This is changelog for PMC Ukraine Sumy ArmA 3 real world data terrain by PMC. All editing developments fixes with dates (if possible) are included. Our changelogs are simple copy pastes from our bugs/issues list, they do sound a bit odd but this is the way we do things, if you don't understand what some specific changelog entry means, contact us.
2022-03-01: - ukraine sumy choose location using google/maps terrain view - ukraine sumy click map, pin is inserted, click the bottom center new dialog, copy paste lat/lon coordinates - ukraine sumy global mapper online sources world street map - ukraine sumy global mapper view -> zoom view -> zoom to spacing -> view spacing selection 100 - ukraine sumy global mapper CTRL-HOME insert coordinates, find the spot - ukraine sumy global mapper switch to UTM projection - ukraine sumy global mapper create user created feature grid - ukraine sumy global mapper export kmz 2022-03-02: - ukraine sumy terra incognita map source -> openstreetmap -> zoom level 500km - ukraine sumy terra incognita file -> load waypoints,tracks -> kmz - ukraine sumy terra incognita full screen, zoom into kmz black rectangle, draw selection rectangle - ukraine sumy terra incognita waypoints,tracks -> visible to disable kmz black rectangle - ukraine sumy terra incognita map source -> esri arcgis, zoom level 17 - ukraine sumy terra incognita satellite download 1 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px - ukraine sumy terra incognita satellite download 2 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px - ukraine sumy terra incognita satellite download 3 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px - ukraine sumy terra incognita satellite download 4 arcgis 17 zoom level 0.8m/px 2022-03-06: - ukraine sumy global mapper open online data -> worldwide data -> SRTM plus v3 - ukraine sumy global mapper export heightmap.asc - ukraine sumy global mapper load landuse shapefile(s) - ukraine sumy global mapper load natural shapefile(s) - ukraine sumy global mapper load road shapefile - ukraine sumy global mapper load places shapefile - ukraine sumy global mapper crop the grid contents - areas - ukraine sumy global mapper crop the grid contents - lines - ukraine sumy global mapper crop the grid contents - points - ukraine sumy global mapper change points shape layer to UTF-8 - ukraine sumy global mapper reduce road count feature if above 9000 - ukraine sumy global mapper export - areas as cropped_areas - ukraine sumy global mapper export - lines as cropped_roads - ukraine sumy global mapper export - points as cropped_points - ukraine sumy .asc save header info and calculate X/Y coords - ukraine sumy global mapper export common area layers into individual files - ukraine sumy OSM_Places_CSV2HPP convert places.csv to pmc_names.hpp - ukraine sumy global mapper unload project, load cropped_roads.shp - ukraine sumy global mapper tools -> configure -> projection -> UTM 31N (roads are now skewed) - ukraine sumy global mapper double click layer cropped_roads.shp -> layer projection -> UTM 31N - ukraine sumy global mapper zoom to layer (its now aligned properly and UTM 31N, non skewed) - ukraine sumy global mapper layer cropped_roads.shp RMB -> shift -> shift layers a fixed distance - ukraine sumy global mapper input correct offset fixed x/y distance coordinates - ukraine sumy global mapper zoom to layer and if you have reference 200,000 / 0 heightmap, they are now both aligned - ukraine sumy global mapper layer cropped_roads.shp edit ID/ORDER features - ukraine sumy global mapper layer cropped_roads.shp export as roads.shp (its now ready for terrain builder/arma3) - ukraine sumy global mapper assign layers.cfg colors to OSM areas - ukraine sumy move obj_ shapefiles into \Source\TerrainProcessor\ directory - ukraine sumy get BPW files with _run_copy_BPW_ files_here.bat - ukraine sumy terrain builder create project - ukraine sumy move heightmap.asc and pmc_names.hpp into PROJECT\source\ directory - ukraine sumy copy country CUP/PMC_OPX etc specific TPP files into \Source\TerrainProcessor\ directory - ukraine sumy copy _run_create_TemplateLibs_generic_CUP.bat from E:\ArmA3.Store\ to terrain builder source dir and run it - ukraine sumy terrain builder load template libraries - ukraine sumy irfanview check terra incognita downloaded satellite images for black tiles - ukraine sumy terrain processor heightmap smooth roads - ukraine sumy terrain builder import heightmap.asc, rebuild terrain and delete imported heightmap layer - ukraine sumy create pboProject .bat file with mod.cpp copying - ukraine sumy mod.cpp google/maps link - ukraine sumy mod.cpp overall fact checks for satellite res, version number etc - ukraine sumy create D:\ArmA3.WIP.Terrains\pmc_NAME\addons\ - ukraine sumy global mapper create map catalog for terra incognita oziexplorer map files - ukraine sumy terrain processor generate vegetation objects - ukraine sumy global mapper export preview-arcgis-17-level.png usually with 25 or 50 meter sampler - ukraine sumy copy roads to _data\roads\roads.shp - ukraine sumy global mapper export satellite mask in 4 x 4 or 8 x 8 tiles depending on size - ukraine sumy Sat_Mask RGB fix _run_graphicsmagick_convert_Sat_Mask_PNG_to_BMP_with_white_fix_4x4.bat - ukraine sumy terrain builder import terrain processor generated objects - ukraine sumy terrain builder import satellite mask - ukraine sumy global mapper export satellite texture in 4 x 4 or 8 x 8 tiles depending on size - ukraine sumy gimp paint sat_ tiles with ocean, coastline and clouds - ukraine sumy bat file darken satellite & create picturemap - ukraine sumy bat file _run_imagemagick_l3dt_8192_texture_map.bat - ukraine sumy move picturemap and satellite.jpg into PROJECT\data\ directory - ukraine sumy add config.cpp lat/lon accurate location - ukraine sumy terrain builder import satellite texture - ukraine sumy create airfield runway poly lines, ID 7 - ukraine sumy L3DT edit elevations, airfield runways - ukraine sumy merge possible airfield_runways.shp into roads.shp - ukraine sumy config edit for class pmc_names.hpp - ukraine sumy terrain builder generate layers - ukraine sumy export WRP - ukraine sumy moveobject WRP - ukraine sumy png2paa - ukraine sumy wrp split - ukraine sumy rvmat repathing - ukraine sumy move PROJECT\data\ contents to _data\ dir - ukraine sumy pboproject! 2022-03-10: - ukraine sumy picturemap_ca is not copied over - ukraine sumy airfields class names missing 2022-03-13: - ukraine sumy picturemap_ca updated for ocean seabed satellite texture painting 2022-04-04: - ukraine sumy terrain processor generated new vegetation objects (bushes, rocks, trees) - ukraine sumy config.cpp date/time for invasion day noon - ukraine sumy initial release
PMC Ukraine Sumy: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.