Stories 2021-11-08 Eden Valley Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

Stories 2021-11-08 Eden Valley Game-play Cities Skylines

2021-11-08 Fourth game-play.

2021-11-08T08:15:00Z Right after finishing watching unnamed tv show marathon I switched to gaming computer and continued Cities Skylines playing, I wanted to play now so that I can create better traffic, garbage and health care services. Those sudden "everyone dies" aka Death Wave situations are bad and I'd like to find a solution for it.

Chose eden valley terrain.

2021-11-08T08:33:00Z little hamlet pop 440

2021-11-08T08:48:00Z worthy village pop 900

2021-11-08T08:55:00Z tiny town pop 1.4k.

2021-11-08T09:07:00Z boom town pop 2.4k.

2021-11-08T09:30:00Z busy town pop 5k.

2021-11-08T09:44:00Z big town pop 7.5k.

2021-11-08T09:52:00Z saved game and exited, just didn't feel like playing, dunno why. Actually went and deleted Cities Skylines install dir as well, heh. Guess I'm done playing, once again.

2021-11-10 Continuing Building City

2021-11-10T16:08:00Z continued the... err fourth or whatever gameplay.

2021-11-10T16:10:00Z small city pop 11k.

2021-11-10T16:26:00Z big city pop 17k.

2021-11-10T16:35:00Z grand city pop 22k.

2021-11-10T16:48:00Z capital city pop 34k.

2021-11-10T17:19:00Z colossal city pop 48k.

2021-11-10T19:04:00Z metropolis pop 70k.

2021-11-10T20:20:00Z megalopolis pop 85k.

Okay this city growing achievement is done, no more population achievements to reach.

2021-11-10T21:55:00Z dead tired, had to call it a night.

Continue reading the next story: Stories 2022-03-08 Game-play.