RingoSurf wrote:I did some testing and I noticed that in some cases the old file stations.dat is better: for example, in the Ramat David base the new file does not work correctly.
another test I did with Queen Alia International : with the new stations.dat file it's possible to select the right TACAN channel but not possible to contact the tower however
in some others air bases, Hatzor for example there's no differences between the two stations.dat files
Maybe the file is not correct for Allied Force?
than you
Hi "RingoSurf" .
Let me help you my friend , because you are confused .
The “stations.dat” file by me works perfect and we are talking for Falcon 4.0 Allied Force . You just don’t know some things and you think that is not working correctly .
First of all , at Falcon when an airport hasn’t a TACAN station then you can’t communicate with airport’s ATC (tower) .
Second , when an airport belongs to a not allied country , then you can have indications at HSI instrument when you set a TACAN channel and you are in range of it , but you can’t communicate with airport’s ATC (tower) .
Third , F-16 is a military aircraft and can have indications from TACAN and VORTAC navaids (bearing and distance) . Last from VOR/DME can only has indication of distance (and not for bearing) . So when someone (like myself) creates the “stations.dat” file for a theater , searches data from real world and then gives to that file the correct values , which means that if an airport in real life has for navaid a TACAN or VORTAC or VOR/DME then at Falcon will have the equivalent channel . But if the airport has other navaid (like NDB) or none , then at Falcon has also no navaid .
Now for your questions we have :
1) "in the Ramat David base the new file does not work correctly" .
In real life “Ramat David” and “Hatzor” hasn’t a proper navaid (TACAN or VORTAC or VOR/DME) or Israel didn’t publish one .
you can check here :
and here :
So i give no navaid to my “stations.dat” file .
2) "Queen Alia International : with the new stations.dat file it's possible to select the right TACAN channel but not possible to contact the tower however" .
In real life “Queen Alia INT” has a VOR/DME with ID QAA and channel 099X , so i give 099X to my “stations.dat” file .
you can check here :
Now in order to communicate with airport’s ATC (tower) , simply create a tactical mission and set the owner of “Queen Alia INT” to blue side and then fly with Israel side , or set the owner to red side and fly with Lebanon or Syria side .
Finally check that you have download the "stations.dat" file from here :
from section "Israel stations.dat file for Allied Force" and replace the original one to ....\Battlefield Operations\ITAFMk2\Campaign\Israeli folder .
For any other info , feel free to ask me . If I know , I will help you .
See you my friend .