PMC Poland Lask ArmA 3 Real World Data Terrain

65.5 kilometer x 65.5 kilometer terrain with high resolution satellite texture. View at google/maps

PMC Poland Lask ArmA 3 Terrains Satellite Texture PMC Poland Lask ArmA 3 Terrains Mission Editor Select

PMC Poland Lask is a very large realistic real world data terrain. See more PMC Poland Lask Screenshots.

Heightmap source is SRTM 1-arc-second SRTM Plus v3 30m detail resolution. Satellite texture source is ArcGIS world imagery, 1 meter / pixel scale which is very high detail. Satellite mask is generated from OpenStreetMap (OSM) landuse and natural areas data. Roads are created from OSM data. You can learn more about how to create ArmA 3 Terrains from PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain Tutorials.

PMC Poland Lask ArmA 3 terrain is work in progress (WIP), for example object editing has not been completed. If you find bugs or issues you would like to report, please contact us.

"How big map is 65 kilometers?" ArmA 3 default Stratis is 8.1 kilometers (eight point one), Altis is 30.7 kilometers, Tanoa is 15.3 kilometers and Livonia is 12.8 kilometers, so 65.5km is a bit more than twice the size of largest ArmA 3 default terrain.

If you haven't played in terrain over 50 kilometers in size, you don't know what freedom is ...

PMC terrains are released with bisign keys for a proper dedicated server multiplayer use.

Terrain Specifications

Heightmap grid size: 4096 x 4096
Cell size: 16m
Satellite texture / mask resolution: 65,536 x 65,536 pixels
Satellite surface mask size: 2048 x 2048 pixels
Texture layer size: PMCTODO x PMCTODO
Objects count: PMCTODO


All the newest edits, bug fixes, additions etc can be read from changelog PMC Poland Lask.

Dev Diary

Very comprehensive details, thoughts, plans, pains, failures and successes are painstakingly documented often times with screenshots into Dev Diary PMC Poland Lask.

Please note that these are NOT tutorials, if you want to learn how to edit ofp/arma addons, please check PMC Editing Wiki.


PMC provides all our terrain addons with a mission pack. Some terrains also include campaign(s). Get campaigns from PMC ArmA 3 Campaigns page.

Required Addons

Required Addons: PMC Terrain Data and CUP Terrains Core and Maps.

PMC Poland Lask: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.