Eu mod for AF

Europe theater

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Eu mod for AF

Post by Luk »

I will introduce Eu coldwar mod for F4AF in this topic.
I will describe campaign goals and the whole idea including background later..

just few pictures now ( I will delete them later):
Image ... ECHYNE.jpg
Image ... PILSEN.jpg
Image ... LSEN_2.jpg
some of bases are composition of airstrip and main AB
It is more realistic as u can see in GoogleEarth.
I place heli squad on airstrip usualy. It works fine.
I like it because I can practicise AC wing emergency leaving the AB, as it was in many excercises (Schield 1984 etc)
72 ACs in less then 5 minutes...
I hope I will have enough pilots for it. Only few my friends are able to fly old red ACs...they are all so westernized :roll: :mrgreen:
For FF or OF it is possible to use main AB only. As well as for "full scale" scenario.

Image ... LOVICE.jpg
Image ... SUMMER.jpg
Image ... ic_RYB.jpg
I will send a question to Tom if hi-tiles user can substitute his tiles with hi-tiles...

"L39" - you have sure recognized italian trainer :lol: (I have used "PrOpHeCy's" desert skin as template) it is the only unwraped bitmap I have found (AF model is untextured). So I am sorry for use it. I will totaly repaint it including patchwork in case it would be "licence" problem... just for testing now
BTW I need to edit loadout for "L39". I have an idea to redirect it to Mig17 loadout insted of edit each single hardpoint.
Hope Sherlock will help me as he always did :)
Image ... R-PRAG.jpg

One of the most enjoyable thing in whole theater is, there is no Amraam in scenario.
It is realy pleasure to hunt agile F16 with Floggers, as well as dogfighting F18/F4 with Fishbed.
The King ot the hill is Tomcat, an only fighter with active homing missiles.

Aero Vodochody AB
Image ... ODY-AB.jpg

BTW - the most important for me is, that it is stable
I can fly 10 test mission, no ctd....I can also disable procesed mission and retur to 2dUi...I can switch to win and back as many times I want...
It only CTDs while exiting to windows, but if I wait for about 10 second after ending campaign (in main 2dUI) AF exit normal way. So I have feeling to not be in hurry is enought to avoid ctd...

must go back to work...

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Re: Eu mod for AF

Post by Sherlock »

Luk wrote: Hope Sherlock will help me as he always did :)

must go back to work...

Luk, I'll be glad to help you where I can... :)
Victurous te Saluto

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