Europe Theater v0.5 released!

Europe theater

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Snake Man
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Europe Theater v0.5 released!

Post by Snake Man »

Europe Theater v0.5

larger image

Download PMC_Europe_Theater_v0.5.rar - 16.7mb
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2: twaelti 1
Mirror 3: twaelti 2
Mirror 4: bigupload
Mirror 5: megaupload
Mirror 6: mediafire
(Thanks to Couby, Twaelti and everyone for hosting)

This is buggy developer version of PMC Europe Theater release for Falcon 4 Allied Force and RedViper (should work in OpenFalcon too but I have not tested, Couby hint hint). This version comes with full exe installer and there should be no problems installing it (unless you are AF only user when the installer fails). It has few nasty bugs so thats why its developer only, please do not submit any news/forums posts about this theater to anywhere else as the common users in public do not understand theater dev stuff and I dont want to read their bitching posts about how buggy the theater is. I am not kidding about this, in AF this theater is pretty much unplayable.


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--- bugs
- pak map image missing, but pak is configured properly.
- small islands should not have farmland tiles (no roads/population)?
- save1 (hardest, bottom) campaign is missing/empty, didn't get it to work in time.
- all campaigns crash on sim exit, does not effect normal gameplay.
- eastern edge, terrain features missing, russia or something else?
- payerne airbase is on top of a bridge, (yellow team).
- coastlines need terrainview + tacedit check and coordination.
- bergen is bit cutoff terrain/road wise.
- BA102 DIJON LONGVIC airbase on top of a bridge.
- Drachten airfield is too short
- AB unleveled at x=198.26, y=1111.29, z=-930.83.
- Hungary there is the Balaton, a big lake without water.
- SE from Aviano AB. Sea is growing up, coast directly before Rijeka AB.
- fix the terrain in alps?
- RedViper B52's cannot takeoff from Wonsan type airbase in Europe campaign(s).

--- fixes v0.5
- AB unleveled Koln-Bonn, fixed.
- AB unleveled Cameri, fixed.
- AB unleveled Fritzlar, fixed.
- te_new.tac is incomplete, fixed.
- latvia/lithuania objectives are doubled, fixed.
- added two nuke plants to finland, olkiluoto and loviisa.
- finished all links to whole theater.
- CATE AB configuration for many airbases fixed.


Delete any and all old Europe theater installs. Read the readme and manual in the release rar but remember that manual is quite outdated by now. Run the PMC_Europe_Theater_v0.5.exe file and choose either RV/OF or AF install depending on your Falcon version. Remember that the installation takes a long time to complete and is extremely heavy on the system, be prepared not to do anything on the background and to reboot your computer after the install is complete. If you're AF only user, the installer will NOT work for you.



We are looking for bug reports and feedback, if you are interested of helping to edit this theater, just let us know, we will welcome any and all help being it research, bug testing or actual editing. Report all bugs into the Europe v0.5 bug reports topic.

We will answer all your questions and then some. If you do not have account in PMC Tactical, you need to email me so I can create one for you (new user registrations disallowed because of too many spammers). Email me to pmc at pmctactical dot org address or contact me at Frugals or FreeFalcon forums.

And finally the readme:

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	Falcon 4 - PMC Europe Theater

v0.5 released May 5th, 2007.

This version is really a developer version as there is quite few nasty bugs which the average joe would not understand. Please do NOT submit news/forum posts about this theater to anywhere else, you are free to discuss this in PMC Tactical forums or with persons whom you know are developer types who understands what it takes to build a theater. This release it not meant for the public!

We have the new User Interface (UI) for all falcon versions in this installer, mainly its fixed for AF and OF leaving RV quite empty. OF even has the background image for main screen and campaign. RV has brand new UI file-system so its quite empty, just the basic items are included. All the campaigns will crash on exit, terrain tiling has quite some errors. Worst problem is that AF while in 3d gets buffer overrun error (a CTD) at some point. As you can see, this is quite developer release but at least we now have one single exe installer for all three different falcon versions with UI, the development from here goes easily and we can drop in quickfixes if they help (like campaign crash fix etc). It was just important to get this theater into the devs now and not next year.

Having said all that above, the theater is still enjoyable to fly with RV, I have flown many OCA and SEAD Strike missions against in the middle campaign. I havent had any CTD's in 3d with RV so far (I have tested mostly with RV since AF has the CTD bug).

