Eu terrain update

Europe theater

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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Luk »

Hi Tobi.
Just for you I did a shots of the Gripen knife fight. It was about 4-9Km hight. Today the sky was quite clear. It is hard to find Gripens in the clear sky. They are invisible most of the time, but you can see them during the hard maneuvers.
here you can see the scissors:
it is good visible how are the planes switching their sides durin the maneuver.

but to avoid offtopic:
I think, if you want to use an airbase in Eu, you should use the yelow one (yelow -transparent aura around the base). The green aura means, --the airbase is tiled, leveled, fixed(proper model), but no supply there (if I can remember correctly. I used such a setting for civilian bases - you can do emergency land there, but it is not interesting for squadron relocation)

P.S. there are a few autumn shots of the gripens:
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by derStef »

@ Tobi and Luk:

What's the status here?

I may have some time to work in this theater soon!
Tobias Adam
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Tobias Adam »

Hi Luk!

Thanks a lot for your shots! I've been busy some time. My boss told me to take some free time because it would be "not so much work during february and march" but the opposite happened. I've been away for almost the whole month :lol:

Nevertheless, I got it working in FF5.5, but... I used FF5.5.3, they got now FF5.5.5 which I am downloading right now. It is very hard to keep it up with the latest version. Anyway, I will keep the te_new.tac and will try to get that hill top issue fixed. I am still working to get FreeFalcon running on my laptop to work on it when I'm in the hotel, but things are quite difficult. The only thing I got running on that thing is command & conquer, tiberian sun :lol: So, I will try it out on the weekends.

I do not dare to start working on a campaign yet. First, I will mark all those hilltops and try to find any SAM objective for those when I upgraded to FF5.5.5. Then, I will check those in 3D flight to see what happens... But until now, I did not find any SAM objective number in FF5. And nobody will tell me :cry:
So, it is basically trial and error what is going on then.

So, the status is: The te_new.tac is up 'n' running for FF5.5.3 and I think that it will work on FF5.5.5 too, but without the hilltop objectives. Still, there is a lot of work going on by luk's side with leveling the air bases and retiling around airbases. The auto tiling looks very good right now.
@Luk: We will need to test every airbase with the AI landing and departing on it, F-16's and some bomber type. We had some trouble on bologna airport back with the balkan theater, so every airport near the alps for example might have difficulties with the AI crashing or missing the runway because the dive gets too steep.

Best regards,
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Luk »

Stef wrote:
What's the status here?
The status is WIP. With kind Tom's permission, I have aded some additional terrain transitions. Here are few sample images:

Today I have stitched two L2 terrains using the terrain view. I was not sucessfull, when terrain editor used (but its for another topic). The whole terrain is tiled now, but I am continuing the handwork. I am focused on naval bases as well. I did some research about the Baltic/Scandinavian naval bases few months ago, but I will be thankfull for any resources (rather graphical :) ).

some few WIP terrain shots
there are so many lakes in Sweden

I like X1 coloured shalow waters around the Finland..

The Baltic area is full of islands, but the smallest ones I will add during the hand pass...I am looking forward to hunt the corvettes and gunboats among the islands... :mrgreen:
the Norway area is full of deep fjords...

Tobi wrote:
Luk: We will need to test every airbase with the AI landing and departing on it, F-16's and some bomber type. We had some trouble on bologna airport back with the balkan theater, so every airport near the alps for example might have difficulties with the AI crashing or missing the runway because the dive gets too steep.
I checked the AI landing at some very dramatic places and I can say AI AF pilots are clever in such a stressfull situations. But the base should be setted properly in the station.dat file I think.
Tobias Adam
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Tobias Adam »

Hi Luk,

pretty good work so far!

Well, the balkan theater was back in those days with the SP series. I think they improved the AI a couple of times since then and I also noticed they are better with the approach and terrain avoidance now. If you say it's OK then we don't need to.

Btw.: I got those hill tops fixed to at least to some degree. I exchanged those with SAM sites, and it works fine. They even fire on me. Unfortunally, for examply Aue in eastern germany does now have two SAM sites. I am still wondering how to solve this one. Anyway, it is working without deleting objectives and without crashing the game. We are making progress on this one.
I also do not know wether there is a difference in the AI handling hill tops and SAM sites or not.
Anyway, the more time you spend on it, the more beautiful it gets :D

Best wishes and a nice weekend,
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Luk »

Hi Tobi,
sorry for very late reply.

