Dev Diary PMC Africa Niger Tongo ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-04-22 Satellite Texture / Mask Generation

2022-04-22T06:41:00Z New editing day has started. Not really, just being bored not knowing what else to do while staring at empty computer screen so might as well put in some long processes running on the background, so next on the list is changing terrain builder mapframe properties surface mask resolution and therefore generate layers shuffle.

I need to emphasize I don't consider this to be legit all-day-balls-deep editing, just something for my computer to run on the background while I'm bored trying to find something that would get me interested.

First replaced p:\pmc\ symlink mount with africa niger one, then deleted all the layers RVMAT and PAA files.

Launched terrain builder, changed the surface mask size from 512 to 1024 which makes _043 file name range for the layer files, this removes the 2D mapview zoomed out "mosaic" bug.

Then edited separate WRP and Data bat files for the _043 file name / PBO range.

2022-04-22T06:46:00Z Started terrain builder generate layers while I went back to being bored...

2022-04-22T07:17:00Z Generate layers finished, exported WRP.

Started convert layers PNG to PAA fast bat.

2022-04-22T07:24:00Z Finished conversion magic.

Deleted layers addon directories from pmc_africa_niger_tongo_data_layers_05 to pmc_africa_niger_tongo_data_layers_08. Then ran the separate WRP and Data bat file, after that moveObject RVMAT re-pathing task.

2022-04-22T07:27:00Z All done, terrain is ready for binarization, when ever that's going to happen, not going to do it now this was as said just casual in the background work while I'm bored.

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