2022-03-27T12:09:00Z New editing day has started. PMC Ukraine Melitopol v0.1 was just released and now editing continued to chernihiv, no time to waste, got releases to do!
In PMC bugs/issues list there are three for chernihiv; roads.shp terrain builder import/export, abandoned airfield runway needs smoothing and airfields are missing config.cpp class names{} entries. Okay if this is all, it takes mere minutes to fix this all. But there are still binarization to do and hmm new forest objects, so yeah there are few things to edit.
2022-03-27T12:17:00Z Alright burst of activity; added Russian invasion of Ukraine start date to config.cpp 2022-02-24T12:00:00Z. Created Terrain Builder Keypoints for airfields and polyline for the abandoned airfield (not sure if it was a good idea, but its done). Exported airfield_runways.shp file.
Exported WRP so I can get the airfield config.cpp info. Then copied that info into pmc_ukraine_chernihiv_cfg/pmc_names.hpp file.
Used L3DT to smooth out the abandoned airfield, the main one was already done.
Then used global mapper to open airfield_runways.shp, added ID/ORDER feature umm things to them, then merged them to existing roads.shp in _data\roads\ dir. Then imported roads.shp into terrain builder and guess what, exported it right back out again, fun ain't it!?
Now bugs/issue list is empty. But still have editing to do heh, the new vegetation. Copied new Terrain Processor TPP Templates file and the LBT deleting and roads.* copying bat files in TerrainProcessor/ dir. Edited the road copying bat and ran it, now we have road shape file in this dir. Then was eyeballing the vegetation creation TPP file and thinking that if the previous objects were aready over five million, the new ones will be much more and that means I need to split the obj_forest.shp into the 2 x 2 grid tiles. But first I'm going to just try how many objects it creates, who knows maybe I don't have to, but I have suspicion that this is just waste of time and I have to split them up. We'll see...
2022-03-27T12:45:00Z Started terrain processor vegetation task and went to catch up on Ukraine war news again while waiting.
While it was running I imported the new roads smoothed heightmap into terrain builder and rebuilt terrain. Terrain processor felt like working on a long time for the forest objects, I bet its going to be some crazy number of objects and I have to do the shape file split to optimize shizzle.
Decided to save time and already do the split in global mapper side, as I'm just sitting here waiting, might as well keep my hands busy. If its wasted time, then so be it but somehow I think it is not.
Got the global mapper slice & dice work done JUST as terrain processor went into saving mode, meaning generation was complete and now it just saves whats she got in memory
2022-03-27T13:00:00Z And I was right, terrain processor finished saving and total number of objects is 11.272 million, yeah you wont be importing that into a single terrain builder object layer anytime soon
Okay so now just need to do those split _A1, _A2 etc forest shape and TPP files.
2022-03-27T13:05:00Z All done and terrain processors are running...
2022-03-27T13:12:00Z Finished generating forest objects.
Millions of objects generated A1: 2.973, A2: 2.301, B1: 4.486, B2: 1.495
Then started to import that object load into terrain builder. And now its waiting time again ... but instead of just waiting, I'm starting to create the web pages already, those take quite a while to create, mostly for screenshots and this dev diary proof reading and link adding, but at least I get good portion of them done while waiting.
2022-03-27T13:44:00Z Basic web page backbone is done, actually dropped in most of the changelog info to that page as well.
2022-03-27T14:37:00Z Terrain builder finished importing objects.
Before saving I exported WRP, just in case. In some extreme object counts terrain builder fails to save the project but you might be able to still export WRP first, so its kind of like dead end project.
Saved project and all was good, 11.257 million objects is kidz stuff
2022-03-27T14:40:00Z Started pboProject binarization, this will take a while again.
While I was having some lunch binarization finished. Then tested in-game and saw that roads.shp is still broken, umm am I hallucinating or didn't I terrain builder import/export it already, hmph. Otherwise terrain looked pretty nice.
When investigating why the roads.shp is broken I discovered that in pmc_ukraine_chernihiv_data\roads\ has no roadslib.cfg present heh. Okay running the symlink bat file was a quick fix. Quickly binarized only _data addon. Then another quick in-game test to see roads.shp is working properly.
2022-03-27T16:03:00Z In-game check complete, roads.shp is working OK. No other bug/issues to report. Terrain is looking good as any for a release.
At this point I still had good 5 hours of this day left, but I started to wonder if the next step is to start release procedures or leave it for tomorrow. Overall idea is not to spam several releases in a day, but seeing how slowly I'm getting these releases done even after the terrain itself is already packed in 7-zip, I don't think there is any need to hit the breaks.
So I'll keep pushing on, lets start the release procedures
2022-03-27T16:34:00Z Added chernihiv to PMC "worldSize" mission pack terrain list and compiled new missions.
Then created bisign keys for the addon PBOs. Created readme.txt and edited release packing bat file, started the packing bat. While it was running I deleted global mapper work files, freeing some precious hard disk drive (HDD) space.
2022-03-27T17:16:00Z Screenshots taken, sorted, renamed and edited.
2022-03-27T17:18:00Z Moved localhost dev diary text into this official dev diary page you're reading right now. Next is proof reading and link adding, as well as sorting screenshots (not that there was many), it should take a good while.
2022-03-27T17:47:00Z And done adding links, images and proof reading. Alright, we are pretty much ready for release here
Uploaded web pages and everything was looking good, html checks out OK. Then it was just the release news and PMC Tactical forum post writing before pressing the evil big red button
2022-03-27T18:15:00Z PMC Ukraine Chernihiv v0.1 has been released!
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