Mexican Theater comming up..

Terrain / Theater editing

Moderators: Lone Wolf, Snake Man

Posts: 31
Joined: 2003-09-25 22:01:01
Location: Mexico City

Mexican Theater comming up..

Post by Twister » 2003-09-27 07:19:00

Hi everyone:

We "just" started a new theater, i say "we just" because we have a great progress on it thanks to snake-man and viper-man , we're at the tremendous work of tiling the whole 135 x 135 theater , yet , we're very happy working on it ,and we're very entusiat with this project of mine, a lot of people has joined so far!

We already use cate and the original korean tiles to make our first flights on the theater , however , we want 512 tiles on it, 'till then ,, stand by for a pic ;) .. Thanks to all of you who has pushed us thru the whole envelope , we promisse this will be a great theater ,, One question.. is it possible to make the campaing actually work? just as if when you take a city , campiang ends?

Thankz in advance ;)


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Re: Mexican Theater comming up..

Post by Peled » 2005-12-10 03:05:00

quote:Originally posted by Twister:

One question.. is it possible to make the campaing actually work? just as if when you take a city , campiang ends?

Thankz in advance ;)

F4ITDG-Israeli Theater Development Group (retired) .

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