FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Georgia theater

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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by ccc »

does this v0.2 include my theater icon tga and sea fix?
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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by Snake Man »

No, this is not a new release :)

I was just talking with derStef on IRC about FF5.5.1 theater fixes and then went to download Kurile theater, it took me at least 5 minutes before I found it buried in 3 pages worth of posts and I knew what I was looking for! So I brought it and this georgia download links into sticky topic that you can find it immediately when you come to this forum.

I want to organize the theater download process and basic public relations, if I'm unable to quickly find theater download, how can we imagine Joe user ever could...
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FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by Snake Man »

Georgia Theater v0.2 works with FreeFalcon 5.5.1 - make sure you use 5.5.1 or later!

Just use the installer, when it asks which Falcon 4 version you'd like to install, choose OF/RV. It says RV but it applies to FF the same.

v0.2 has been tested as follows:

Instant Action - OK.
Tactical Engagement 2D / 3D - OK.
Campaign 2D / 3D - OK.

Only clear visual bug is the theater selector logo, its the same as OF/AF which is small image, on FF5 they changed it to the full screen.

Here is the official download link topic.
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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by ccc »

alright. install is ok on FF5.5.

no sea tile fix in this rar.
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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by ccc »

my fix on Caspiain and black sea area. you may have to merge mine and your tweak on L2 file. ...
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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by Snake Man »

Downloaded, thank you. What is the changelog for these edits? Please be as specific as possible so there is no mistakes on my part when implementing this. Thanks.

Oops, I'm not 100% sure but I think I need the .o2 file also... I'll get back to you on that if I do, but next time when you send theater.L2, pack also the .o2 file as L2/O2 go together.
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Re: Download Georgia Theater

Post by ccc »

theater.o2 here.

the edit, follow your PMC wiki to fix the "shared sea tile bug". i edited the left lower hand tiles. then, also check the sea level to be zero.

please backup your own l2/o2 first, check my tweak - see if it fit the mod.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

theater selection TGA for FF. it's zip, my 7zip and rar not working.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

old test file, 2D map for Georgia, add country border.. help you locate where you are.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by Snake Man »

I downloaded it and put into my TODO list. Should be included in the next release. Thanks!
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »


i link the missing obj-linking part at NW corner, CIS land.

feel free to check the linking... and hope it works.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

Another rough test files.. Georgia test The zip contains tweaked, georgia.thr and wch, theater.L2 and .O2.

Image ... 224044.jpg ... 224017.jpg

TEST Goal : create a new, fast highy from CIS-Nizhniy unal to Georgia Tskhinvali, running thru moutains up to 13000 ft, to simulate a "Poti Tunnel".

[ Tweak on Theater L2 - TerrainView ]
- i check and re-tile roads between the two obj to ensure the road is intact. i replace road-river tiles with pure road tiles.
- i check the elevation value of the two obj, decide to use 3500ft for this new road. i change road tile elevation to 3500, by hand.
- i run htti and FixNormal tool.
- the 3d looks ok, you can see pic above, a deep, tortous valley. i witness armours running along it.

[ Tweak on Gerogia.THR and WCH - TacEdit and THR creator ]
- i use THR creator to generate a NEW gerogia.THR.
- use TacEdit, i try re-link obj/bridge along the NEW road, but the move cost values remains high.
- use new THR as relief map guide, i delete bridges along the NEW road, and add several NEW obj (Pass - moutain pass subtype]. i name them "Poti-North", "Poti-1" to "Poti-5", and "Poti-South". the new obj are placed at turning points of NEW road, then i re-link them to make the linking lines running close to relief map road. The result is, move cost lowered significantly along the NEW road - a fast highway done!

[ Tweak on - TacEdit ]
- i delete all Georgia and blue side GUs and most AC sq, for test purpose.
- i move CIS armours and infantry units to my NEW road, placed precisely on road, to test if they can move along it.

[ Test in 2D map ]
- run at 64x, i saw CIS GU along north half of NEW road rapidly running back to CIS land. note- CIS on major offensive toward Tiflis.
- i noted CIS GU aat lower half of NEW road got minimal movement - but all got their destination assigned = means they are not dead.
- it seems CTDs at some point of time.. got to check later.

- 3D flying over "Poti Tunnel" is ok.

- exit FF5, CTD.

