How To Install Addons

How To Install Addons for ArmA 1. Please note that addon and mod (total modifications) installing is basically the same.

You should first read the background for HOWTO Install OFP Addons (, which is basically general overview.

On top of that knowledge, you should also read the usage of PMC Editing Wiki: -profiles parameter (-mod= dir stuff) so you know how to load up the addon directories properly.

In this case we use Vietnam: The Experience mod as example, as its much easier to illustrate specific stuff, but you can implement the information to any addon / mod out there.


After you have downloaded VTE archive, you should download the Extended Event Handlers (XEH) archive too. You should put XEH into its own mod dir and VTE its own. In our example we call the XEH dir x\xeh and VTE dir x\vte, your directory structure would look like this:


You will unpack the addon pbo files into the <...blabla>\addons\ directory.

When you have unpacked all the first, run ArmA with a command line to point into these mod dirs, for example like this:

arma.exe -mod=x\xeh;x\vte -nosplash -world=VTE_intro -profiles=d:\ArmA


Mods aka Total Modifications are basically the same as addons, just create addon directory to be loaded just the same as above with addons header.


You can make campaign directories as follows:


And this is the dir where you place any campaigns you want to be affiliated with this addon/mod, or if you have no addons used campaign, then you can simply do this \x\NAME\campaigns\ dir and use it alone, you DON'T need to have addons\ dir in there.


Unfortunately there is still a bug in ArmA 1 v1.16 engine which does not work with mod dir for missions, any missions you want to use must be placed in:


Note that you can use sub directories in the Missions\ directory. Also multiplayer missions go to MPMissions\ dir.

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