To the SAM objective - It is more than 1,5 year ago, I placed these realistic SAM objectives in central area. I used multiple objectives in some cases(but none of them overlaping). There are usually 2-3 objectives in case of SA-5 site for example. There are multiple batalions per site - each has own objective. There were even 5 batalions per SA-5 site in russia if i can remember correctly. in case of Aue - I placed just one SA-2 battalion there in the cam file. So multiple sites issue is probably a bug caused by your conversion process here...
I think AI handles the SAM sites and hilltops the same way - SAM sites have just PT points feature I guess - means you can define where to place radar, where particular launchers etc. I case of hilltops it seems to be random, or rather based on generic placement. But the effect is literaly the same IMHO.

I am very very busy by RL work this year, so the progress is quite slow
The Norway coast is not finished yet, also colour tinting almost unused (I want to make the coastal rock very green in many areas...(make smoother transition to the forrest)
additional transition sets allowed me to add many small lakes:

Tobias Adam
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Tobias Adam »

Hi Luk!

I've been away for some time in estonia, I'm in Riga right now waiting for my flight back to frankfurt.
Looks very good again. I think there is some problem with just porting the hill tops all to SAM sites- it leads to what you have described. I will have to find some number that works out.
In FF5.5, I had some success. But I will be away the next two weeks as well, so nothing will happen during that time.
But I think I might find it out in the nearer future. I have some hope for july.
If you want, you can also send me your new tac/ cam file on my email, so I will work on the newer file. Perhaps some "conversion script" could be used for transition between F4AF and F4FF5.5. Until FF5.6 comes out...
The first step is done, is does not crash anymore. Now comes the eye- candy :D

Have a nice weekend!

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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Luk »

Hi Tobi,
I hope you had good flight.

Although I sat in the pit of smaller planes a few times (even drived 2engin plane over the Prag once hehe ),
I flied in the big jet only once(Prag-Milan and back). It was an old Tu-154 - I was beside the window and watched an amazing Alpian scenery.

I still evoke that spectacular landscape, especially the Italian lakes......
If you want, you can also send me your new tac/ cam file on my email, so I will work on the newer file.
I did a plan and outlined the main road system in the central area according to my campaign idea around the Xmas. I was very close to polish and finish the first campaign that time (it is a few evening work to check the objectives and finish the links of this network). But then I decided to work on the terrain and database. The ability to tweak some vehicles opened totaly new possibilities. I can have the true static Pershing/Temp-S stations now (nuke shot -> dead batalion). These "deathpoints" could make campaigns much more interesting. It is the similar idea like the heavy armed taskforces in the sea (also "unpassable" without air support). So mentioned (and the RL work pressure) leaded me to make just few realy valuable (if any) changes in the "tac/cam" since the last(Xmas) release. Most of tweaks were just tests of the new units and their iteractions.

I will try to shut up for some time now :wink:

Last edited by Luk on 2011-10-05 08:08:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by molnibalage »

Will be usabe this update for FreeFalcon? MolnyFalcon is "done" I'm ready to apply my DB for another theaters.
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Luk »

Will be usabe this update for FreeFalcon? MolnyFalcon is "done" I'm ready to apply my DB for another theaters.
I am sorry for late reply, but I am deep in RL work now. But yes, the terrain works in Freefalcon. It is just a little bit more complicated in case of objectives (cam). Tobias is FreeFalcon guy here.

I have flattered all the coastline using the terrain mask - 5 min process. There are also some new island types, but the color tinting is still almost untouched...
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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by DewDog_2 »

Now that ITO2 is out the door I have had time to take a look at your latest Europe 0.6.1.

Found some errors in the installation to FF. I have made the fixes.

te_new.tac and stations.dat also needed quite a bit of attention and I have adjusted those as well.

Who is in charge of the development package so I can pass on these files and have direct communication on them?


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Re: Eu terrain update

Post by Snake Man »

That would be me. I'm happy to accept any edits anyone has made.
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