WELL, i think the test achieve some success - tho not complete.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

crash on Day1 0805.. seems some move cost bug?
an armour unit is moving toward Gori, then CTD. i edited TRI to guide CIS to capture Tskhinvali, Gori, and Tiflis to win.

Code: Select all

Exception handler called in Campaign Thread.
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.
Code: 8b 10 8b 4d ec ff 52 74 0f b6 c0 3b f0 74 11 8d 
Stack dump:
Stack: 0023:00664738 (0x000002AF 0x00000320 0x00000002 0x00000009) FFViper.exe, GetMovementCost()+296 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00664C28 (0x03E27280 0x032002AE 0x030A02C9 0x03E27280) FFViper.exe, GetNeighborCoord()+344 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0063C275 (0x0A0AFE78 0x034B02A1 0x030A02C9 0x00664AD0) FFViper.exe, AS_DataClass::ASSearch()+197 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0066411C (0x0A0AFE78 0x000002A1 0x0098034B 0x123702C9) FFViper.exe, GetGridPath()+284 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00652EBE (0x0A0AFE78 0x000002A1 0x120A034B 0x000002C9) FFViper.exe, UnitClass::GetUnitGridPath()+206 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:005E311A (0x0001D5F4 0x00000000 0x006A1013 0x0A0AFF1C) FFViper.exe, BattalionClass::MoveUnit()+2362 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043AABD (0x1237CAD8 0x00000400 0x0A0AFF28 0x1237C960) FFViper.exe, UpdateUnit()+253 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043536F (0x00000400 0x00000000 0x040DBD90 0x0000000A) FFViper.exe, UpdateRealUnits()+223 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434AB0 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, HandleCampaignThread()+688 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434B99 (0x00000000 0x0A0AFFD4 0x76F99D42 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, CampaignThread()+57 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:75343677 (0x00000000 0x7DAD0342 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+18 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:76F99D42 (0x00434B60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+99 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:76F99D15 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+54 byte(s)
EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000004  EDX=00000004  ESI=00000004
EDI=00000000  EBP=00000000  ESP=0A0AFFF4  EIP=00000000  FLG=00010206
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B
Error occurred at 8/17/2010 00:32:30.
C:\FreeFalcon5\FFViper.exe, run by CCC.
2 processor(s), type 586.
4063 MBytes physical memory.
OS: 6.1 build 7600 platform 2 
Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version
FFViper : 2, 3, 3, 5
Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "atiumdag.dll" - "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570  ", Vendor: 4098, Device: 38227, SubSys: -1875701683, Rev: 0, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0

Game is Campaign type Local
DX Model ID : 0
Texture ID  : 0
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

i deleted all units in my tweaked, then import back all default units in PMC auto-fix and rebuild sq.

then run the cam again at 64x and 16x respectively. it causes the same CTD on Day 1 0802.
the crashlog is the same as above, some bug in get move cost.

could somebody run default PMC cam at 64x or 16x, see if it can pass the CTD at Day 1 0802?

another CTD log

Code: Select all

FFViper.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module FFViper.exe at 0023:00664738, GetMovementCost()+296 byte(s)
Exception handler called in Campaign Thread.
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.
Code: 8b 10 8b 4d ec ff 52 74 0f b6 c0 3b f0 74 11 8d 
Stack dump:
Stack: 0023:00664738 (0x000002AF 0x00000320 0x00000002 0x00000009) FFViper.exe, GetMovementCost()+296 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00664C28 (0x03E27280 0x032002AE 0x030A02C9 0x03E27280) FFViper.exe, GetNeighborCoord()+344 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0063C275 (0x0A14FE78 0x034B02A1 0x030A02C9 0x00664AD0) FFViper.exe, AS_DataClass::ASSearch()+197 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0066411C (0x0A14FE78 0x000002A1 0x0098034B 0x11F302C9) FFViper.exe, GetGridPath()+284 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00652EBE (0x0A14FE78 0x000002A1 0x11F2034B 0x000002C9) FFViper.exe, UnitClass::GetUnitGridPath()+206 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:005E311A (0x0001DBC0 0x00000000 0x006A1013 0x0A14FF1C) FFViper.exe, BattalionClass::MoveUnit()+2362 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043AABD (0x11F385F8 0x000007C0 0x0A14FF28 0x11F38480) FFViper.exe, UpdateUnit()+253 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043536F (0x000007C0 0x00000000 0x040DBBD8 0x0000000A) FFViper.exe, UpdateRealUnits()+223 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434AB0 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, HandleCampaignThread()+688 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434B99 (0x00000000 0x0A14FFD4 0x774C9D42 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, CampaignThread()+57 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:75713677 (0x00000000 0x7D29E942 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+18 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:774C9D42 (0x00434B60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+99 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:774C9D15 (0x00434B60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+54 byte(s)
EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000002  EDX=00000002  ESI=00000002
EDI=00000000  EBP=00000000  ESP=0A14FFF4  EIP=00000000  FLG=00010206
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B
Error occurred at 8/17/2010 23:03:52.
C:\FreeFalcon5\FFViper.exe, run by CCC.
2 processor(s), type 586.
4063 MBytes physical memory.
OS: 6.1 build 7600 platform 2 
Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version
FFViper : 2, 3, 3, 5
Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "atiumdag.dll" - "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570  ", Vendor: 4098, Device: 38227, SubSys: -1875701683, Rev: 0, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0

