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Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Mykolaiv ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-03-01 Project Started

2022-03-01T06:23:00Z This page created and few minutes ago Global Mapper project created.

2022-03-01T06:29:00Z User created feature grid done, KMZ and ASCII Grid heightmap.asc files exported.

Now there is not much to do other than wait until Terra Incognita frees up a slot to download satellite imagery Smiley :)

2022-03-01T08:26:00Z Started terra incognita downloading satellite imagery.

2022-03-01T10:58:00Z Terra incognita finished downloading.

2022-03-01T14:31:00Z Had nothing else to do (terra incognita and one global mapper export project running), so decided to start another instance of global mapper and do whatever I can for ukraine mykolaiv project.

Loaded all OpenStreetMap (OSM) shape files. Then did the usual shuffle to crop them, reduce roads feature count, then export cropped shapes.

Then did ASCII Grid heightmap.asc header fix for Terrain Builder 200,000/0 coordinates and calculated the shift values.

I fucked up the shapefile export. When you run two global mappers at the same time the first load/import/export is always pointing to the last directory, well in this case it was pointing to PMC Ukraine Melitopol terrain dir, which was wrong. I didn't notice it and I now exported shapefiles into wrong dir and I think also overwrote the actual melitopol SHP files too.

Oh well, need to re-export them and later fix melitopol files.

2022-03-01T16:10:00Z Finished assigning RGB colors to OSM areas.

Forgot to write stuff down to dev diary, again. Heh this is ridiculous.

GIMP painting to fix clouds.

Satellite texture tiles with clouds: A4, B2, B1, C2, C1, D3, D1

Continue reading page 2 or back to Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Mykolaiv root page.

PMC Ukraine Mykolaiv: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.

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