Dev Diary PMC Poland Miroslawiec ArmA 3 Terrain

2022-10-27 Deleted Terrain Project Files

2022-10-27T07:18:00Z New editing day has stated, discovered that global mapper defaulted to UTM projection DATUM google maps instead of WGS84 like it should, so this means I have to re-make this terrain in the root source level in global mapper. I can use some existing files like terrain builder directories, config.cpp etc, but overall the bulk of the large source files need to be completely re-made from scratch.

So now started to clean this shit up, went to arma3 addon testing dir and deleted existing PBOs. Then deleted layers RVMAT and PAA image files using _run_delete_project_rvmat_png_paa_files.bat file. I left terrain builder project be, for now.

Deleted global mapper all temporary files which included several gigabytes of satellite texture / mask PNGs and BMPs.

This 40km terrain is right at SE of 40km swidwin terrain.

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