There is download link - zip file include also NATO flag (all flags flipped 8-bits):
US 1
NEUTRAL 3 (swizz, austria,sweden)
PRC - UN 5 (strongly neutral)
WPACT 6 (emblem on red beckground)
Strange is, that NATO flag, I have found somewhere is 2950 in size (53*31 8bit), but all my flags (53*31 8bit) are just 2455 in size.
I did them using Photoshop...?
I did also updated maps for campaign
Here is download link (ZIP - unflipped jpgs - true colour)
have them also in flipped 8bit TGA format.
...and I am sorry for that sitting fly in bottom right corner of the AWACS screen - I wanted to beat off it first, but I thought better of it latter (look at the another scrap nearby UK

there are small crops/samples (but please check the zip file rather)
normal campaign map crop:
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab4/ ... _partv.jpg
AWACS map crop:
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab4/ ... D_part.jpg
and finally there is an optional funky screen for the red side - it is a postcard I have found about 15 years ago in my old 80 era sewn

http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab4/ ... R_1024.jpg
Dont worry , there is no strong commie propaganda. There is written something like (really fancy-free translation) - "protection of the Czech airspace is not just a task for AD(SAMS) and air squadrons/units, but also army AD units" (quite stupid statement heh, but I really loved these girls as a young boy...
