Stories 2022-08-10 Marin Bay Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

Stories 2022-08-10 Marin Bay Game-play

2022-08-10T13:26:00Z Started savegame on Marin Bay, all outside connections, suitable area for building 61%, base theme: temperate.

Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.

Addons used: CargoHoldFix, ExtendedGameOptions, Harmony, RealPopRevisited, RoundaboutBuilder.

What an terrible starting location, hopefully this terrain would get better when you expand but first impression is really really bad.

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2022-08-10T13:32:00Z Little Hamlet population 300.

Okay now we got taxes and money starts to come in. But I don't think we can grow enough in this small island, heh ridiculous. This is without the doubt the worst starting location for a terrain I've ever seen in Cities Skylines.

2022-08-10T13:38:00Z Worthy Village population 600.

Purchased the terrain grid tile towards north, hopefully it gets us started with proper city building.

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2022-08-10T13:43:00Z Tiny Town population 950.

Eeww Smiley :evil:

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2022-08-10T13:50:00Z Boom Town population 1.7k.

I learned this one unit housing zoning from real population addon developer.

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This is so stupid and cheaty, but heh gotta give it a try if we get to population goal with less landscape used Smiley :)

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Hilarious midget houses Smiley ;)

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2022-08-10T14:20:00Z Busy Town population 3.4k.

First game save for Marin_Bay_1 file name.

2022-08-10T14:42:00Z Big Town population 5k.

High density zones, metro, incineration plant and university are now available.

So I removed all the single midget dog houses and replaced them with full block zoning high density residential, I lost about half of my population if not more as the single houses disappeared so did the occupants. Oh well we'll get them back.

2022-08-10T14:57:00Z Small City population 7k.

This milestone gives us cargo train station and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.

2022-08-10T15:02:00Z Big City population 11k.

Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.

2022-08-10T15:06:00Z Grand City population 14k.

These achievements come quickly now hmm, odd. Maybe its terrain specific or something.

2022-08-10T15:19:00Z Capital City population 22k.

Cargo harbor is now available.

2022-08-10T15:24:00Z This savegame, well terrain, is such a crap. I don't like this at all, but lets get it to 100k population so I can mark this terrain played and move on.

2022-08-10T15:36:00Z Colossal City population 32k.

This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).

2022-08-10T15:48:00Z Metropolis population 44k.

2022-08-10T16:07:00Z Megalopolis population 55k.

All milestones achieved, okay now we just increase the population, lets get this done. Population now 55k, half way to go.

What is this monstrocity? Smiley :?

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Saved game for Marin_Bay_2 file name.

This is chess it ain't checkers! Smiley :D

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2022-08-10T16:59:00Z We have reached our goal, population 100k! Oh Yeah! Smiley :mrgreen:

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This is my second terrain savegame I finished today from 0 to 100k population, has been a great day for sure Smiley :)

2022-08-10T17:01:00Z Saved game and shut down Cities Skylines, adios.