Old Falcon 4.0 SuperPAK Theaters

Falcon 4 general discussion (please no editing discussion)

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Old Falcon 4.0 SuperPAK Theaters

Post by ajthenoob »

Hello All,

I'm curious if anyone has these files (and more) archived - the PMC theaters from the Allied Force and SuperPAK days. If anyone does, please let me know :)
Snake Man
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Re: Old Falcon 4.0 SuperPAK Theaters

Post by Snake Man »

I should have stuff in DVD backups for those ancient SuperPAK theaters, only problem is that none of my computers have DVD drive anymore. I have one in my hardware closet, but hmm wonder if any of my motherboards even have IDE connectors anymore.

What I'm trying to say that yeah on the long run I do have some Falcon 4.0 historical archives, but to get them online is completely another matter :)

If you have or find something, please send them on my way, I could create some f4 archive torrent mirror from any such historical files.
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