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Yearly forum statistics

Posted: 2009-01-04 15:40:06
by Snake Man
I was looking for some statistics information from our forum (most of it which can be seen on bottom of index page) and decided to post them permanently here with some additional details.

Today January 4th 2009 our statistics are as follow:

Total posts 31,019
Total topics 3,577
Total members 2,369

And to split that up into more details, I checked how many total users have been posting how many messages. The following table is number of posts and number of users, meaning that this many users have posted above the amount.

Posts - number of users:
1 - 1145
5 - 435
10 - 266
25 - 150
50 - 87
100 - 46
500 - 5
800 - 4
1000 - 2

Its interesting to see that PMC Tactical forums indeed are hardcore developer types where we only post relevant valuable posts, not chit chat bullshit. We don't have that many posts or posting members, but when we do post... its valuable stuff.

I'll look forward to update this topic on January 2010 with new stats :)