AFGHANISTAN THEATER v0.1 beta testing page

Latest update - August 23rd, 1826hrs - (GMT+2)

This page will be updated for any info we gather at BETA FORUM area!

Latest bugs found:
- none

Bugs fixed since v0.1 beta:
- none

Known bugs:
- Flags missing/wrong from OOB and Intel screens.
- Squadron patches default Korean.
- ATC voices default Korean.
- No airbase background tiles (but they should be leveled).
- All campaigns crash after playing on exit! (read more on the beta forum area)

System requirements for full Afghan v0.1 beta theater installation: 1000mb hd space. SP3 install. Please take a note that installer size is 88mb due the 512 res tiles. However the installed theater is not much larger than normal 128 theaters out there.

Background guidelines for testing, please try to work on these as much as possible and keep those reports coming back, we want to hear as much as possible. You CANNOT get us too much info!

Its been internally tested here with Windows 98SE, Window 2000 Professional and works OK.
Also remember to test UNINSTALL, does it cleanly remove all files that it installed. Your own TE missions and campaign savegames will not be deleted by this installer. Make sure that after uninstall the terrdata\theaterdefinition\afghan.tdf entry will be removed from theaters.lst file.

INSTANT ACTION (does not contain ground objectives, meaning targets, houses etc.)
can different parts of the map be selected? does high mountains crash immediately in 3d start?

can missions be created normally? can missions be flown normally?

does campaign 2d seem to work OK? does all selected squadrons schedule flights? does campaign CTD? will either campaign be won too easily? will any campaign be won at all?

overall look and feel of the terrain. Does the "fog" look OK? cities need some work, but is there some specific city? Airbases are missing the background tiles, meaning they seem to just sit in the desert or in the mountain tiles. But so far all airbases should have the terrain leveled, meaning aircraft's can take off without problems and no "stairs effect" should be visible in the runway/taxiway. If you find any airbase that has stairs effect or they sit on city tiles for example, please let us know. Try to take note for any place that has too many bridges close to each other (more than 3 or so) and if two bridges are basically side by side that should be reported. Remember some bridges in this installer are not correctly on bridge tile.

Bug reporting!
Basically if you are beta tester it means that you know your way around falcon (theaters), but we are all humans (except Widowmaker and rest of PMC weirdoes) and forget stuff so check the FAQ page.
When you report a problem, take the location coordinates with possible screenshots (JPG please). Keyboard command CTRL-Z-L will activate the constantly updating coordinates in top-right corner of the screen. When taking screenshots, make sure the coordinates are visible! If you cannot otherwise provide clear and direct location (for example KABUL, doh) of the problem area, you must get the coordinates for us. And yes, you CAN report already existing bugs.

Please report all bugs or issues to our Afghanistan v0.1 beta forum area!

Thank you for the help testing this theater. It will be much better because guys like you reporting :)