Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

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Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by Snake Man »

As can be read from PMC Tactical Forum "PMC websites from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server" topic I am currently in financial trouble. First I have to pay PMC web site hosting fees and then, well I definitely have no money for november 11th 2024 to purchase Farming Simulator 25 (FS25).

If anyone wants to "gift" FS25 for me I would forever remember and appreciate it.

Who ever gifts FS25 can have their alias/nick name listed in various credits pages I'm going to create to show my appreciation, like for example my first game-play story page will definitely list credits and thanks for the gifter, also most likely first terrain I'm going to create or port and release along with initial research documentation tutorials will have credits part.

What are the benefits to the person or persons who gift it? Well obviously the glory as mentioned those credits heh, and the fact that my plan is to start researching, studying and exploring FS25 files and how mods like terrains are done, I would want to have first PMC terrain in FS25 within well definitely days if not HOURS from the release, it all depends how deeply I'm immersed to just playing the game at first. I will publish everything I learn being it just game-play knowledge, terrain tutorials or even actual new playable terrain, but please understand that such terrain release COULD be delayed until giants editor (GE) is released as I assume most likely any terrains would need to be imported and saved with brand new GE, although I will try to "hack it" in any means possible to get a custom user made terrain in-game as soon as possible. Point being as soon as I get new terrain in-game then you can have it heh.

Usually "gifting" is associated with steam accounts, well I do have steam account but I will not use it other than ArmA 3, for all the farmsim games since 2017 I've always purchased directly from giants eshop to give money directly to giants instead of some scummy steam crap hole. Unfortunately I've never heard of any giants eshop gifting but then again I've never truly researched it either, I did a quick google search just now but couldn't find anything other than mentioned steam stuff. Easiest way would be to just use Support PMC link to paypal send money and then I'll go buy myself giants eshop serial key for FS25.

Here are official giants FS25 buy page and giants eshop (download) links but as said, I have not found a way to gift it from there.

I'm not sure if some of these giants affiliate/partner guys could get serial keys from giants which would work in either eshop or steam.

On the long run if nobody are interested of supporting my FS25 startup, well at some point in the distant future I'll manage to save my penny's and get that money together so I can buy FS25 myself, but this looks like its going to be 2025 most likely with those web hosting fees looming over me.

I am super excited about new Farming Simulator game even though I don't know much about FS25, I just want to get to play the new GAME, learn how to port FS19/FS22 terrains to it and document whatever I learn. Hopefully FS25 actually would be good, but whatever the case I cant wait for UTC november 11th 2300hrs 2024 when FS25 starts to work, assuming I have a serial for it by then :)
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by Snake Man »

In past couple of days I spoke with xr_renegade who has been doing FS25 give aways in his twitch live streams, I asked him about how do the giants FS25 serial keys give away things work, like does giants have some product/service/feature in their web page to offer "gifting". To my big surprise he told me that he simply purchases game (FS25) serial keys from giants e-shop and then hands over that serial key to the give away winner.

Oh wow well that's so simple I didn't even consider it, for example aren't game serial keys linked to the email which is used to purchase it, or doesn't giants have any kind of database for customer info, very strange.

So if anyone wants to gift FS25 game serial key to me, then simply check the giants e-shop purchase links from above post, buy the game and private message me the serial key :)
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by jdunn1019 »

No .. the game read the IP ADDRESS.. soo if someone have a same key from differnet pc it will say stolen key
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by Snake Man »

Back in hmm probably 2019 I asked in giants chat that can I install Farming Simulator 19 to my Gaming and editing computers, they said yes.

But the serial key activation limit (game install) must be something in the range of 3-5 times or so (who knows maybe even low as 2-4), I never counted them specifically, I have had both FS19 and FS22 serial keys go inactive few times over the years and I had to email giants customer support asking them to activate my serial again, and they did, no problems, didn't even have to "prove" anything just used the same email I purchased the game/serial. For example first time with FS22 I didn't even get to play it before I already got my fully legal serial key inactivated because win7 and win10 installation mess (its all told in painstaking detail in my FS22 Stories page).

Still nobody has gifted me FS25, so if anyone wants their nick name repeated and praised by me several times in the next couple of years in forums and stories, getting credit for it, well now is the chance :)

Currently after struggling through PMC website hosting and domain registration fees for another year I am completely broke, no money at all, cant buy the game myself, so hopefully some kind soul would gift it for me that I can get to play, study/learn and edit right from the first day in nov 12th 2024.
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by coop_63 »

Snake Man PM me I would be willing to help you out with a copy of FS25.
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by Snake Man »

A big thanks for coop_63 who has gifted me Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) game now, Thank You very much I truly appreciate this, very generous of you to help me out! :D

Like said previously I will get FS25 from the nov 11th and start learning whats changed, documenting it, sharing the newly learned knowledge with everyone, then as soon as humanly possible I want to bring in a big american PMC terrain in-game FS25 so we can have something more relaxed than claustrophobic 2km terrain to farm with :)

Thank you, I'll never forget this, hopefully I can give back to the community even more now with FS25.
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Re: Farming Simulator 25 Game Gift to PMC

Post by Snake Man »

Just purchased Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) directly from Giants website like always, received my serial key, now I'm all set for november 11th 2024 release day (UTC nov 11th, officially its nov 12th midnight 0000hrs german time) :D

Once again, huge thanks goes to coop_63 for gifting FS25 for me, I really appreciate!

I tested giants e-shop download link but there is only the same message duped three times, "will be released on November 12, 2024", OK I'll wait, but at least with previous farmsim games players were able to pre-load/download it from giants e-shop days before serial key will activate the game (release time). Guess this is to avoid massive traffic spike on their content delivery network (CDN) download servers.

Now just patiently have to wait... are we there yet??? ;)
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