatever and then replace the pictures textures with the ones you tend to use. This works.
Very interesting.
How can i do this? I mean: have I to separate the picture into 512x512 pixels squares and then convert 'em with texview?
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

wow, that's a great idea!

would you happen to know of any easy way to implement this? the map i want to use this for is 25.6x25.6km, and the only 1m resolution satellite data that i have is in black and white, so using that is definitely out of the picture. what i'm not so sure about is how to go about breaking up the map into sections to work on one at a time, while making sure that the textures are properly fitted to the terrain. any ideas?
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Re: a couple questions

Post by MI_Fred »

Yeah, I'd like to know too. All I can think of is Google Earth, but that only shows capitols and the US in high detail I guess. Otherwise atleast Photoshop grid can be modified to have grid lines every 512 pixels, but how to get a 512xhow-ever-many-squares-in-an-ofp-map  resolution image  :o

Edit: typos and missing words, the usual after a long day
Last edited by MI_Fred on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by .pablo. »

All I can think of is Google Earth, but that only shows capitols and the US in high detail I guess.
1m resolution satellite imagery for the entire united states (but in black and white):
Otherwise atleast Phothop grid can be modified to have lines every 512 pixels, but how to get a 512xhow-ever-many-squares-in-an-ofp-map resolution image
i have no idea what you're trying to say there :-?

anyway, getting back to my problem, i figure that all i have to do is figure out the formula for how ofp's 50x50 grids correspond to my satellite data (which have their own system of numbering the squares of data), and then i _should_ be able to pick any square in ofp and have the exact numbers to get the corresponding satellite image. what i'm worried about is that the satellite imagery might be skewed in some direction, making such a formula impossible. i'll have to do some testing to find out, and i'll keep this thread updated with my results.
Last edited by .pablo. on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: a couple questions

Post by Lassudrie »


I have a solution...

You must use Google Earth. In google earth select the rule option in order to trace a 50 meters line. Try to trace that line at left corner. Then go in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 and make a grid. You just have to adjust the size of the grid in order that it feet with the 50 meter line. Then you just have to select the option ajust on the grid. And... You have to cut all the 50 meters zones and make individuals textures at a right definition 64 128 256 1024... Then you have to convert them in a .paa or .pac format. Finaly you have to play puzzle in Wrptool... Tadddddddddddam ! Satellite datas are in OFP.

The only problem is that is a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very LONG work.

Good luck !

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