Stories 2022-07-27 Game-play Meandering River Cities Skylines PMC Tactical

Stories 2022-07-27 Game-play Meandering River

Meandering River terrain


I was struggling with burnout and boredom, nothing peaked my interest, only thing on my mind in the past several days was playing Cities Skylines but I tried to avoid it because my history with this game. I have installed and started to play ... to finally almost rage quit and delete the game dir so many times now its just silly.

But I've spent the past two maybe three days now just watching youtube recommended videos not being able to do anything productive or even fun, so now decided that fuck it, I'll install Cities Skylines for the umpteenth time and see how long time I manage to play this time.

Actually now I was thinking of backup my savegames so IF history repeats itself and I'll do 180 and game deletion once again AND then sometime in the future again install it, at least I'd have some of my own savegames archived.

2022-07-27T00:15:00Z Started Meandering River terrain.

2022-07-27T00:29:00Z little hamlet pop 440

2022-07-27T00:35:00Z worthy village pop 900

2022-07-27T00:42:00Z tiny town pop 1400

2022-07-27T00:54:00Z boom town 2.6k

2022-07-27T01:09:00Z busy town 5k

2022-07-27T01:36:00Z big town 7.5k

2022-07-27T02:07:00Z small city 11k

2022-07-27T02:20:00Z And now we have our first traffic jam, starting to have huge congested areas in the highway and industrial area junction, goods and coal to power plants aren't coming in fast enough. Depressing part is that... I have no idea how to fix that with roundabout without destroying the whole neighborhood in the process heh.

2022-07-27T03:04:00Z big city 17k

2022-07-27T03:58:00Z grand city 22k

2022-07-27T05:00:00Z capital city 34k

2022-07-27T06:15:00Z colossal city 46k

2022-07-27T07:46:00Z metropolis 70k

2022-07-27T08:11:00Z Time to sleep, been awake over 18hrs I believe, in complete zombi mode. Had a good time playing Cities Skylines, surprisingly. Looking at this story / log, played just about 8hrs straight, pretty good considering it was half a day done for me already when I started. Hopefully have motivation to play some more tomorrow.

2022-07-27 City Design Continues

2022-07-27T15:24:00Z New cities skylines building day has started, just finished doing computer chores, getting quite hungry and need to cook food too, but have to get in few minutes of city building first.

At this point my city was under going "death wave", as said above already reached 70k population but right now population is down to 55k.

2022-07-27T16:08:00Z Paused game, I'm starving, time for days first meal (need to cook it first).

2022-07-27T17:26:00Z Cooking food and eating is done, back to building our city.

Currently we got a huge garbage problem, I do have incinerator plants and those recycling big centers and collection buildings, but the problem is traffic, garbage trucks have to drive far away in 2 lane narrow roads with literally hundreds of intersections.

So guess I don't have a garbage problem but traffic problem.

2022-07-27T18:07:00Z Did some googling and several sources including paradox wiki says that if garbage processing is on yellow or green but you still get garbage collection issues, then for example adding more incineration plants wont make any difference as in such cases traffic is your problem.

2022-07-27T18:43:00Z megalopolis 85k

2022-07-27T19:43:00Z Whoop, didn't even notice, I broke 100k population magical limit, current population 105k.

2022-07-27T20:44:00Z Another death wave hit, population now 95k and decreasing rapidly.

Anyone said Cities Skylines is a whack-a-mole? Smiley :(

Honestly I am getting quite bored of playing this again, city is fairly large as 100k population tells you, its wall to wall buildings mother nature raped gloriously, I have kind of lost touch of any small details now, I just spam shit with my usual formula to grow it larger and Larger and LARGER! heh.

I'll probably stop playing again fairly soon, go back to good old ArmA 3 Missions, its kind of funny thing that you can have all these new fancy games but at the end of the day/week you still return to good old ArmA 3, there is nothing like ofp/arma and I highly doubt there will be in my life time ...

2022-07-27T21:44:00Z Hmm yeah my city is absolutely gridlocked with the traffic, its hilarious how bad it is heh. Hmm going to read some traffic tutorials, I need to learn this it should not be that hard. Every problem has a solution.

2022-07-27T22:14:00Z While googling alarm went off, time to cook some more food and eat Smiley :)

2022-07-28T00:25:00Z Finished eating and watching bunch of useless waste of time youtube videos. They were mostly from one guy who had some bizarre tunnel style highway ramp things going on, yes what he did technically works fine, but that looks so stupid that why would I play Cities Skylines so "wrong". I want to make nice cities not just technically working ones, dunno how to explain it better.

Found some website with info about "no trucks policy", hmm I never used these city policy things, that might work, assuming I can do a district for residential area and add no trucks policy for that district, then in theory all these cargo hauling trucks should stay away from there.

Well quickly discovered a flaw for that theory, my residential zones have small commercial zones sprinkled in the intersections and such locations, if I block truck traffic... there is no way to bring in goods for these commercial zones, heh.

Hmm more googling found one page which said "heavy traffic ban" policy would limit heavy semi-trucks hauling cargo through your neighborhoods but delivery trucks could still pass, hmm. The thing still is... I have no alternative routes for these semi-trucks, if I ban them... they cant go anywhere really, well assuming I made a global ban, as painting around commercial zones feels just silly.

Anyways decided to give it a try at least. Painted new district to my main residential area and then assigned heavy traffic ban on it.

2022-07-28T01:18:00Z Decided to start a brand new savegame to test, research and learn how to do proper fucking roads.