There is the old PDF manual included in the download package, its pretty much unchanged from the last release, I just changed few addresses and basic info. If anyone want to contribute for the manual, I would be very happy. Let me know in the forum if you want to help document this theater.


--- bugs
- pak map image missing, but pak is configured properly.
- small islands should not have farmland tiles (no roads/population)?
- save1 (hardest, bottom) campaign is missing/empty, didn't get it to work in time.
- all campaigns crash on sim exit, does not effect normal gameplay.
- eastern edge, terrain features missing, russia or something else?
- payerne airbase is on top of a bridge, (yellow team).
- coastlines need terrainview + tacedit check and coordination.
- bergen is bit cutoff terrain/road wise.
- BA102 DIJON LONGVIC airbase on top of a bridge.
- Drachten airfield is too short
- AB unleveled at x=198.26, y=1111.29, z=-930.83.
- Hungary there is the Balaton, a big lake without water.
- SE from Aviano AB. Sea is growing up, coast directly before Rijeka AB.
- fix the terrain in alps?
- RedViper B52's cannot takeoff from Wonsan type airbase in Europe campaign(s).

--- fixes v0.5
- AB unleveled Koln-Bonn, fixed.
- AB unleveled Cameri, fixed.
- AB unleveled Fritzlar, fixed.
- te_new.tac is incomplete, fixed.
- latvia/lithuania objectives are doubled, fixed.
- added two nuke plants to finland, olkiluoto and loviisa.
- finished all links to whole theater.
- CATE AB configuration for many airbases fixed.


1) Run the PMC_Europe_Theater_v0.5.exe and choose RV/OF or AF.


If you're AF only user, this installer will NOT work for you as it expects to see original Falcon 4 registry entries. Feel free to check our forums for fix.

Please take a notice that the LxNormalFix utility is very heavy on your computer, it will cause approx 780mb memory usage so if you're short on memory get prepared for very heavy swapping by win. Its most likely you cant do anything else while the installer run and then you have to reboot your computer. Also if you install to RV or OF there is additional SeasonSwitcher which takes long time to run also.

We are looking for bug reports and feedback. More details can be found at PMC Tactical forums in this theater area where all bug reports should be posted.

We will answer all your questions and then some in the forum. If you do not have account in there, you need to email me so I can create one for you (new user registrations disallowed because of too many spammers). Email me to spam my ass address or contact me at Frugals or FreeFalcon forums.

May 5th, 2007.
PMC Tactical 
Snake Man, PMC.
Enjoy (the development).

PS. Some of you may have noticed my frustration during the last days of Europe development, I am still completely exhausted about debugging the campaign and by miracle I got it working, but even now the hardest campaigns (bottom one of campaign buttons) is not available simply because I didnt get rid of the CTD on it. I want to get this theater out there, I would have wanted it to be more stable, but now its really for developer types only. I would want some help on figuring out the remaining issues on the campaign here as honestly I'm lost, I've reached the limit of my campaign understanding here. Also I'd like to say as you can read from the upcoming v0.5 topic, that I had tons of fun in RV flying the development campaign (without bridges, this release however does have the bridges), it never crashed on me or had any other problems, that is one reason I want to get this out and not just keep it sitting here on my desk. But please understand what you're sticking your hand into, this is far far from stable theater and many things are missing/bugging etc.
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Re: Europe Theater v0.5 released!

Post by Doc0301 »

Snake Man wrote:Download PMC_Europe_Theater_v0.5.rar - 16.7mb
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2: twaelti 1
Mirror 3: twaelti 2
Mirror 4: bigupload
Mirror 5: megaupload
Mirror 6: mediafire
(Thanks to Couby, Twaelti and everyone for hosting)
1. I downloaded the first one on your list (After first deleting the previous version). What do the others mean? How do I know I have v.0.5? Looks the same to me on first sight.
2. Where are the F-16 AMLU from the Belgian Air Force based? I hope in the BAF Airfields... Can't find them, though

BTW I fly OF. Tried Europe v0.5 once. Map is all wrong (Looks like Balkans). Not possible to fly IA. Only Campaign.
Snake Man
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Re: Europe Theater v0.5 released!

