2022-02-28T04:25:00Z New editing day has started, already got terrain builder up, created airfield_runways shape layer and drew runway poly lines, also assigned ID/ORDER to them.
This should have been done in global mapper I guess, it feels so stupid to edit ID/ORDER database properties in terrain builder.
Then imported roads.shp and exported it back out again due some global mapper config issue I'm having right now which generates bad shape files for arma3 to read on.
Below screenshot shows how SRTM 1-arc-second 30m resolution heightmap data often looks like.
Now you wouldn't want to land a aircraft on that runway now would you
2022-02-28T04:35:00Z Used L3DT to import heightmap.asc and L3DT_texture_map.png, then 3D sapphire heightmap tools smoothed out all airfield runways so arma3 aircrafts can easily operate there.
Then merged airfield_runways.shp with roads.shp in global mapper, now this most likely broke the roads.shp again for arma3, but well yeah I tried UTF-8 codepage in the save settings so lets hope that helped, if not I'll just do another terrain builder import/export shuffle.
Hmm looking at my real world data terrain tool pipeline, there is nothing to do expect update requiredAddons config.cpp entry and pboProject binarize PMC Editing Wiki: search "binarize", hmm. Nice.
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