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PMC web site now HTML 4.01 Transitional

Posted: 2011-06-18 04:12:25
by Snake Man
For the PMC 10th Anniversary I upgraded our html code for HTML 4.01 Transitional standards. What this means is, our code is nice and clean regarding the standard, W3 validation returns no errors.

At the same time I upgraded the web design from 800 pixels to 1024 pixels width as we are no longer living in desktop sizes of 10 years ago. Heck, I was told that many people doesn't consider 1280 large anymore, personally I run 1920x1080 but I wouldn't force that on our site just yet.

Some of the fonts and text sizes changed just slightly, I don't know if anyone notices it as you have to compare the old and new page in your browsers different tabs to see the difference. There is however one mishap on OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2 pages which had specific color on the menu (links) area, now they all default to normal browser defaults. I'll see if I get that fixed sometime soon. Falcon 4 menu links look the same to me, blue, so the mishap doesn't effect that.

Hopefully I did not mess up anything and the site still works, feel free to post into this topic if you find errors there. I will slowly fix and tweak some things in the near future.

Enjoy PMC homepage update ;)

Re: PMC web site now HTML 4.01 Transitional

Posted: 2011-06-21 09:54:09
by Snake Man
The news system has been upgraded with better time stamp, this effected now ArmA 2 and Falcon 4 areas. I see no reason to upgrade OFP and ArmA areas as they are not used anymore.

I want to remind you all about our RSS feeds for the news we have. Put these into your rss readers and you'll stay up to date: ArmA 2, ArmA 3 and Falcon 4.