This is changelog for PMC Ukraine Luhansk ArmA 3 real world data terrain by PMC. All editing developments fixes with dates (if possible) are included. Our changelogs are simple copy pastes from our bugs/issues list, they do sound a bit odd but this is the way we do things, if you don't understand what some specific changelog entry means, contact us.
Unfortunately the first detailed changelog entries were written in 2020, I have no records for spring of 2017 editing when this project was created
- initial release
- terra incognita downloaded ukraine luhansk arcgis 16 level
- terra incognita downloaded ukraine luhansk arcgis 17 level
- airfield 1 elevations leveled
- airfield 2 elevations leveled
- airfield 3 elevations leveled
- location names added
- airfield temporary runway texture added (also in mapview)
- 6,644,079 vegetation and building objects added
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita satellite download 1 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita satellite download 2 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita satellite download 3 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita satellite download 4 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px
- ukraine luhansk terrain builder generated layers
- ukraine luhansk pboproject binarization
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita grid 1 downloaded
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita grid 2 downloaded
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita grid 3 downloaded
- ukraine luhansk terra incognita grid 4 downloaded
- ukraine luhansk roads.shp ignored by arma3 fixed
- ukraine luhansk terrain processor randomly generates bushes on FARM FIELDS, removed
- ukraine luhansk terrain processor randomly generated buildings, removed
- ukraine luhansk mod.cpp is missing version number
- ukraine luhansk arcgis 17 level 1m/px satellite texture/mask added
- ukraine luhansk mod.cpp says satellite source
- ukraine luhansk lat/lon coordinates missing
- ukraine luhansk airfields heightmap not smoothed
- ukraine luhansk obj_forest objects generated
- ukraine luhansk heightmap.asc roads smoothed
- ukraine luhansk v0.3 released
PMC Ukraine Luhansk: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.