Europe Theater installer for Open Falcon

Europe theater

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Europe Theater installer for Open Falcon

Post by Couby »

Europe Theater v0.4 for Open Falcon

This theater is conversion from the original PMC theater from 2003. Since January 2007 PMC has returned to theater development and this theater will be getting new version in the near future. We would like to hear any bug reports you might have so we can fix them.

Please use this following topic to report bugs:

For any more details, you need to check the PMC Tactical web page and forums.

January 14th, 2007.
Snake Man, PMC. (204 Mo)

The size of the installer is a litle bit bigger than the original one, but SPTinstall, Lxnormalfix and textures compression have been preprocessed.
So the installation process is really fast (compared to what I had with installers making all these process).

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