Dev Diary PMC Ukraine Kharkiv ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-03-01 Smooth Airfield Runways

2022-03-01T10:56:00Z New editing day has started, this project got really close to binarization last night but still have some small edits to get done.

Used L3DT to import heightmap.asc and L3DT_texture_map.png, then in 3d sapphire mode went and smoothed out all airfield runways. This terrain has three airfields. used 10 pixel radius brush (I think?) and 10 cycles or whatever power of smoothing.

Then edited the ASC file as L3DT doesn't automatically put in 200,000/0 coords (I never bothered to learn which geo settings make that happen), terrain builder imported ASC and rebuild terrain. Then just exported WRP.

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