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Dev Diary PMC Taiwan Hsinchu ArmA 3 Terrain

2021-10-10 Project Started

2021-10-10T22:14:00Z Created this page Smiley :)

2021-10-10T22:20:00Z Created Global Mapper project, it has started. Aayeah!

2021-10-10T22:26:00Z Terra Incognita satellite imagery started. So refreshing to download only 40km hehe.

2021-10-10T23:45:00Z Download finished. Then exported 25m/pixel ArcGIS 17 level preview image.

2021-10-22 Global Mapper Editing

2021-10-22T19:03:00Z Its been several days when I was working on other taiwan terrains but now in my real world tool pipeline I reached Hsinchu, its quite late in the day for me but lets see how much editing work could we put in before its bed time.

Started where tool pipeline instructed, merging GEBCO ocean seabed with SRTM heightmap data. Then global mapper assigned PMC_Terrain_Data lyers.cfg RGB colors to OpenStreetMap (OSM) area shapes. Then started to export satellite mask in 4 x 4 grid tiles.

Exported by mistake satellite TEXTURE instead heh, oops, nobody saw nothing... Smiley ;)

Created Terrain Builder project as well and imported ASCII Grid heightmap.asc, while global mapper was exporting satellite texture.

It is a difference like no other when you edit few days on 81.9km terrains and then switch to almost little girlie men alike 40km one, handling "only" 40,960 x 40,960 resolution images is childs play.

Heck with this rate I can start editing third terrain today hehe.

2021-10-22T20:40:00Z GIMP inspected satellite texture tiles and painted coastlines ocean seabed pattern fill after doing free hand selection for the mentioned coastline.

By using GraphicsMagick did the usual Darken Merge Picturemap Satellite Texture Tiles of satellite texture tiles and new satellite mask images preparation to fix RGB colors from global mapper a bit. Then it was just terrain builder importing both satellites.

And satellite is in terrain builder.

PMC Taiwan Hsinchu ArmA 3 Screenshot

2021-10-22T21:04:00Z Started to generate layers.

Used Terrain Processor to generate obj_forest OSM shape objects with our Terrain Processor TPP Templates, it did only 1.348 million objects with hectare density 70, wow how nice it is to work with these small 40km terrains when object generation is now problem Smiley :)

2021-10-22T21:46:00Z Forgot to write down but generate layers finished few minutes ago, editing pace is hectic I constantly forget to write play-by-plays here in dev diary, but at least I keep recording videos of pretty much everything.

Dunno why dev diary writing is so difficult, I just cant stop when editing, its like a piranha biting into piece of cow Smiley ;)

2021-10-22T21:50:00Z Convert Layers PNG to PAA Fast bat finished, lets Separate Data Layers for smaller PBOs next.

2021-10-22T22:02:00Z Just started pboProject binarizing, amazing how quickly this terrain got into binarize ready, I was only hoping to get started one terrain tonight (its very late for me, check PMC Taiwan Taichung dev diary for reference) but now its actually in-game in few minutes, wow very nice.

2021-10-22T22:13:00Z Finished binarizing. And with that... I'll call it a night here, very brief work for hsinchu but been editing other taiwan terrains all day so feeling great, now there is not much I could do today anymore so going to just chill.

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PMC Taiwan Hsinchu: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.

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