Game is Campaign type Local
DX Model ID : 0
Texture ID  : 0
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Posts: 4857
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

To further reduce move cost in Poti tunnel road, i do a new test ..

- flatten the road tiles, i flatten the elevation of road tiles and 1-2 tiles by the road, make the deep-V valley has a wider, flat bottom.
- i change forrest-road tile to FARM-road tile.
- rebuild terrain, THR, and re-link obj along this road = yes, FARM-road tiles help a lot! the move cost is significantly lowered.

in game test.. i removed all Blue air power. edit a TRI to make Red on major offensive toward Tskhinvali.
- 3d visual ok.
- 2d map, armour units at Northern half of poti tunnel road moving fast back to CIS land! GUs placed at Southern half of the road refused to move :evil:

well.. it's hard to know how to get all GUs moving properly..north or south.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

the pics show new poti tunnel route..
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

latest tweak files..


- i move more TCL-placed GUs to new poti tunnel road. NOW i load THR relief map, and place EACH GU precisely on the brown road line.
then run cam at 16x. YES! this time ALL hand-placed GUs moving - tho all of them try moving back to CIS land.

conclusion - better place GUs precisely on road or movable terrain/area.

- even so, i encountered reproducible CTDs around Day1 0805.. the crashlog always shows GetMovemntCost error..similar to those in my FF5.5korea cam test.. could it be DB issue?

Code: Select all

FFViper.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module FFViper.exe at 0023:00664738, GetMovementCost()+296 byte(s)
Exception handler called in Campaign Thread.
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.
Code: 8b 10 8b 4d ec ff 52 74 0f b6 c0 3b f0 74 11 8d 
Stack dump:
Stack: 0023:00664738 (0x000002AF 0x00000320 0x00000002 0x00000009) FFViper.exe, GetMovementCost()+296 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00664C28 (0x03E677D8 0x032002AE 0x030A02C9 0x03E677D8) FFViper.exe, GetNeighborCoord()+344 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0063C275 (0x0A1AFE78 0x034B02A1 0x030A02C9 0x00664AD0) FFViper.exe, AS_DataClass::ASSearch()+197 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0066411C (0x0A1AFE78 0x000002A1 0x0098034B 0x120F02C9) FFViper.exe, GetGridPath()+284 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00652EBE (0x0A1AFE78 0x000002A1 0x120E034B 0x000002C9) FFViper.exe, UnitClass::GetUnitGridPath()+206 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:005E311A (0x0001D800 0x00000000 0x006A1013 0x0A1AFF1C) FFViper.exe, BattalionClass::MoveUnit()+2362 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043AABD (0x120FC958 0x00000400 0x0A1AFF28 0x120FC7E0) FFViper.exe, UpdateUnit()+253 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0043536F (0x00000400 0x00000000 0x0C808710 0x0000000A) FFViper.exe, UpdateRealUnits()+223 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434AB0 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, HandleCampaignThread()+688 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00434B99 (0x00000000 0x0A1AFFD4 0x77BA9D42 0x00000000) FFViper.exe, CampaignThread()+57 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77353677 (0x00000000 0x7DF0B8E4 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+18 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77BA9D42 (0x00434B60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+99 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77BA9D15 (0x00434B60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+54 byte(s)
EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000004  EDX=00000004  ESI=00000004
EDI=00000000  EBP=00000000  ESP=0A1AFFF4  EIP=00000000  FLG=00010206
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B
Error occurred at 9/1/2010 22:18:54.
C:\FreeFalcon5\FFViper.exe, run by CCC.
2 processor(s), type 586.
4063 MBytes physical memory.
OS: 6.1 build 7600 platform 2 
Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version
FFViper : 2, 3, 3, 5
Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "atiumdag.dll" - "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570  ", Vendor: 4098, Device: 38227, SubSys: -1875701683, Rev: 0, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0

