PMC OV-1 Mohawk

PMC OV-1 Mohawk by PMC

This is OV-1 Mohawk aircraft addon for ArmA 1. Original FS model by Tim Piglet Conrad, ArmA 1 port by CheyenneAH56.

Screentshots: image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5 and image 6.

Greetings for CheyenneAH56 to grant permissions for PMC to fix and upgrade his initial port. And naturally greetings for Tim Piglet Conrad for the original model for FS, excellent job.

PMC did this re-release because it is really nice model and needs several fixes so it is compatible with other community made content and also high performance model. Unfortunately the models still have 10 textures which will be fixed in the future, however LOD's are created to the BIS modeling guidelines so in that sense this is high performance addon. PMC is committed to this addon, any bug reports you can send will help us to develop this further, don't hesitate to check PMC Tactical Contact page and get in touch with us.

Original Readme

This is the original readme by CheyenneAH56.

OV-1C Mohawk (US ARMY)


FS version By Tim Piglet Conrad

The persmission of editing the original model was granted by Email by the author, Tim Piglet Conrad.
All Addons are released, without exception, with the prealable agreement of the respective authors.


ArmA Version By CheyenneAH56

Scripts by CheyenneAH56

V 1.0

Required Addons

Extended EventHandlers by Solus / Killswitch.


--- fixes v1.0
- changed to pmc namespace.
- created Icon\ directory and moved IconOV1A.paa and IconOV1C.paa images there.
- created model.cfg and moved config.cpp proper contents there.
- created s\ directory and moved all scripts there.
- damage textures were broken, fixed.
- deleted shadow lod's as they were completely wrong.
- deleted unused .ogg sound files.
- prettified and fixed config.cpp file.
- prettified model.cfg file.
- removed not suitable killed evenhandler script created wreck.
- added XEH compatibility.
- resaved textures with proper prefixes.
- created whole new low resolution LODs for high performance.
- removed unsuitable mk82 bomb model.


--- bugs
- shadows not working on all models.
- damage textures not working.
- too many textures (sections) which is 10 right now. will be fixed later.
- ecm plane is not working as scripted.
- wreck model is not optimized, please do not use (causes FPS loss).


Just copy the addon pbo's into directory of your choice and use -mod parameter to launch ArmA. For more details read HOWTO Install ArmA 1 Addons.

Class Names


^ Class name ^ Name ^
| PMC_ov1c | Mohawk OV-1D (ECM) |
| PMC_ov1a | Mohawk JOV-1A (CAS) |
| PMC_ov1b | Mohawk RV-1D (ECM) |
| PMC_ov1d | Mohawk JOV-1C (ATK) |
| PMC_ecmplane | Target |
| PMC_ov1c_wreck | please do not use in this version |


^ Class name ^ Name ^
| PMC_ov1_Mohawk_FlareLaunch | flare launch sound |
| PMC_ov1_Mohawk_IncomingPips | radio plip sound |


^ Weapon ^ Magazines ^ Ammo ^
| PMC_ov1mk82launcher | PMC_ov1mk82mag | PMC_ov1mk82 |

Feedback / Forum Topic

Please send bug reports or other feedback so I can try to improve this port. To make sure feedback reaches me, register to PMC Tactical Forum and post there. PMC Tactical Forum release topic.


Download links from PMC Tactical Forum release topic.

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