About that airstrike script,...

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Joined: 2005-12-11 07:32:54

About that airstrike script,...

Post by p1r0kun » 2005-12-13 20:13:29

My question relates more to playability than editing. In the second campaign, first mission (sorry, shaky on the names though I could get them for you from home if necessary)... the one where you're supposed to clear an LZ west of your base by calling in an airstrike on some BMP's, then patrol two points north and south of the LZ... the airstrike always hits the exact same spot for me, no matter how far south I aim it. It appears that this may be remotely related to the "pilot drops his payload too late" issue...

But it appears that he's always dropping in the same place, regardless of where I click on the map.

Apart from that, this is an incredibly well-designed mod and i've been waiting for something like it to pop up for... well, quite some time =)

Oh yes, there's also an issue in the first campaign where you're supposed to check on a friendly gun emplacement along a river that lost radio contact. I get there, send in the sitrep to base, and they tell me to hang tight and wait for them. (sorry so vague, i didn't want to spoil it for any REALLY new guys haha)... the thing is, I've waited for ridiculous amounts of time and nothing happens.

Didn't want to dump all this at once, but i figure this is the only place to get it answered... So if anyone can help me figure out what's going on, thanks in advance!


Re: About that airstrike script,...

Post by Snake_Man » 2005-12-14 01:08:54

(sorry, shaky on the names though I could get them for you from home if necessary)
Yep that would be the key to track this thing down.

Posts: 9
Joined: 2005-12-11 07:32:54

Re: About that airstrike script,...

Post by p1r0kun » 2005-12-16 22:24:40

Ahh, alright... well here goes. The airstrike mission is from PMC NAM 1965, and it's "First day out"... I figured out that the Skyraider is just pretty inaccurate and I had to compensate by much more than i thought i would. Oh, and it was only allowing me one airstrike the first few times, which made it nearly impossible to learn from my mistakes. Now that I understand what's going on, it actually seems to make it more realistic... having to hide in the bush and wait 'til the Sandy actually takes out the target. I got a little frustrated and ended up doing things differently- this was also fun until I found out that the demo charge blasts also seem pretty lifelike (quite a blast radius). Whoops... haha.

The mission that I was really having trouble with, though, was from the
"1969 Vietnam" campaign (the first one listed) - the mission is "Sunbathing on the Beach". No support, no enemies, no nothin'. I even tried driving around and looking for both... no luck. Just for the record though, I've been traveling there in the two jeeps... though it seemed like that's the general idea of the mission. That one's kinda frustrating.

Thanks again!
Last edited by p1r0kun on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.


Re: About that airstrike script,...

Post by Snake_Man » 2006-04-11 10:45:49

"1969 Vietnam" campaign (the first one listed) - the mission is "Sunbathing on the Beach". No support, no enemies, no nothin'.
That has been fixed now. Check it out, should work just fine.

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