Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Vietnam theater

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Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Post by WOLF-257 » 2001-06-03 16:29:00

In the event that new planes become available,such as an F-100 or F-105 how much trouble would it be to add these to the Campaign?
Here's an example of what I'm talking about.Let's say I wanted to add a Squadron of F-105's to Korat Airbase.Would this be possible?


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Re: Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Post by Greywolf » 2001-06-04 02:19:00


You can add squadrons to the vietnam campaign by using TacEdit, that much I do know and have tried already. Its pretty easy to do. Regarding a F-100 or F-105, don't know how you can do that. I'm pretty sure TacEdit reads the various plane types available to it in a given campaign. So the question still remains as to how to get those other bird types into a campaign.

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Re: Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Post by WOLF-257 » 2001-06-04 16:07:00

Thanks GW.I recall reading something somewhere about being able to add new planes to the data-base but I don't remember where I saw it.
Korat would be about the only option for realistically adding the F-105 to the existing Campaign.North-west of Korat there was a base named Takhli that had at least 2 Squadrons of 105's but I don't think that one made it into the Campaign.
But the whole subject is a little academic really untill either the LodEditor is released or somebody builds an F-105.I was given a link to a the discussion group for it,but Yahoo won't let me join the group so I can't get the editor.

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Re: Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Post by ccc » 2001-06-05 00:40:00


you should be able to join F4LE. the door is open. try again.

btw, LE v2.0 is the one open for the public.

Posts: 63
Joined: 2001-02-10 23:01:01

Re: Atten: Snake Man...Adding plane types to Vietnam Campaig

Post by WOLF-257 » 2001-06-05 05:01:00

They added me directly,now comes the fun part.Seeing if I'm smart enough to operate the thing.


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