There is an other nuke plant in Slovak republic (East part of Czechoslovakia in 1985)
It is situated about six miles north from Trnava.
Nukeplant is fully operational since 1984 ( part, second block since 1985) ... &z=14&om=1
Second Slovak nukeplant Mochovce
is situater here: ... 58787&z=13
But it works since 1998, 2000...
By the way, I have complete Czechoslovak 1985 OOB for aircrafts prepared now - if U want it
Next thing is, I want to offer my help to You in therrain creation process.
Wanna work on whole Czechoslovakian, Swizz and part of German terrain.
My first "manual" attempt was very interesting for me (for understanding problems), but unuseable for such a large area. (But I thing that Work is not lost, we can import these areas at the end

I realized, we must organize the work through the bitmap areas (for Cate)- no news for You.
Now I work on big bitmap, divided to layers (water, forrest1, forrest2....snow etc.)
I can help in the future with texture creation and 3D modeling too (over 10 years experience), but have no experience with putting it together...quite common problem here I think. I looked at texture tutorials it doesnt look so hard like datbase work.
I have much more at my heart, but it is for an other toppic. Sorry for putting it here. Will be back soon in new toppic - if You accept.