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FS22 Creating Outside Terrain Area Image

Posted: 2023-03-15 07:16:25
by Snake Man
FS22 Creating Outside Terrain Area Image


Wrote these notes down I think last month already when trying it the first time in real production terrains, unless I'm mistaken all PMC FS22 terrains now have outside terrain painted into PDA map image.

Here are my notes, the first graphicsmagic bat file is obviously missing from this post, remind me later to add it ;)

- run _run_graphicsmagick_create_FS22_mapview.bat
- open PDA-Mapview-Overview.png in gimp
- image -> scale image -> width/height 2048
- image -> canvas size -> canvas size width/height 4096, offset x/y 1024
- find RGBs from FS22 terrain overview image RGB colors
- CTRL-SHIFT-N create new layer, asphalt roads
- pick asphalt road RGB, paint lines as you please to asphalt roads layer
- repeat those two above asphalt road steps to all types; railroads, dirt roads, farm yards, etc
- SHIFT-O select by color from the asphalt roads layer on actual asphalt road
- repeat select by color using SHIFT key pressed "add to selection" on all the other layers
- selection grow 15 pixels, selection shrink 10 pixels, CTRL-I invert
- create fields layer and foreground fill it with RGB 108,96,86
- create background layer and foreground fill it with RGB 117,115,90

tags: farming simulator, fs22, editing, tutorial, guide, modding, mapping (haha), what else hmm.