Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Vietnam theater

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Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Post by ccc » 2001-01-02 10:31:00

Here's my humble experience. it could be wrong.

>>Edit new loadouts(use EA6B)
1.fire up f4browse
2.click "vehcile > aircraft" on left column
3.click "EA6B" icon on right window
4.note the lower window titled " Hardpoints/Weapons", click on item name under "type", then you can use buttons like "view, edit, delete," on right hand.
5.OK, first i delete all item except "Weapon-ALO131", its built-in.
6.you need add hardpoits to hold weapons, so click : Add HP"
from the new window you can choose HP(pylon type/shape) and its number.
my A6 Hardpoints like this:
weapon alq-131 0 no no
hardpoint a-10(2,10) 1 yes yes (check "edit" to enable visible and require rack)
hardpoint a-10(3,9) 2 yes yes
hardpoint f/a-18C/D(5) 3 yes yes
harp-- a-10(3,9) 4 yes yes
harp-- a-10(2,10) 5, yes yes
7.ok, now click on one of these harpoint,
harpoint data here, you can "add" adaptable weapon onto this Hp. Note: their number means the max number of weapon here. say, 6 rounds of mk82.
8. Update to save. Loadout done.(of course you can press"add weapon" to "Hp/wpns" window, but i think it could be internal wpns, or default load)

Now you got to supply these wpn to its squadron store, or you'll find store "out" in weapon loading screen.

>>Edit weapon store(for EA6B as A6)
1.fire up TacEdit
2.from "file" load your campaign or TE, say, save1.cam.
3.click "unit" at left column
4.click one of EA6B sqadron, "ECM(EA6B)". note: its "type" should be "squadron", not "pack flight".you have to edit them all.
5. click "squadron page", clikc "store" on lower side.
6.Ok, click your favorite weapon under "store", then adjust their quantities, max no. 225? or 999?
7.Save and done. OK, now EA6B(as A6) got supply and pylon to work!!

PS: no idea about fiddling the offests of pylon position. it seems pylons should be moved a bit forward.

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Re: Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Post by ccc » 2001-01-03 07:40:00

while editing some F4e loadouts based on RP4, i noted something interesting:
1.Gunpod is available, but need assign it a shape. I load GAU12 on outer pylons to simulate SUU vulcan. You can select and fire this weapon, but bullet tracers will burst from the same place as default vulcan canon. Besides it seems ammo is unlimited?
2.Edit the pylon, you can allow an ALQ ECM pod occupy a semi-reccessive pylon for Sparrow. Exactly what you can see in real photo! Image
3.Wierd, there are two rocket pod items in wpn list, one named LAU-3A, the other LAU3a.
Both can be loaded on triple rack but,
LAU-3A shows a fuel-tank-like pod, can launch rockets, but only show one pod shape and a single load of rockets.
While LAU3a shows correct shape with no nose covers, but cannot fire any rockets. BTW a short pylon shape is attached onto the pod, make the triple pods look abit odd.

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Re: Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Post by Snake Man » 2002-08-07 09:15:00

I'm desperately looking loadout information

for example stations (1,8) on the F-whatever can carry xx-Mk-82's, yy-CBU-49's, and so on. The aircraft I need this for are as follows:


So far I've only come up with this

A-1 skyrider
The ordnance carried for a search and rescue (SAR) mission was: 720 rounds of
20 mm for the M-3 cannons, 1,500 rounds of 7.62 ammo for the SUU-11 minigun,
4 x CBU-25 canisters with high explosive bomblets, 2 x CBU-22 canisters with
smoke bomblets, 2 x AN-M47 white phosphorus smoke bombs, 2 x LAU-3 pods with
19 HE (high explosive) rockets each, 2 x LAU-59/68 pods with
7 WP (white phosphorus) marking rockets each.

F-100D Super Sabre
Armament :
- Four M-39 20mm cannon plus over 7,000 lbs of weapons including nuclear or
conventional bombs, rockets, and/or missiles, ie.:
-4 Sidewinder AIM-9B/E(GAR-8) air-to-air missiles (On exhibit at Wings Museum)
-2 Bullpup GAM-83 air-to-ground missiles
-4 M-117 750lb. gravity bombs (On exhibit at Wings Museum)
-4 Mk-82 500lb. gravity bombs (On exhibit at Wings Museum)
-8 CBU-24/B, -29/B cluster bomb dispensers
-8 SUU-21/A bomb dispensers
-8 2.75 "Mighty Mouse" FAA rocket launchers, unguided
-4 TDU/11B 5-inch HVA rocket, non-explosive
-1 Mk-28 Thermonuclear bomb with drag-chute (drogue). (on exhibit at Wings)

