Anyone still play OFP VTE? Lets play

VTE - The most detailed and comprehensive Vietnam modification for OFP

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Anyone still play OFP VTE? Lets play

Post by Megahurt » 2008-01-17 17:26:15

I have enjoyed OFP for years on end and still play it daily. I have Arma but it doesnt run well enough on my pc.
If anyone still wants to play OFP VTE please contact me. Im still designing missions for it and i spend about 50 hours doing up each one.

Here's the latest

7am, January 31st 1968.

"Later they called it the begining of the Tet offensive, we called it Hell."

We were called in to surround the downed crew of a 'dustoff down' north of the Ar river. Charlie was popping up everywhere and the chopper dropped us and went to work lighting up the tree lines around us. When another dustoff came in to medivac the wounded we watched our ride out get shot down defending it.
We made a hasty retreat east to the river where pbrs were racing up and down to the supply depot with scores of wounded and dazed troops. We jumped into the boat with a T34 and a couple of VC infantry squads hot on our trail. We made it down river to the supply depot dodging fire from the river banks from NVA regulars that were launching boats to join the offensive.
We were ordered to protect the depot by moving east and halting the hordes of VC that had just over run our previous position and were heading south to threaten the supply depot that was a lifeline to operations up and down the river.
Some armour, two Centurions, joined us when we got to the road east of the depot and fell under my command. Charlie was dug in on the north side of a small stream that had washed out the road and we traded fire spiradically for a while.
Then came their big push.......

Message me to play or try the mission.

Its multiplayer but also plays well as leader of the first squad when your alone.

If you still play OFP and arent ready to be dragged kicking and screaming into Arma, message me. I have FDF, WW2, And Jungle fever mods as well, but VTE is my favorite.
Megahurt - OFP VTE Still Rocks

Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man » 2008-01-17 22:43:10

In some ways I'm sad that ArmA came and made OFP obsolete as VTE v0.4 was already so nice. But you cant stop the progress, ArmA is here now, VTE is for ArmA and damned BIS already announced ArmA 2 for this year.

Anyways, hope you find someone to play MP with.
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Re: Anyone still play OFP VTE? Lets play

Post by Macross580 » 2009-03-15 20:45:04

I'm always good for some VTE. Lemme know if you find a server.

Snake Man
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Re: Anyone still play OFP VTE? Lets play

Post by Snake Man » 2009-03-17 07:20:16

Is there active OFP VTE servers still up?

I don't know as I never got into MP with OFP VTE sadly, never even checked if there is servers as far as I can recall.
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