Game is Campaign type Local
DX Model ID : 0
Texture ID  : 0
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by demer928 »

Your Starting to "Get It".........Congrat's!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
Move Cost is interrelated between GU's and Obj. Link's.......... :wink:
That is why you are seeing this CTD.
Just a your Obj.\Link's Edit's First. Then Save and Quit TacEdit.Then reopen TacEdit and add your GU's.

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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

Based on wiki 2008 South ossetia war map, i wrote down key obj for main combat routes..just for record.

[Black sea Coastal route, N-S]
Sochi-Gagra-Sukhumi-Ochamchira-Zugdidi-Poti *

[Main combat route, N-S]
Alagir-Poti tunnel- Tskhinvali-Khasuri
Alagir-Poti tunnel- Tskhinvali-Gori-Mtskheta-Tbilisi *

[Aux. route to Tbilisi, N-S]

[The only connecting routes for N-S routes, E-W]

- TerrainView check roads, elevations. replace road-bridge tiles with Road tiles. simplify the 3D road network.
- TacEdit check/adjust obj-link, remove unnecessary bridges, lower move cost.
- place GUs on roads to test.

working routes so far.. :oops: :roll:
Nizhniy unal - Tskhinvali
sochi - Gagra
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

- TerrainView check roads, elevations. replace road-bridge tiles with Road tiles. simplify the 3D road network.
- TacEdit check/adjust obj-link, remove unnecessary bridges, lower move cost.
- place GUs on roads to test.
-I've checked and tweaked all major combat routes as listed. the road tiles are continuous now.
-Obj-linking and move cost are roughly checked..seems ok. add some obj to help lowering move cost.
-Georgia terrain is cut in halves by moutains, east part is Tskhinvali to Tifilis, costal part from Sochi to Poti. the transverse connecting route has higher move cost. i doubt GU want to use it.
- Poti tunnel obj renamed to Roki.
-I moved more GUs all over the tweaked routes. run at 64x.
- according to Wiki reference map, separatists control South Ossetia and Abkhazia. ... war_en.svg
i edited objectives in the two areas into [ owner- Georgia, control-CIS ].. BUT it doesn't help anything. Seems this theater needs a NEW country(player) named [ Georgia seperatist ], allied to CIS. Wiki shows Georgia gov launched attack to recover South Ossetia/Tskhinvali first.. so, having these areas as an independant country help cam AI to start offensive, then CIS join the war ( like ROK attack DPRK first, Russia joined later ).
- I tweaked TRI again to make Georgia on offensive first, target Tskhinvali and some Obj in Roki tunnel. run at 64x, yes it first got a offensive move for a while, then Movie played :shock: - blue side turned into defensive.. because i've placed tens CIS GUs along Roki route for test. anyway it seems movie playing mechanisim is ok.
-i deleted all Blue air units, then added one Su-25 sq for georgia.. it works crazily attacking CIS GUs in Roki route.
-GU movement.. for CIS GUs placed in Roki route for test, they moved quickly back to CIS land again! for CIS GUs placed at Sochi-Poti route and transverse connecting route.. well.. no obvious offensive movement noted..just few GUs running back to CIS. The drive of movement in Coastal route seems quite low.
- I manually moved some blue/Georgia GUs to Tskhinvali area, or moved them back precisely on road/city area.. yes i found more blue GUs moving during 64x test. Many of them got orders.
-The test cam again CTD around Day 1 0800.. and crashlod is the same, some GetMovementCost error. i doubt it could be the fault of some immobilized GUs somewhere. so i manually saved some GUs from river, water, and forrest area..but the CTD still happened.
- this theater probably has too many unuse or useless airbase/airstrips..especially in CIS.
-BTW wiki map info shows there were CIS airborne /airmobile operation to Tskhinvali, CIS amphibous landing op at Sukhumi-Ochamchira coast by Black Sea Fleet, and naval engagement at Poti and East Black sea.. it should be cool to have all these events added to a working cam.
- PS .. i suddenly found this theater covers Chechenia - Groznyy! 8-)
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

tweak files 2010-09-03

- fix shared sea tile bug- partially. i replaced (1.63) with sea tiles, all level to sea level zero. ran htti and LxNormalFix tool.
BUT - in 3d world I still see big waves/tsunami like elevation at sea.. elevation not leveled?
well, at least the sea area is tiled with right tile now. :roll:

