Dev Diary PMC Chechnya Grozny ArmA 3 Terrain

2021-10-06 Black Tiles Are Evil

2021-10-06T16:42:00Z New editing day has started. Last night finished downloading last terra incognita arcgis world imagery corner piece but was too tired to write it down. Today starts by inspecting those arcgis images using irFanview. Didn't take many images to go through before I found first black tile in them, sigh. Well it was worth the shot.

Actually looks like this download has even more black tiles which is very odd.

Next investigated why airfield runway poly lines wont show up in-game, ie roads.shp file. Well turns out everything was done right in roads.shp but when pboProject binarizing _data addon was not in the addons to binarize list, go figure. All fixed now.

2021-10-06T18:20:00Z Satellite imagery black tiles bothered me, wasn't ready to give up yet. Used terra incognita to re-save the oziexplorer images, which means terra incognita reads the CACHE dir for image source and just saves oziexplorer images without actually downloading anything. Well this worked, the first oziexplorer corner piece I re-saved had all black tiles gone. Awesome! Smiley :)

Edit: 2022-04-25T06:47:00Z since that moment I've added tool pipeline step to irFanview check all terra incognita saved satellite image tiles for these black tiles, this task/step has saved us from many black tile bugs.

2021-10-06T22:40:00Z Global mapper created map catalogue for these new arcgis 17 level satellite image downloads and exported satellite texture in 2m/px scale.

Inspected new arcgis world imagery downloads and copy-pasted all missing black tile locations as small rectangle selections from there into my existing GIMP XCF images. This way I didn't have to do any clouds clone brushing which was already done last year. Worked pretty well on sat_A3.xcf at least.

2021-10-07T00:55:00Z Next used GIMP to export those already edited XCF images from last yer into Sat_ PNGs.

2021-10-07T04:49:00Z Finally got all black tile-less satellite texture tiles imported to terrain builder.

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