Europe v0.6 bug reports

Europe theater

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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by Jackal »

Snake Man,

I got my issue solved with Europe theater (and all those new other ones just released, if for this)... I just would upgrade my FF for v. 5.5 to v. 5.51 before, that was just the point I haven't caught.

My apologies if I obliged you to waste your time about nuts like this, I'll follow all the bug reports posts carefully to keep me updated.

Thanks again!
Jackal out.
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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by Snail »

I just tried to install the Europe theater in my FF5.5.2 install but after a few error messages it stopped. Is it due to the new terrain of FF5.5.2?

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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by derStef »

Snail wrote:I just tried to install the Europe theater in my FF5.5.2 install but after a few error messages it stopped. Is it due to the new terrain of FF5.5.2?
same here.

that it is what it looks like:
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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by Snake Man »

That is very simple, PMC <name> Theater's are for FF 5.5.1 version.
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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by Hustler »

This error is my fault. FreeFalcon does not use nor require the file in order to run. I removed that file from my FF5.5.2 installer and that instructed the installer to remove the file from YOUR install, while patching. I have restored the file to my installer, so our next upgrade, coming very soon, will not perform this action. In the meantime you can grab that file from your fresh install of FF5.5, copy it to a safe location, run the FF5.5.2 upgrade, then return the file to its proper location. The next full install of FF will not have this file included, so Theaters that require it, will have to include it in their installers.
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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by demer928 »

Thank you......................!!!!!! :wink:

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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by ccc »

PMC mods may need old and texture.bin.
dunno if new has extra new tiles.. if yes, it may cause some tile conflict in PMC theaters.
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Re: Europe v0.6 bug reports

Post by Hustler »

Maybe I wasn't clear. There is no new, FreeFalcon doesn't need or use it. The texture.bin is of course used, but each theater will start to need its own as ours will be changing.
ccc wrote:PMC mods may need old and texture.bin.
dunno if new has extra new tiles.. if yes, it may cause some tile conflict in PMC theaters.

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