- As i mentioned, south ossetia and NW georgia area better be set a different country for cam use.
For my own test purpose, i changed the owner/control settingsof these areas to Iran( #3 country).
why #3? in TacEdit Team>team relastionship menu, i found the list=( 0-XX, 1-US, 2-georgia, 3-Iran, 4-CIS, 5-Turkey, 6-Azerbaijzan? )
i dunno if 0 =XX work.. so i chose #3 for test. The bad thing is Georgia starts attacking Iran at lower part of map. :?

i also edited TRI, made Georgia attack seperaist areas(iran) first, then Russia joined the war. well, the result is no good.
i did not add iran GUs to south ossetia, just left CIS GUs along the Roki route.
Even tho i edited TRI, Georgia GUs now face complex, confusing two fronts.. so they did not launch any offensive - just cosolidation.
CIS GUs did not do any offensive - just retreating back, ground posture is cosolidation too.

the only cool thing is [Russia joined the war]. the event is set/triggered by Blue GUs capturing Tskhinvali facotry. movie played nicely on Day 1 0530 = means TRI event edit is ok, and all south ossetia obj color turned into the same color as CIS. :D (in last cam tweak, movie played "Blue side turns into defensive".)
however there's a confusing bug - the event report said " Russia offered support to Azerbaijan", not to "Iran"! i did set owner/control of Tskinvali facotry to #3-Iran.. that's why i got confused at nation/team selection for seperaist stats.. some code error?
maybe changing owner/control to #0 - XX next time.

-i tried to implant CIS AF OOB from site. well.. after tweaking some sq, i found CIS only got Mi-8 at front ABs near Caucasus ridges. the fighter, bomber, and attackers are deployed at black sea coast near Ukrine, Caspian sea coast, and north end of our map. hmm.. it makes simming no joy.. so i drop the idea.

- Add few naval units in Black sea..for decoration.

- CTD still happen on Day 1 0800. same crashlog. i turned on all GU icons-combat, airdefense and support, found many GUs were moving - including airdefense/AAA units! some were at far north end of map! With so many GU-movement calculation.. it's hard to tell which one cause CTD.

I'am about to stop this tweaking's the summaries of to-dos.
- sea -tsunamai elevation bug.
- seperaist stats - nation setting.
- serious GU placement/organization. -> toughest job.
- PAK map creation.
- CTD due to GetMovementCost on Day 1 0800.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

Last edited by ccc on 2010-09-04 08:05:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

The latest zip contains tweaked campaign and TRI, 0904.

- i changed south ossetia obj and NW Georgia obj into [ #0 - XX ] country.
In this way Georgia GUs and ac won't attack Iran [ #3 = Iran ] at south end of map.
- i edited carefully on nation relations [ TacEdit - Team - Relations ].
- i changed three CIS GUs to be owned by South Ossetia seperaist.. placed near Tskhinvali. move more georgia armour/mech units near Tskhinvali south area.
- i edited TRI to ask both sides to capture/hold Geli( in Black sea coast route) to win.

Run the cam at 64x.. this time it shows some progress..

- As ususal, Georgia GUs moved to capture Tskhinvali facotry( seems not an offensive, just on their left hook way back to south/defensive), triggerred [Russian join war] movie.
the event said [ Russian offers suppert to Azerbaijan ] again.. hmm it should be XX.
- Once CIS joined the war, all XX-owned objs turn in the same color as Russia- allied.
the CIS posture is consolidation, and Georgia on Defensive. on 2D map, i saw CIS GUs retreating from Roki route to Alagir.. movement is good.. just in opposite direction.
i also noted Georgia GUs moving along Tskhinvali to Tiflis route.

For CIS GUs at Black sea costal route, i noted thier movement was more prominent - returning back to CIS land. the CIS AAA unit movemnet at north end of map is quite noticable.. seems a waste of cam AI calculation. No ground war engagment noted as both sides were retreating to new postitions.

