nuke plant in Slovak republic

Europe theater

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nuke plant in Slovak republic

Post by Luk »

Hi Snake Man

There is an other nuke plant in Slovak republic (East part of Czechoslovakia in 1985)
It is situated about six miles north from Trnava.
Nukeplant is fully operational since 1984 ( part, second block since 1985) ... &z=14&om=1

Second Slovak nukeplant Mochovce
is situater here: ... 58787&z=13
But it works since 1998, 2000...

By the way, I have complete Czechoslovak 1985 OOB for aircrafts prepared now - if U want it
Next thing is, I want to offer my help to You in therrain creation process.
Wanna work on whole Czechoslovakian, Swizz and part of German terrain.
My first "manual" attempt was very interesting for me (for understanding problems), but unuseable for such a large area. (But I thing that Work is not lost, we can import these areas at the end :)

I realized, we must organize the work through the bitmap areas (for Cate)- no news for You.
Now I work on big bitmap, divided to layers (water, forrest1, forrest2....snow etc.)
I can help in the future with texture creation and 3D modeling too (over 10 years experience), but have no experience with putting it together...quite common problem here I think. I looked at texture tutorials it doesnt look so hard like datbase work.
I have much more at my heart, but it is for an other toppic. Sorry for putting it here. Will be back soon in new toppic - if You accept.
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puzzlehead Luk

Post by Luk »

ohhh Sorry,
I wrote it in "Special objectives / sites / targets"
topic, but pressed bad button. :oops:
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Post by Snake Man »

Yes of course we are interested of any help we can get. If you want to tweak some Europe terrain, hey great.

So you would like to tweak the terrain and perhaps later some textures (tiles)?
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Post by Luk »

Snake Man wrote:
So you would like to tweak the terrain and perhaps later some textures (tiles)?

Now I lack for snowcaps, rivers and lakes.
These features are the most important - for appearance and navigation clarity.
So in the first stage I want to ask you for big BMP file of theatre (U use for CATE).
I have my own, but it is exported from TV and I am not sure it match your bitmap sharply.

Later wanna flattern all lakes and rivers in area of interrest. Here I want to ask, whether do you have some experience handling F4 elevations using greyscale bitmap. I know CATE can do it and can export it too.
I can do it (check and flatter water) by hand in TV, but if we can handle this by bitmap - we can modify landscape cover independently.

Do you have some CATE script(config) for river in the city?

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Post by Snake Man »

Luk wrote:Now I lack for snowcaps, rivers and lakes.
These features are the most important - for appearance and navigation clarity.
We can make all those with the korean tileset, there is snowcaps also.
So in the first stage I want to ask you for big BMP file of theatre (U use for CATE). I have my own, but it is exported from TV and I am not sure it match your bitmap sharply.
Yeah the TV import is no good, I'll have one for you.

There is Europe_CATE_conf_files.rar and now Europe_CATE_bmps.rar for you.
do you have some experience handling F4 elevations using greyscale bitmap.
Nope. We use CATE to adjust the terrain.
Do you have some CATE script(config) for river in the city?
Located in the above link.

One word of caution though, keep detailed list of changes and coordinate with me so the "project wont get out of hand" so to speak, I would hate to have you working hard and when you present the stuff for me I just laugh and tell you sorry this is not what we wanted. If you know what I mean. So speak up for all the changes and we're all good.

Basically you can adjust the BMP and conf file to prepare the terrain, you should not do any Terrainview terrain modifications by hand at this stage, we only work on the CATE conf files before we finalize the terrain and THEN we do the last edits by hand.
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Post by Luk »

Ok, I will be nicy. :wink:
I have looked at it. I am a little bit suprized by that black
pixels scattered inside light grey-green colour (180,190,140) and city areas.

I will analyze the bitmap and compare to real F4 terrain. But now I am at work and I have not F4 here. (But I dont think the terrain can help me, because pure black(0,0,0) is located in central cities and ocean bank too??? )

Do you have some legend of map(colours)?
If not I will grapple with prob.

I want to fix some rivers too.
When I tried to analyze them(in past) I saw
this stairs pattern is not necessary (I am not wrong - hope)

Code: Select all


This works well with CATE too....doesn't it?


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Post by Snake Man »

If you refer the black pixels to the europe-cate.bmp file, it is saved with incomplete config file, which means (if I'm correct heh) the black dots are terrain types/tiles which are not configured in the conf files. I was just lazy to edit configs properly, just decided to put that image in the rar anyways.
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Post by Luk »

hmm... I compared your BMP to mine old one (I did with my *.tdf and TV). Elevations pixels are exactly the same. But rivers, Cities and other features are slightly different. Sometimes moved about 1 pixel. All your rivers are more wide with "stairs(zigzag)" diaqonals. Is it on purpose? Did you make it later in Photoshop? My river-pixels are often conected only in the corners. Is it good for CATE?
Did you paddled(outlined) cities polygons by one pixel too?
The cities in my BMP are smaller. I was wondering during flying your theater, why there is to little space among the cities.

In your europe-cate.bmp there is missing quite big part of rivers - due to cities. I want to make layered image, where we can change order (so nothing is missing, only sometimes hidden). But mine *.tdfs are little bit different(not exactly centered).

Please send me your tdf files - river, roads and cities.
I will do new layered bitmap using them(matching your bitmap).
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Post by Snake Man »

Luk wrote:All your rivers are more wide with "stairs(zigzag)" diaqonals. Is it on purpose?
Nope, but I think they are done with different util if I recall correctly. The previous ones were donet at 2002 with DEM2LF and these new ones are done in 2007 with Dem2Terrain.
Did you make it later in Photoshop?
My river-pixels are often conected only in the corners. Is it good for CATE?
The features comes from the TDF files, not from bitmap. Did you see the TDF editor by Seifer btw?
Did you paddled(outlined) cities polygons by one pixel too?
Nope, no padding by hand. All comes from TDF's.
Please send me your tdf files - river, roads and cities.
Here they are Europe_TDFs.rar.
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Post by Luk »

Thanks for TDFs
The features comes from the TDF files, not from bitmap. Did you see the TDF editor by Seifer btw?
I have seen that editor. It looks nice and useable for some spatial purposes, but not for what I want to do.
Its good for adding some new features or fixing few major errors in current tdf. But for some fine work with rivers and lakes it has quite big vertices(even in max zoom). And it opens European TDF file a few minutes on my PC. When I click on vector I have to........ wait. When I zoom.................wait(very long time). Too much vertices are there.

I hope, CATE can save some new TDF from bitmap...?

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Post by Luk »

Is this usable in CATE please?

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Post by Snake Man »

Luk wrote:I hope, CATE can save some new TDF from bitmap...?
Nope, it just autotiles stuff from the TDF files and thats it. We can create everything from bitmap also, but heh that would require us to configure each and every tile in there and then using each and every specific tile-color in the bitmap to draw the new terrain with features.

I mean imagine doing a road or river with straight, curve, end, split etc parts, oh my...

For making larger rivers, like big/huge rivers in Europe, we just fake it by making them a ocean (sort of) like in Korean theater. So I think it would be best if you start by drawing the locations of the big rivers and the lakes that are missing now.

The image you posted... umm I think I answered pretty thorough in the above already, also I'm not 100% sure what you want to do with that image. There is obviously road and river, but dunno what the dark green part is etc.
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