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Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Luhansk ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-02-25 Satellite Texture / Mask

2022-02-25T04:02:00Z New editing day has started, well actually it started about an hour ago already when testing what is wrong with roads.shp file, in short its Global Mapper saving. Had to terrain builder import/export roads.shp so arma3 accepts them, go figure whats wrong with my global mapper export.

Now roads.shp is fixed and normal roads and airfield runways work fine.

Terrain builder loaded the project, then in layers manager objects tab removed all buildings and meadow layers. Saved project and CTRL-E exported WRP.

Was kind of shocked to see the WRP export dialog, it reported 11 million objects, whoah! Now that is whole lotta objects Smiley :)

Then moveObject re-pathed WRP file and started pboProject binarization. I should have done the satellite texture/mask before doing this binarize to save time, add more edits before wasting time binarizing, but oh well I want to confirm that building objects have been removed, also meadow terrain type bushes got removed.

Also I have problem with hard disk drive (HDD) space, got only 78gb free in my editing disk and its very much likely that 81920 satellite texture and mask with all the additional temporary files would eat good portion of that space. So hmm, I might have to delete donetsk temporary files before proceeding, which is kind of scary as what if I needed to go back and do some tweaks before release, but well I dont know what those tweaks would be so I cant sit here and worry about stuff that its not worth worrying.

Edited mod.cpp for v0.3 and formatted it more "clean" heh.

2022-02-25T04:29:00Z In-game test shows there are still bushes on farm fields, damn. In terrain builder there was some grass layer which might possibly be where these bushes are located, need to investigate the Terrain Processor project files.

But at least randomly placed buildings are gone now.

Decided to start working on the satellite texture/mask next.

2022-02-25T04:50:00Z Global mapper loaded luhansk project up, then created map catalog for the 2022 ArcGIS 17 level download satellite imagery, then opened OpenStreetMap (OSM) shapefiles and cropped them to areas and roads.

2022-02-25T05:01:00Z Finished reducing road lines feature count. This was another odd feature set, it was something like 10k features and the next removed feature type in line plummeted it to 1000 features heh, oh well at least its light weight roads.shp now but honestly its kind of big drop. Might need some tweaking.

2022-02-25T05:19:00Z Global mapper satellite mask OSM areas have been painted, started exporting Sat_Mask_*.png 8 x 8 grid tile images.

2022-02-25T05:47:00Z Global mapper finished exporting Sat_Mask_*.png images. Now started exporting satellite texture tiles.

ETA for this task to finish is whopping 2hrs 30min roughly. Uuh we wait ...

2022-02-25T08:49:00Z Global mapper finished, ran graphicsmagick darkening (Darken Merge Picturemap Satellite Texture Tiles) and satellite mask fixing, then started terrain builder and now importing satellite mask.

2022-02-25T09:00:00Z Now started to import satellite texture (Sat_Tex_*.bmp images).

2022-02-25T09:29:00Z Finished, then saved project and started to generate layers.

Forgot to write it but got everything done and terrain addons binarized.

2022-03-05T08:42:00Z New editing day has started, quick edit to add latitude/longitude config.

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