- On Day 4 0120, surprisingly CIS announced major offensive- movie played! i let the cam keep running till day4 0600, at 64x. ==> a big step forward is.. No CTD on Day 1 0800. Tho CIS is no offensive, i did not see any GU advancing movement.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by DoctorX »

ccc wrote:...however there's a confusing bug - the event report said " Russia offered support to Azerbaijan", not to "Iran"! i did set owner/control of Tskinvali facotry to #3-Iran.. that's why i got confused at nation/team selection for seperaist stats.. some code error?...
The news reports are not linked to the actual teams, they are just pre-written lines of text in the strings.wch file.
ccc wrote:...maybe changing owner/control to #0 - XX next time...
I highly recommend against using team 0 for anything. It can cause problems.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

thanx Dr X.

you are right.. i turned on obj icons and found Azerbijan is white color = it's the same color of Team 0 !!
No wonder Russia offers support to Azerbijan.. and there're events said - bridges captured by Georgia force - in Azerbaijan land.

BTW i found Armenia is the same color as Georgia - blue.

I ran last cam till Day 6, no CTD. no ground unit engagement. i also found CIS GUs at Black sea route try to move south, but unable to pass Ochamchira-Gali.

to fix the obj-linking there, i do some tweak ..

- i add an obj to make Ochamchira-Gali road fit THR road line.
- i also modify the obj-link at Tskhinvali-Kareli road.
In previous cam, Georgia armour GUs retreated back to Tifilis by moving north-capturing Tskhinvali facotry- turning right to east and down south to Gori chemical plant. This moving route has higher move cost then Tskhinvali-Kareli-Gori..but accidentally suitable for a "russian join war" Trigger. I decide to fix this bug wtih TacEdit.

The tweaked cam 0905, well, becomes no joy at all- but resumes normal.
- first, unable to trigger "Russia join war" in Day one.. because Georgia GUs retreated quickly-and properly back to Kareli-Gori, they won't move via the old way.
- ran at 64x, Georgia started major offesniev on Day 3 0120. A armour GU try to capture Tskhinvali by AI order.. but defeated by two team 0 infantry no CIS invovled = no CIS GU movement at all.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by demer928 »

DoctorX wrote: The news reports are not linked to the actual teams, they are just pre-written lines of text in the strings.wch file.
I highly recommend against using team 0 for anything. It can cause problems.
I totally agree. XX or Abandoned Team 0 cause's nothing but problem's. I think it may have something to do with TE_New.tac but not sure. I have safely used Team 7 (8 actually) Gorn though in the past.

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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

i changed south ossetia and NW Georgai to Team 1- US. then edited the team relations/TRI.

- well, the cam reported " Rissian joined the war" at the beginning of war.. movied played. wierd, it should be triggered after Georgia GUs capturing Tskhinvali factory obj. anyway, all US obj turned into the same CIS color, allied..relation setting error?
- Cam at 64x till Day 5, no CTD. then war reported " Blue side on offenisve" - no obvious GU movement yet. movie played.
- now when i exited FF sim, i got constant CTD.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by demer928 »

Please PM\Post Crashlog.

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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

Code: Select all

FFViper.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module ntdll.dll at 0023:77C228C5, RtlInterlockedFlushSList()+752 byte(s)
Exception handler called in WinMain Thread.
Read from location 00000001 caused an access violation.
Code: 8b 12 3b d1 0f 85 b9 5c 00 00 3b d0 0f 85 b1 5c 
Stack dump:
Stack: 0023:77C228C5 (0x01070000 0x03E67A50 0x0018F904 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInterlockedFlushSList()+752 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77C22B47 (0x03E677D0 0x03E677D8 0x03E677D8 0x75891225) ntdll.dll, RtlInterlockedFlushSList()+1394 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77C22A32 (0x01070000 0x00000000 0x03E677D8 0x0018F9A4) ntdll.dll, RtlInterlockedFlushSList()+1117 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:758914D1 (0x01070000 0x00000000 0x03E677D8 0x75891225) kernel32.dll, HeapFree()+20 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00417A03 (0x03E677D8 0x03E677D8 0x0018F9CC 0x0042B9D4) FFViper.exe, free()+107 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0042C640 (0x00000001 0x0018FE14 0x03E677D8 0x03E677D8) FFViper.exe, AS_DataClass::`scalar deleting destructor'()+32 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:0042B9D4 (0x03E45FE8 0x0C425048 0x0018F9F4 0x76AF8174) FFViper.exe, Camp_FreeMemory()+36 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00402F49 (0x75891225 0x00000000 0x00000009 0x01072FE8) FFViper.exe, SystemLevelExit()+265 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00401D31 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x010B2235 0x00000001) FFViper.exe, HandleWinMain()+1313 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00401EE9 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x010B2235 0x00000001) FFViper.exe, WinMain()+73 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:00417D83 (0x7EFDE000 0x0018FFD4 0x77C29D42 0x7EFDE000) FFViper.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+388 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:75893677 (0x7EFDE000 0x77D27FBC 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+18 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77C29D42 (0x00417BFF 0x7EFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+99 byte(s)
Stack: 0023:77C29D15 (0x00417BFF 0x7EFDE000 0x00000000 0x78746341) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+54 byte(s)
EAX=03E67A58  EBX=03E677D0  ECX=0000063B  EDX=00000001  ESI=03E67A50
EDI=01070000  EBP=00000000  ESP=0018FFF4  EIP=00000000  FLG=00010246
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B
Error occurred at 9/7/2010 08:01:06.
C:\FreeFalcon5\FFViper.exe, run by CCC.
2 processor(s), type 586.
4063 MBytes physical memory.
OS: 6.1 build 7600 platform 2 
Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version
FFViper : 2, 3, 3, 5
Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "atiumdag.dll" - "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570  ", Vendor: 4098, Device: 38227, SubSys: -1875701683, Rev: 0, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0

