2022-04-11T20:56:00Z New editing day has started, actually editing YEAR. Just released PMC Poland Krynki and now eyeballing the next terrain on my tool pipeline 00.txt list which is PMC Taiwan Taichung. Finished reading above dev diary to catch me up with latest developments, looks like this terrain has crazy big forest OSM areas as they generate that many objects, even with hectare density of 40, interesting.
I have list of fixes to do, but dunno how far this is going to go today, already feeling a bit exhausted, tired maybe, from todays prior editing and releasing.
Loaded project up in terrain builder, scanned satellite texture through and spotted airfield without keypoints so created that first. Then created poly line for airfield runways.
Exported airfield_runways.shp into pmc_taiwan_taichung_data\roads\ directory, loaded it in global mapper and set ID/ORDER values, exported back out. Then imported roads.shp to merge the two shape files and exported back out to roads.shp so that airfield runways are in the same file.
Terrain builder imported this newly saved roads.shp and exported right back out again so it will now work in arma3.
Copy-pasted the pmc_taiwan_taichung.hpp airfield keypoints class names into pmc_taiwan_taichung_cfg\pmc_names.hpp config file, now our airfield has a name in arma3 2D mapview.
2022-04-11T21:18:00Z But now I'm really exhausted and tired, just struggling to edit so decided to take a break, to muster up some energy/motivation once again...
2022-04-12T02:29:00Z Just writing a note that break is over and I have absolutely no motivation to continue this or other terrain editing right now, mind is blank, cant get anything productive started, mainly checking out arma3 multiplayer missions if I could find something interesting to play on. I definitely do not plan on returning to this terrain earlier than tomorrow, I doubt even as soon as that... Burnout is no joke, folks
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PMC Taiwan Taichung: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.