Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Donetsk ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-03-05 Smooth Airfield Runways

2022-03-05T07:32:00Z New editing day has started. Bug report lists airfield runway is not properly smoothed meaning the ends are either buried to ground or elevated (difficult to explain).

Created L3DT project by importing heightmap.asc, however when I was looking for L3DT_texture_map.png it was nowhere to be seen, not even in global mapper dir, so apparently... I didn't create it. Luckily the 4096 x 4096 pixel resolution PMC-Satellite-Large.png image worked fine.

The L3DT_texture_map.png is 8192 x 8192 res, so dunno if there is any details lost with smaller res image, at least it felt like importing faster.

Once L3DT exported new heightmap_airfields_smoothed.asc I imported it to terrain builder and rebuilt terrain, then exported WRP which has 4.364 million objects.

Then did latitude/longitude config using global mapper and PMC Editing Wiki guide.

Deleted all terrain builder object layers except obj_forest to get rid of the stupid bushes on farm fields. After some studying I decided to delete even the obj_forest and just re-create all the forest tree lines.

Also smoothed roads heightmap.asc.

Terrain processor generated new forest tree line objects, with that particular TPP file it came to 2.1 million objects which is only half of what we had before, mainly because the stupid bushes got removed. For 81.9km terrain that amount of forest objects is very low, but guess it depends on how much farm fields there are as those cut down tree count a great deal.

Once terrain processor was done I obviously imported new objects and heightmap.asc.

2022-03-05T08:36:00Z Number of objects in WRP file now 2,160,403.

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