Not in game
DX Model ID : 0
Texture ID  : 0
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

I changed south Ossetia/seperaist state to Team 1-US(owner/control) for test..
- i think.. US-Georgia alliance is hard-coded. US is Team 1, Georgia is team 2(=ROK). so, when i set Tskhinvali(trigger obj) owned/controlled by US, it immediately trigger " Russia joins the war " event in the begining of war. note: i set US-at war against Georgia in Team-Relations page.
- i also think team 6 Azerbaijan(=DPRK) is hard-coded as enemy. it could explain why event report said " Russia offers support to Azerbaijan ", not "US". And, i frequently noted event massage said "Azerbaijan force recaptured bridge.." - BUT there's no Azerbaijan GUs!

-in Intel-Force ratio or Force level page, US and Georgia are always placed together, lebeled in blue matter what relations i set in TacEdit. So, a better team setting is "Georgia=2, ROK. Seperaist stats=6, DPRK." Azerbaijan and Armenia better share team 7..well i found team 7 is named as Abandoned as Team 0-XX, in TacEdit-Team Relations page. naming bug?

Conclusion = For new theater cams, be sure to set BOTH Team 1 and Team 2 as GOOD guys. :mrgreen: Be sure to use Team 6 as BAD guy.

more test finding..
- run cam at 64x, i found blue side can launch major offensive- but aims at different focus..Gali, a city at Black sea coast. i turned on all types of GU icons.. just confirmed that the route from Poti to Kareli( transverse route) is ok - blue GUs can move freely along this route.. they moved close to Gali, then halted for unknown reason.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by DoctorX »

I agree teams 1-2 should always be used as the main opposing force against team 6. But, you can separate teams 1 and 2 if you want to...

In addition to setting the relations tab in tacedit, check the "active" and "member" settings for both teams. Sounds like team 1 and 2 are linked as in Korea. To un-link them, make sure each team is set to "active" in the team relations screen, and that the "member" box for each team is checked for itself and only itself.

Then, in the Teams-info screen, make sure each team is assigned the proper team number (1 for US, 2 for Georgia, etc) in the "Team" box.

You can tell that you did it right if the icons for team 1 turn green.
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

i changed Azerbajan and Armenia to Team 6. South osseetia obj to Team 7.

the cam test still triggered "Russian joins the war" at the first second of war..wierd, the trigger obj is owned by Team 7, but treated as it was captured by Team 1/2.

BTW, the team 0 and team 7 have the same nation name in TacEdit - Abandoned. probably a bug.

alright.. enough for me :mrgreen:
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Re: FreeFalcon 5.5.1 Georgia theater

Post by ccc »

Summary of To-dos.
supplement to this list..

- sea terrain - sea area has tsunamai elevation bug. though terrainView shows zero elevation in these areas.

- seperaist stats - nation setting. South Ossetia and Abkhazia should be set as Team 6(DPRK). Georgia as Team 2(ROK). Azerbajan and Armenia as one Team. reference map: ... war_en.svg

- serious GU placement/organization. -> toughest job. Divisions generate with TCL? reduce AAA units? reduce CIS airbases?

- PAK map creation.

main combat route checked and illustrated.

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