F-8E (F8U-2NE)
there were two underwing pylons provided, each capable of carrying a 2000-lb bomb.
The F8U-2NE could carry the full range of attack weapons, up to 5000 pounds,
a typical load being four 1000-pound bombs plus eight Zuni unguided rockets
carried on launchers attached to the sides of the fuselage.
Armed with four 20-mm Colt Mk-12 cannon in the fuselage. Four AIM-9 Sidewinder
missiles could be carried on rails attached to the side of the fuselage.
Up to 4000 pounds of bombs or rockets could be carried on the underwing pylons.
For ground attack missions, twelve 250-pound bombs, eight 500-pound bombs,
or four 1000-pound bombs, plus eight Zuni unguided air-to-surface rockets,
or two AGM-12A or AGM-12B Bullpup missiles could be carried.
Marine Crusaders used cannon, Zuni rockets, and iron bombs attached to the stores
pylons with "multiple ejector racks (MERs)". A typical Marine Crusader warload
was eight Zunis on the fuselage racks and eight 225 kilogram (500 pound)
Mark 82 bombs, with four on each stores pylons.
The only way to fit the ECM box into the Crusader's nose was by reducing the
ammunition supply. The idea was resisted all the way up to the top, but in reality
ECM was simply more valuable than cannon ammunition.

Please help!

Snake Man
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Re: Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Post by 172ndhamm » 2002-08-07 20:17:00

I have some autobiographical & historical material at my office by a number of A-1; A-4; and F-8 aviators with exactly the info you want. But it'll have to wait until tomorrow or Friday - I'm on the road right now and won't be home until then.
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Re: Edit aircraft wpn loadouts and Squadron stores.

Post by 172ndhamm » 2002-08-10 02:08:00

Snakeman, the following loadouts were gleaned from anecdotal recollections of servicemen who flew these planes.

Most missions flown with full load of 20mm for the internal guns.

F8 Cap & Escort:
2 or 4 sidewinders on the fuselage rails

F8 Strike/SEAD

4 MK82gp 500lb - two per wing station
2 pods of 5" Zuni - one per wing station
2 or 4 Rockeyes (post '68)
2 mk83gp 1000lb bombs with/without daisycutter fuse extenders
6 mk82gp 500lb bombs, 3 per wing station

A4B,C and A4E Skyhawk

The A4C mounted one set of racks under each wing, and a centerline station.
The A4E had two racks under each wing, and a centerline station.

A typical Pak6 alpha strike would see the A4E's loaded up with 5 MK83gp 1000lb bombs, And the A4C's with 3 Mk83 1000 pounders. No fuel tanks, obviously.
Other A4C loadouts included the following combinations:

2 500lb CBU's with duty centerline fuel tank
2 Shrike AGMs with duty centerline fuel tank
6 mk82gp 500lb bombs
2 pods of 5" Zuni AGM rockets (four per pod) and the duty centerline tank.

A-1E&H Skyraider
Fifteen, count 'em, 15 weapons stations on these babies...

Naval OPs (pre 1969)

On RESCAP a typical load was 200 rounds 20mm for each of 4 wing guns,
2 MK82gp 500lb bombs
and 18rocket rocket-pods on all the other wing stations.

Strike/armed recce

10 mk83gp 1000lb bombs
4 7-rocket LAU rocket pods
Fuel tank on center line


4 2000lb mk84 or Korean War vintage fat bombs (M119?)
Centerline fuel tank


1 MK84gp 2000lb bomb on centerline
7 MK83gp 1000lb bombs on wing stations
1 fuel tank on right inside wing station

USAF Sandy & Hobo ops

A typical Sandy Mission (RESCAP) loadout was described as including:

19shot 2.75" Lau rocket pods
7.62mm SUU-11 Minigun
Centerline fuel tank
and for missions over North Vietnam, an extra fuel tank on the right inside wing station.

Other weapons mentioned included:

Mk82s, Mk83s, Mk84s, M117s, and Rockeyes
5" Zuni rocket pods
NapalmB 475LB BLU-32

A6A Intruder

And I came across three loadouts mentioned for the A-6A,

13 MK83gp 1000lb bombs
5 MK84gp 2000lb bombs
28 MK82gp 500lb bombs.

Hope this helps buddy.
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