Post by Snake Man »

Doc0301 wrote:1. I downloaded the first one on your list (After first deleting the previous version). What do the others mean?
Uh, mirrors? They are places to download to the first one dont get that many download "hits" and go down or something.
How do I know I have v.0.5?
Umm, because the filename says so, readme says so?
2. Where are the F-16 AMLU from the Belgian Air Force based?
I dont think there is those on this version, I think the tacedit/f4browse designations for those are different, I never seen "AMLU" designated F-16 in there, so if you can specify what else could it mean in tacedit/f4browse wise it would be helpful.
BTW I fly OF. Tried Europe v0.5 once. Map is all wrong (Looks like Balkans). Not possible to fly IA. Only Campaign.
Then your install is broken, delete the Theaters\Europe\ directory and reinstall.
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Re: Europe Theater v0.5 released!

Post by Doc0301 »

I dont think there is those on this version, I think the tacedit/f4browse designations for those are different, I never seen "AMLU" designated F-16 in there, so if you can specify what else could it mean in tacedit/f4browse wise it would be helpful.
They are designated as F-16 AM-BE (see: ckptart). And there are several BAF skins available in Tactical Reference that can be flown. As far as I know only in Balkans Theatre, though (Pula Airport, 730th Fighter Squadron)

Where do I find f4browse? Tac_edit i found
Then your install is broken, delete the Theaters\Europe\ directory and reinstall.
Sorry, IA is possible, but region map looks like Balkans. Same in Campaign, although airfields are UK, France, Holland, etc...
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Post by Doc0301 »

You mean there are no Belgian F-16A MLU's (F-16 AM-BE) in the European Theater, or are there no F-16 MLU's at all? That should be rather strange as almoust every F-16 flown by the European Air Forces (Belgium, Holland, Danmark, Norway) has undergone the MidLife Update.
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Post by marvin157th »

No I doubt that.. I have not flown any other version then OF for the last couple years, so I am not sure about this, but... Only OF has all these MLU variants of the MLU F-16. Thus when this theater was designed, it might not be using the database from OF. All you need to do is use TAC EDIT and edit, or add a new F-16 squadron of whatever MLU you prefer. It's that easy.

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Post by Doc0301 »

marvin157th wrote: All you need to do is use TAC EDIT and edit, or add a new F-16 squadron of whatever MLU you prefer. It's that easy.
Thanks m8,

Problem is that's all like chinese for me. Could you elaborate more? Is there a tutorial somewhere? Found the Tac_edit, but what now?
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Post by marvin157th »


If you can't do it, I can do it for you, but you will have to send me the cam files as I do not have Europe loaded..

Contact me via PM and we can go over it.

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Post by Doc0301 »

Thanks for the offer m8. Much appreciated !!

Here we go: the cam files ? :oops:
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Post by Doc0301 »

marvin157th wrote: ... or add a new F-16 squadron of whatever MLU you prefer. It's that easy.
Perhaps this info is usefull:

BAF has 4 operational F-16 MLU squadrons

2 Squadrons in "Kleine Brogel" AB (10th Tactical Wing):
31 Sq "Tiger"
349 Sq "Goedendag"

2 Squadrons in "Florennes" AB (2nd Tactical Wing):
1 Sq "Stinger"
350 Sq "Ambiorix"

It sure would be awsome if the squadrons could be "added" this way. I have no clue at all if this is possible.

Thanks anyway
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Post by Sherlock »

Doc0301 wrote:
marvin157th wrote: ... or add a new F-16 squadron of whatever MLU you prefer. It's that easy.
Perhaps this info is usefull:

BAF has 4 operational F-16 MLU squadrons

2 Squadrons in "Kleine Brogel" AB (10th Tactical Wing):
31 Sq "Tiger"
349 Sq "Goedendag"

2 Squadrons in "Florennes" AB (2nd Tactical Wing):
1 Sq "Stinger"
350 Sq "Ambiorix"

It sure would be awsome if the squadrons could be "added" this way. I have no clue at all if this is possible.

Thanks anyway
Yes, they can be added with their number designation but not their name. However, you can add their specific squadron patch to show in the UI when you select that squadron number from the campaign entry screen.

Also, the .CAM files that Marvin (aka Jody) was talking about are found under your \theater\Europe\campaign directory. There should be three of them:

good luck!
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Post by Doc0301 »

Yes, they can be added with their number designation but not their name.
Great !!!
However, you can add their specific squadron patch to show in the UI when you select that squadron number from the campaign entry screen.
How exactly do you do that? Help !!
Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man »

Keep this topic for Europe v0.5 release discussions only.

Doc0301, you can read our tutorials as they explain what youre asking here. If you have any questions further about the tutorials, post new topic on the terrain or theater tools section if there is not already suitable topic.
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Post by Doc0301 »

Sorry Boss,

Was getting carried away. Are continuing in PM.


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