CAT Afghanistan

CAT Afghanistan v1.6 upgraded by AGS ported to ArmA 2 by PMC.

This is Afghanistan terrain and objects addon from Operation Flashpoint ported into ArmA 2. Its a advanced port, several modeling errors were fixed, textures merged and models optimized as well as config tweaked. No content have been added (except terrain has no ocean now, ie this is a terrain, not an island) or removed. There are no soldiers or vehicles in this addon.

Please take a note that this is ArmA 2 version and will not work with ArmA 1.

v1.6 ArmA 2 known issues:


Initially this addon was released to OFP by CAT_SHIT_ONE (gotta love his name), there was couple of versions released which caused havoc in mission making community as whole cities were removed from the island.

Then Agent Smith (AGS) released new version of this island CAT's Afghanistan Revisited.

I was talking to AGS in 2007 and asked if I get permissions to port CAT/his Afghanistan addon, he said yes no problem. First work was done long time ago but now this last push was done in couple of days time to get this ready for release. Why to release? eh dunno, wanted some more porting training, O2 time and learn more things which I can put into PMC Editing Wiki (which I did btw) heh :)

See some screenshots here: image1, image2, image3, image4, image5.


You can find the AGS credits list in docs/credits.txt file. Besides that PMC credits Agent Smith for doing the last OFP work on this addon and now granting us permission to port it into ArmA. Also all the community users who have been posting constructive feedback, YOU guys made this new version possible, thank you very much.

AGS written credits in 2005:

CAT_SHIT_ONE    - objects, base island, textures, lots of stuff
Agent Smith     - object bug fixing, tweaking, map update, sounds, FX, God only know what else ;P

Acecombat       - sounds, pics, advices
A.W.O.L.        - base building models
BAS Team        - paved road models
BKM Mod         - mosque 2 model
fighter         - desert vegetation
KUMA WAR        - mosque 2 textures
kegetys         - editor icons
Leone           - sand storm script
rats404         - excellent beta testing, bazaar sounds
Robbo           - objects
Sanctuary       - scripting and sound help

Special thanks to all the guys making missions for this island and Afgani-themed addons:
Sanctuary, honchoblack, tacrod, Winters, JJR, Munk, wheres my rabbit?

Additional thanks to Avon Lady, Firefly, Soul Catcher, Schoeler, MIA Crew, Nomad Mod,
WRPTool authors and everybody else involved into development of this great addon.

Required Addons

ArmA 2, no other addons required. This is tested on ArmA 2 Combined Operations but there should be no specific "OA" or "CO" requirements. This should work in standalone OA and standalone ArmA 2.


--- bugs
- ai planes don't see the mountains or steep hills, and crash or nosedive into them.
- buildings are not really usable like in ofp.
- main road bug - it is glowing in the night!
- some building textures are wrong/ don't fit with the object.
- some roads are so steep that no car or tank can climb them.
- the airbases runway, damages your plane as you takeoff and land.
- the arma.rpt is full of error messages.
- the tarmacked roads slow you down, the dirt roads don't.

--- unconfirmed bugs (fixed in v1.1 or not?)
- roads don't seem to work.
- ladders don't work
- some buildings are to high (compared to the ground level) so doors are not available
- buildings with proper shadows, casting proper shadows.
- the ladders work when you add the buildings in the editor, but they don't in the map.

--- v1.6
- first ArmA 2 release.
- various fixes, changes and tweaks to suit ArmA 2.

--- v1.5 beta fixes
- save game bug fixed.


Just copy the addon pbo's into directory of your choice and use -mod parameter to launch ArmA 2. For more details read HOWTO Install ArmA 2 Addons.

Class Names

class CfgSounds

^ Class name ^ Name ^
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound1 | CAT DesertStorm Sound 1 |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound2 | CAT DesertStorm Sound 2 |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound3 | CAT DesertStorm Sound 3 |
| AGS_CATmuazzin_morning | CAT Muazzin, morning call |
| AGS_CATmuazzin_restoftheday | CAT Muazzin, rest of the day call |
| AGS_CATAzaanPrayer | CAT Azan Prayer |
| CATFIREsound | CAT Fire Sound |
| CATRainStorm1Sound | CAT Rain Storm Sound |

class CfgEnvSounds

^ Class name ^ Name ^
| CATGREnvBOMBHILL1 | CAT Bombing Run Sounds 1 |
| CATGREnvBOMBHILL2 | CAT Bombing Run Sounds 2 |
| CATFIRE2soundEnv | CAT Fire Sound |
| CATRainStorm1SoundEnv | CAT Rain Storm Sound |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound1Env | CAT DesertStorm Ambience 1 |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound2Env | CAT DesertStorm Ambience 2 |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound3Env | CAT DesertStorm Ambience 3 |
| AGS_CATDesertStormSound4Env | CAT DesertStorm Ambience 4 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound1Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 1 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound2Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 2 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound3Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 3 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound4Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 4 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound5Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 5 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound6Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 6 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound7Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 7 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound8Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 8 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound9Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 9 |
| AGS_CATBazaarSound10Env | CAT Bazaar Ambience 10 |

class CfgVehicles (objects)

^ Class name ^ Name ^
| Land_CATMiddleEasternMinaret | Minaret |
| Land_CATMiddleEasternMosque | Mosque 1 |
| Land_CATMiddleEasternMosque2 | Mosque 2 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding8 | Government Building |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding1 | Destroyed Afghan Building 1 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding2 | Destroyed Afghan Building 2 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding3 | Destroyed Afghan Building 3 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding4 | Destroyed Afghan Building 4 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding10 | Destroyed Afghan Building 5 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding12 | Destroyed Afghan Building 6 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding6 | Afghan Building 01 (2flr) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding7 | Afghan Building 02 (I Shaped) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding9 | Afghan Building 03 (Long) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding11 | Destroyed Afghan Building 7 (no roof) |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse13 | Afghan Building 04 |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse14 | Afghan Building 05 |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse15 | Afghan Building 06 |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse16 | Afghan Building 07 (2flr) |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse17 | Afghan Hotel 1 |
| Land_CATo2Afghanhouse22 | Afghan Hotel 2 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding18 | Afghan Vegetable Store 1 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding19 | Afghan Vegetable Store 2 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding21 | Afghan Vegetable Store 3 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding20 | Afghan Building 12 (3flr) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding23 | Afghan Building 08 (3flr) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding25 | Afghan Building 09 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding26 | Afghan Building 10 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding27 | Afghan Building 11 |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuilding5 | Afghan Building 12 |
| Land_AGS_AfghanBuilding1 | Afghan Building 13 (3 flr) |
| Land_AGS_AfghanBuilding2 | Afghan Building 14 (3 flr) |
| Land_CATo2AfghanBuildingStore | Afghan Warehouse |
| Land_CATcprhinowatchtower | Camp Rhino Watch Tower |
| Land_AGS_MarketStall1 | Market Stall 1 |
| Land_AGS_MarketStall2 | Market Stall 2 |
| Land_AGS_MarketStall3 | Market Stall 3 |
| Land_AGS_MarketStall4 | Market Stall 4 |
| Land_AGS_MarketStall5 | Market Stall 5 |
| Land_catafghancaveo21 | Cave |
| Land_catafghanCliffSshape1 | Cliff Road |
| Land_CATrockVL2_8 | Huge Rock Hill |
| Land_CATrockVL2_10 | Cliff w/ Ladder |
| Land_catRockBunk | Rocks fortress |
| Land_catvo_seda | Street Lamp |

Forum Topic

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