Fired eventhandler aircraft bombing scripts

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Snake Man
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Fired eventhandler aircraft bombing scripts

Post by Snake Man » 2007-10-06 00:46:52

This topic is about fixing the VTE napalm scripts, the script that tracks the dropping bomb and then creates some effects when it hits or rather is about to hit. I opened this topic in hope of developing such scripts to their fullest.

Lets start.

First you launch this script from aircrafts class eventHandlers {} like this:

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		class eventhandlers
			fired = "_this exec ""\VTE_Config\scripts\napalm_distribution.sqs"";";
The above code is still with exec the SQS script, which we should change to SQF of course. Then there is the current napalm_distribution.SQF file which we put together (havent tried it ingame yet so dunno if there are some bugs):

Code: Select all

private [
_plane    = _this select 0;
_weapon   = _this select 1;
_ammoname = _this select 4;
if (_ammoname != "VTE_MK74") exitWith {};
// #MoveMissile
// Get the missile object
_missobj = nearestObject [_plane, _ammoname];
// The bomb can impact, and not trigger
// Also, cluster bombs release at 50 metres
_zpos = getPos _missobj select 2;
while {_zpos > 50 && alive _missobj} do
        sleep 0.05;
        _zpos = getPos _missobj select 2;
if (not alive _missobj) exitWith {};
// Get the bomb velocity and position
_bombvel = velocity _missobj;
_bvx = _bombvel select 0;
_bvy = _bombvel select 1;
_bvz = _bombvel select 2;
_bpos = getPos _missobj;
// Remove the original bomb
deleteVehicle _missobj;
// How many bomblets are we releasing
_numbomblets = 20;
_factor = 1;
if !(local _plane) then {_btype="VTE_Bomblet_Dummy"};
// Create an empty object
_sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
// Place it directly under the plane in the horizontal
_sensor setPos [_bpos select 0, _bpos select 1];
// The OFP engine puts the object on the land surface, so we can get the ground height
_result =(getPos _sensor) select 2;
// Clean up the sensor
deleteVehicle _sensor;
// Bump the zpos upwards
_height = (_bpos select 2);
while {_numbomblets > 0} do
        // Position the bomblet
        _newposx = (_bpos select 0) + (5 * (_numbomblets / 15));
        _newposy = (_bpos select 1) + (5 * (_numbomblets / 15));
        // Create the bomblet
        // this should be createVehicleLocal to reduce the desync!
        _bomblet = _btype createVehicleLocal [_newposx, _newposy, _height];
        // this is additional since v0.4 style script
        [_bomblet] execVM "\VTE_Config\scripts\vehicle\shared\napalm\napalm.sqf";
        // Spread the bomblets into an arc randomly
        _ang = - 5 + random 10;
        ?(_ang <0> 360) : _ang = _ang - 360;
        _nvx = (_bvx * cos(_ang)) + (_bvy * sin(_ang));
        _nvy =-(_bvx * sin(_ang)) + (_bvy * cos(_ang));
        // Randomise the z velocity
        _nvz = _bvz * ((20 + random 130) / 100);
        // Re-speed the bomb
        _bomblet setVelocity [_nvx* _factor, _nvy* _factor, _nvz];
        // Next please
        _numbomblets = _numbomblets -1;
        sleep 0.05;
And then last script is the napalm.sqs (yeah didn't make this to sqf yet):

Code: Select all

_bomb = _this select 0;
?!(alive _bomb): exit;

?!(alive _bomb): goto "create";
_x = getpos _bomb select 0;
_y = getpos _bomb select 1;
_z = getpos _bomb select 2;
?(alive _bomb): goto "napalm";

; make this createVehicleLocal so dont have desync
_smoke = "VTE_Napalm_Smoke" createVehicleLocal [_x,_y,_z];
So any script gurus out there who want to help us tweak the scripts to maximum performance in MP, all suggestions are very welcome. I will update this first post while we do progress with this script, also I want to add other bombing effect scripts like daisy cutter huge smoke cloud effect script in here.
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