Developing the v0.3

Iran theater

Moderators: Snake Man, Lone Wolf

Snake Man
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Developing the v0.3

Post by Snake Man »

Developing of the Iran v0.3 theater. This theater got quite nice touchup since the earlier version, alot of UI stuff and strings etc. And of course the important installer fix. Again I had to think about the tile issue and the joining of ODS and this theater, however as the time is short for the promised christmas deadline this theater is provided as was the earlier version, with the 128 resolution tiles. This is now the release candidate 1.


Code: Select all

--- bugs
- OF has threat range circles CTD bug (all OF 128 theaters!?).
- check bridge alignment, object vs tile etc.
- change PAK city in Baghdad region to "Baghdad" from "Al A'Zamiyah
- campaign ground units M60 tanks, add variety.
- instant action/intel and campaign squadron select maps missing (default korean). 
- add teams according to this list: Team 1: US, Team 2: Coalition (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq), Team 3: Afghanistan, Team 4: CIS (Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan), Team 5: Pakistan, Team 6: Iran, Team 7: Turkey 
- RED PRC team (5) (top-left corner) units are triple in many places, please check! Also few DRPK units, must be some country's TDF there twice, please check and redo if so. 
- airbase types default 23_05 2 in the "west of ODS" part of the theater. 
- airbase background tiles wrong terrain type in many bases. 
- transition feature (road/river) tiling messed up in many places. 
- campaigns still have CTD issues. 
- Dubai area terrain and objectives are not compatible (widen terrain a bit?). 

--- fixes v0.3
- AF had old theaterlabel, added new one.
- AF missing campaign strings, added.
- OF missing campaign strings, added.
- RV missing campaign strings, added.
- added OF user interface.
- added RV user interface.
- tweaked OF theater strings.
- RV missing theater strings, added.
- installer fails on AF only systems, fixed.
- two mountain and snowcap terrain types still 128 resolution tiles, fixed.
- campaigns crashes on sim exit, fixed.
Another set of testing would be great to see if there are any obvious bugs slipped through.

Download PMC_Iran_Theater_v0.3_RC1.rar - 37.7mb.
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Post by ccc »

RV install ok.

test fly campaigns ok.

PAK 128map bug - pak outline exceeds map area. unable to change priorities.

exit game to desktop > RV exe CTD. it seems my previous CTD bug is the same..

RedViper.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module ntdll.dll at 001B:7C911E58, RtlInitializeCriticalSection()+811 byte(s)
Exception handler called in WinMain Thread.
Read from location 6470635c caused an access violation.
Code: 8b 09 3b 4a 04 89 55 0c 0f 85 9d 00 00 00 3b c8
Stack dump:
Stack: 001B:7C911E58 (0x6470635C 0x04852FE8 0x0013F9C4 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeCriticalSection()+811 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:7C910D5C (0x01230000 0x00000000 0x04852FF0 0x00000007) ntdll.dll, wcsncpy()+717 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:004115C4 (0x04852FF0 0x0000001C 0x04A69830 0x04A69F10) RedViper.exe, free()+107 byte(s), f:\vs70builds\6030\vc\crtbld\crt\src\free.c, line 103
Stack: 001B:0047D59C (0x00000000 0x7E4196B8 0x04A69830 0x0013FE58) RedViper.exe, RadioSubTitle::csvLine::~csvLine()+28 byte(s), d:\projekte\redcobra\falclib\include\radiosubtitle.h, line 95+6 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:0047E271 (0x7E42E002 0x00000000 0x00405434 0x7C80B6A1) RedViper.exe, RadioSubTitle::~RadioSubTitle()+97 byte(s), d:\projekte\redcobra\sim\otwdrive\radiosubtitle.cpp, line 169+23 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:0040374B (0x7C80B6A1 0xFFFFFFFF 0x7FFD5000 0x00000000) RedViper.exe, SystemLevelExit()+139 byte(s), d:\projekte\redcobra\ui\src\winmain.cpp, line 1688+7 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:00405434 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00152395 0x00000001) RedViper.exe, HandleWinMain()+2004 byte(s), d:\projekte\redcobra\ui\src\winmain.cpp, line 742
Stack: 001B:004054A8 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00152395 0x00000001) RedViper.exe, WinMain()+72 byte(s), d:\projekte\redcobra\ui\src\winmain.cpp, line 780+21 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:00412F01 (0x00390036 0x00330033 0x7FFD5000 0x8674E7C8) RedViper.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+388 byte(s), f:\vs70builds\6030\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crt0.c, line 251+29 byte(s)
Stack: 001B:7C816FD7 (0x00412D7D 0x00000000 0x78746341 0x00000020) kernel32.dll, RegisterWaitForInputIdle()+73 byte(s)
EAX=04852EA0 EBX=04A69F10 ECX=6470635C EDX=11AACEB8 ESI=04852E98
EDI=04852FE8 EBP=00000000 ESP=0013FFF8 EIP=00000000 FLG=00290246
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
Error occurred at 12/19/2007 21:54:04.
C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\RedViper.exe, run by ccc.
2 processor(s), type 586.
1024 MBytes physical memory.
OS: 5.1 build 2600 platform 2 Service Pack 2
Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version
Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "ati2dvag.dll" - "ATI Mobility Radeon X1450", Vendor: 4098, Device: 29062, SubSys: 305205315, Rev: 0, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0

Not in game
DX Model ID : ffffffff
Texture ID : ffffffff
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Joined: 2007-01-03 22:37:27

Post by Fafa »

Great news !! with the ODS theater DB I am working on, I implemented lots of skins of IRAK and IRAN. I am also waiting for the second chapter about IRAN/IRAK war. Very good doc and photos. If someone wants to make the historical conflict and is a tacedit master, I'll give him a chronology of the events and ops during this conflict.
Snake Man
Posts: 9493
Joined: 2000-07-31 22:01:01
Gaming Interests: ArmA, ArmA 2, Falcon 4.0 and OFP.
Editing Interests: All, I (try) to edit everything.
Location: PMC

Post by Snake Man »

v0.3 has been released now.
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