Updated: 2022-06-05T14:45:00Z. Everything you need to know about PMC Tactical ArmA 3 Multiplayer Dedicated Servers. Our goal is to run two servers, one for our old ofp/arma2 terrain addons and one for Vietnam: The Experience mod.
You must have these addons and only these addons loaded when trying to join PMC Tactical dedicated server, otherwise you will be kicked out by the server software.
Download PMC addons from PMC Tactical ArmA 3 Downloads, CBA_A3 from github and CUP from cup-arma3.org/download.
PMC Tactical ArmA 3 dedicated server name is:
PMC OFP Terrains https://www.pmctactical.org
IP address / port: n/a, you see it from arma3 in-game server browser.
Please note that server IP might change unexpectedly, so try to always check the server name from in-game browser. You can also use bis master.bistudio.com server browser.
First download all the above addons with their correct versions. Version number is important because the server key files only accept those specific addon versions into the server.
Start ArmA 3, then go to multiplayer server browser, type in search name "PMC OFP Terrains" and wait for it to return match, there should be only one.
Currently the server is not online due SSD capacity limitations :-(